Tom Hanks:
1993年 《费城故事》(Philadelphia)
1994年 《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)
1988年 《飞越未来》(Big)
2000年 《荒岛余生》(Cast Away)
1993年 《西雅图不眠夜》(Sleepless in Seattle)
1998年 《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)
2007年 《查理·威尔逊的战争》(Charlie Wilson's War)
大家对题图视频中的打印机是不是很奇怪,而其实这部短篇小说集中的17个故事都是Hanks用老式打字机写成的,“打字机”也将成为贯穿17个故事的主题。书名“Uncommon Type”(Type既有“类型”也有“打字”的意思)也有一语双关的含义。Hanks对于打字机的狂热由来已久,过去数十年收集了上百台的打字机。2014年,他还曾联手技术人员开发过一款名叫“Hanx Writer”的APP,让用户可以用手机打出如打字机一般的文字效果,一度名列应用市场热销榜单。
对了如果你对演员出书不感兴趣的话,那么至少可以读下《阿兰·比恩+4》(Alan Bean Plus Four),这篇此前已经发表在《纽约客》上的文章据说是本书中最好的故事了。
Uncommon Type
by Tom Hanks
Print Length: 416 pages
“It turns out that Tom Hanks is also a wise and hilarious writer with an endlessly surprising mind. Damn it.”
—Steve Martin
“The central quality to Tom’s writing is a kind of poignant playfulness. It’s exactly what you hope from him, except you wish he were sitting in your home, reading it aloud to you, one story at a time.”
—Mindy Kaling
“Wait—Tom Hanks can write, too? Funny, moving, deftly surprising stories? That's just swell. Maybe there's no crying in baseball, pal, but it's perfectly acceptable in the book business. That's how we drown envy.”
—Carl Hiaasen
“Mr. Hanks turns out to be as authentically genuine a Writer with as capital a W as ever touched a typewriter key. The stories in UNCOMMON TYPE range from the hilarious to the deeply touching. They move in period, location and manner, but all demonstrate a joy in writing, a pleasure in communicating an intensely American sense of atmosphere, friendship, life and family that is every bit as smart, engaging and humane as the man himself. All with that extra quality of keenly observant and sympathetic intelligence that has always set Tom Hanks apart. I blink, bubble and boggle in amazed admiration.”
—Stephen Fry
“Uncommon Type is funny, wise, gloriously inventive and humane. Tom Hanks sees inside people – a wary divorcee, a billionaire trading desire for disaster, a boy witnessing his father’s infidelity, a motley crew shooting for the moon – with such acute empathy and good humour we’d follow him anywhere. The cumulative effect is of a world I didn’t want to leave.”
—Anna Funder