本次会议将检讨欧洲委员会机制(Council of Europe)下的《欧洲人权公约》实践。会议尤其关注欧洲委员会机制无法有效运作的领域。与会者将考虑如何利用和改革现行机制,以促进《欧洲人权公约》的有效适用。
0920h Welcome: Prof Ciarán Ó hOgartaigh, President of NUI Galway
0930h Opening remarks: Minister/Deputy Min for Foreign Affairs
Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General, Council of Europe
0955h Special Guest Video Address: Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland / Former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights / Chair of the High-Level Reflection Group to advise on the future role of the Council of Europe
10h Context-setting: The Challenge of Ensuring Effectiveness of the ECHR in Areas of Conflict in Europe,
Dr Andrew Forde, Visiting Fellow, Irish Centre for Human Rights
1020h Establishing ‘Jurisdiction’ in times of conflict and transition under the European Convention on Human Rights,
Dr Stuart Wallace, Associate Professor, University of Leeds
1045h Coffee/Tea/Networking
11h – 12h Panel Discussion: Jurisdictional Challenges under the ECHR in cases linked to Areas of Conflict and Contestation in Europe
Director of Irish Centre for Human Rights / United Nations Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons
Prof Philip Leach,
University of Middlesex, UK
Prof Başak Çalı,
Co-Director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights, Hertie School, Berlin, Germany
Dr Isabella Risini,
Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany
1215 -1230h The Role of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in relation to Conflicts in Europe,
Mr Claude Kern,
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) President of the Sub-Committee on Conflicts concerning Council of Europe member States
1245h - 14h Lunch
14h – 1415h Maximising the Effectiveness of the ECHR: A Perspective from the Constitutional Court of Kosovo,
Gresa Caka-Nimani, President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo