专栏名称: 大胡子阿细
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这个翻唱Joy Division的乐队,成员都是“鱼”

大胡子阿细  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-09-18 13:31


这个乐队的名字叫Koi Division,锦鲤小分队,来自加利福利亚。


他们之所以成立这个翻唱乐队,一方面是他们都喜欢Joy Division,另一方面是另一方面觉得海洋里有很多黑暗和压抑的事情在发生。他们希望喜欢鱼的在听了他们的歌之后也会喜欢上Joy Division。

乐队logo和Joy Division的Unknown Pleasures

Koi Division的唱片厂牌"水族馆唱片"也恶搞了Joy Division的厂牌“工厂”

An Ideal For Fishing | An Ideal For Living

Koi DIvision目前的成员是主唱Ian Clownfish(小丑鱼)、贝斯手Hook(鱼钩)、吉他Bernard Salmon(鲑鱼)和鼓手Steve Moray(海鳗)。

他们目前已经翻唱了Joy Division的12首歌,每首歌都改编成了跟鱼相关的主题,包括歌名和歌词,比如Joy Division最出名的 Love Will Tear Us Apart ,他们翻了个 Lures will Catch us a Carp (鱼饵会给我们抓大鱼)。


等乐队翻完Joy Division的所有歌后,他们就会去一个大鱼缸里去演出了,因为他们觉得在水中表演,是未来的潮流趋势。

来试试他们的这首 Trout Fishin' ,熟悉Joy Division的大概一听就知道了,这是翻唱的 Transmission, 我把原唱放视频下面了。

Trout Fishin'歌词:

Reel em in
Live trout fishing
Reel em in
Live trout fishing

Underwater silence
Suddenly a hook drops
Worm impaled as a lure
Squirming in the sea

Fishpoles with strong lines
Luring in the trout
Gutting them for dinner
Writhing on the boooooooaaaaatttt

We all swim on
in the streams and the ponds
Hiding from predators just to
breed all our spawn

Along comes the fishline
with a tasty worm treat
We have no resistance
We all must eat

Flop flop flop flop flop
in the fishing boat
Flop flop flop flop flop
in the fishing boat
Flop flop flop flop flop
in the fishing boat
Flop flop flop flop flop
in the fishing boat

We can swim on
as though nothing is wrong
as our brothers and sisters
get caught and eaten
No mercy just lunch
is all that they know
to sacrifice life
In the turbulent flow

And we all floooooooppppppppp

Flop flop flop flop flop
in the fishing boat
Flop flop flop flop flop
in the fishing boat
Flop flop flop flop flop
in the fishing boat
Flop flop flop flop flop
in the fishing boat


Radio, live transmission.
Radio, live transmission.

Listen to the silence, let it ring on.
Eyes, dark grey lenses frightened of the sun.
We would have a fine time living in the night,
Left to blind destruction,
Waiting for our sight.

And we would go on as though nothing was wrong.
And hide from these days we remained all alone.
Staying in the same place, just staying out the time.
Touching from a distance,
Further all the time.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio...

Well I could call out when the going gets tough.
The things that we've learnt are no longer enough.
No language, just sound, that's all we need know,
To synchronise love to the beat of the show.

And we could dance.
