(一)近期的财政刺激政策开始在一定程度上提振了信心(there were signs
that recent fiscal stimulus measures were starting to shore up confidence)。
(二)所宣布的系列新刺激政策措施刺激了国内风险资产价格的上升,不过对其它市场的外溢影响有限,同时推动了大量资金流入中国投资基金( the announcement of new policy stimulus measures boosted domestic
risky asset prices, with limited spillovers to other markets; the announcements
also drove notable flows into China-focused investment funds.)。
同时,11月会议纪要还指出中国的核心CPI降至了2008年全球金融危机以来的新低(In China, core inflation fell to its lowest level since the Global
Financial Crisis. By contrast),这说明当前中国面临的通缩压力是比较大的。
(一)市场参与者目前判断经济主下行风险已经降低(risks had become less
skewed toward the downside)。
(二)三季度潜在经济增长动力要比实际经济增速上升的更快(a better signal than
GDP of underlying economic momentum—rose slightly faster than real GDP in the
third quarter.)。
(三)相较于9月,对2024年实际经济增速和通胀水平的预期值均会更高一些(the real GDP growth
projection for 2024 as a whole was higher…The staff's inflation forecast
for 2024 was slightly higher than the one prepared for the previous meeting)。
(四)工作人员已经将下行风险的评估下调至基准线……风险偏向于下行(The staff had reduced
its assessment of the downward risks to the baseline forecast for economic
activity in light of incoming data…the staff judged that these
risks were somewhat skewed to the downside)。
(五)通胀前景上行的风险变化不大,就业和经济下行的风险有所降低(In participants'
evaluation of the risks and uncertainties associated with the economic outlook,
upside risks to the inflation outlook were seen as little changed, while
downside risks to employment and growth were seen as having decreased somewhat)。
以上意味着,在接下来的12月议息会议中,对2024年经济增速和就业的预期值均会发生一定调整,且部分人员预期通胀回到2%的时间会更长一些(although a couple
noted the possibility that the process could take longer than previously
(二)11月议息会议上所有委员均同意降息25BP,而委员们认为继续降息是合适的且,但随着时间的推移转向更中性的立场也是合适的(Participants judged that it was
appropriate to continue the process of reducing the Federal Reserve's
securities holdings……it would likely be appropriate to move gradually toward a
more neutral stance of policy over time)。
(三)值得关注的是,11月议息会议上除有些委员会认为既不能降息太快、也不能降息太慢外,还有委员会提出了考虑暂停降息(some participants
noted that the Committee could pause its easing of the policy rate)。
(一)会议纪要指出过去货币市场利率水平出现了季节性的明显上升(特别是季末,quarter-end),有担保的隔夜回购协议利率上升较多(In secured funding markets, rates on overnight repurchase agreements(repo)increased sharply)。
(二)由于联邦基金市场对准备金的变化不敏感,故工作人员建议对隔夜逆回购协议利率(the rate offered at
the overnight reverse repurchase agreement,ON RRP)进行技术性调整(the possibility of a technical adjustment to the ON RRP offering rate),即将其下调5BP使其与联邦基金利率目标区间的下限一致,以便传导至货币市场。
(三)the ON RRP offering rate是美联储于2014年9月议息会议上推出的一项补充政策工具,其用意是使联邦基金利率能够控制在FOMC所设定的区间内(lowering the ON RRP
offering rate 5 basis points would align the ON RRP offering rate with the
bottom of the target range for the federal funds rate),此次调整将增强美联储调控货币市场利率的有效性,缓解货币市场过去经常出现的季节性流动性压力。
(一)2025年恢复联邦政府债务上限可能会对市场流动性产生影响( the possible implications for
the composition of Federal Reserve liabilities stemming from the federal debt
limit potentially being reinstated in 2025……these substantial shifts could
mask the effects of ongoing balance sheet runoff on money market conditions and
pose challenges in assessing reserve conditions)。
(二)银行目前仍持续大量长久期资产,更容易受到长端利率意外上升的影响。相较而言,以杠杆率较高的对冲基金和以持有流动性较差资产比例较高的寿险公司等为代表的非银行金融机构面临的风险在加大(banks continued to
hold large quantities of long-duration assets, leaving them more exposed than
usual to an unexpected rise in longer-term interest rates. In the nonbank sector, leverage at hedge funds remained high, partly on account of the prevalence of the
Treasury cash–futures basis trade. Life insurers' leverage remained somewhat
elevated, and they continued to maintain large holdings of risky and illiquid