专栏名称: 独霸上海的妖怪
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独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-09-15 08:30



考研英语真题精读从本周日开始恢复更新啦。这周我们讲考研英语一2011 Text 4的真题原文。这篇文章来自Newsletters 2010年7月9日的一篇名为“Not On Board With  Baby”。我们会分为两周来完成,今天带大家学习第一段。


在正式开始阅读前,我先教大家如何最大化的利用好 “考研英语真题精读” 这个专栏的内容。

如果你是 今明两年内 会参加 考研 的同学(而且还没有开始做真题),先不要阅读原文,直接阅读每个段落的”词汇讲解“部分,打好词汇基础。等到以后做完真题后,再打开本文,阅读语篇分析,查漏补缺。

如果你是 已考上研究生 今明两年内 不会参加 考研 同学,可直接把这篇文章当做一篇普通的外刊文章来阅读。考研英语真题选自原汁原味的外刊,并且有一定难度,跟下来会对提高阅读理解能力大有裨益。

我们会从 词、句、篇 三个方面帮大家吃透考研阅读真题,采用 各大外刊最鲜 活的语料 刺激大家的记忆。除此之外,还会从考研阅读真题里 提炼写作地道表达和写作句型 ,手把手教大家 从输入 转为输出 ,带大家稳扎稳打地提高语言实力。



2011 Text 4

Not On Board With  B aby

It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatter – nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience.

Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition.

Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that “the very things that in the moment dampenour moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”


2011 Text 4

Not On Board With  B aby

第一段 提出了本文探讨的核心“育儿观”, 第一段话只有三句话,但每一句都很长,我们以句为单位来阅读。 我们先来看文章第①句。

It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful , provocative magazine cover story , “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatter nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling , life-enriching experience.

  • 📒语篇分析:①句以热点话题Jennifer Senior的文章引入话题:育儿(chil d reari ng)。

  • insightful ['ɪnsaɪtful] “有深刻了解的;富有洞察力的” (showing a clear understanding of a person or situation) ,是一个褒义词,来源于名词 insight

  • 派生的形容词 provocative [prəˈvɑkətɪv] 有两层含义:

  • 1. “挑衅的,煽动性的”,比如煽动性的言论 a provocative remark

  • 2. “挑逗性的”,比如撩人的一笑: a provocative smile

  • provocati ve provoke 派生而来,我们在 经济学人:你是什么垃圾?|外刊精读 也讲过:

  • provoke 指“激起,引起” (to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect) ,比如某事引起愤怒: provoke anger/outrage/fury ,某事引起争议: sth provokes controversy ,某事引起广泛的批评: sth provokes widespread criticism

  • cover story 指“封面故事”, cover 作名词指“封面” (the outside of a book or a magazine)

  • 我们在 2010 text1 评述古典艺术评论的衰落 这篇文章遇到过 cover 作动词的用法,意思是“报道”,我们一起来复习一下原句: In those far- off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write in detail and at length about the events they covered. 在那个遥远的年代,各大报刊的评论家们都会详尽细致地述他们所报道的事件,这在当时是理所当然的。

  • coverage 也可表示“报道”, 比如 exclusive coverage 独家报道

  • arouse [ə'raʊz] 义为“激起,引起” (to make sb have a particular feeling or attitude)

  • 我们在 2010 Text 2 第一道题的题干也遇到过 arouse 这个词,原句是 Business-method patents have recently aroused concern because of… 句中 arouse concern 指引人担忧,再比如引人怀疑: arouse suspicion ,引起兴趣: arouse interest

  • chatter ['tʃætə] 义为“唠叨,喋喋不休” (continuous rapid talk about things that are not important) 比如 Stop this eternal chatter! 不要唠叨个不停!我们 可以联系 chat “聊天”一起记忆。

  • Nothing gets people talking like … 指“没有什么能像 一样让人们谈论”,我们把这个句式背下来,引入热点话题,比如 Nothing gets people taking like the soaring tensions between two superpowers, China and the United States. 没有什么像中美两个超级大国之间的日渐紧张的局势更能引发人们讨论了。

  • child rearing 指“育儿”, 与后文出现的raising kids为同义替换。

  • rearing 源于 rear rear作动词表示“抚育,培养”( to care for young children or animals until they are fully grown)

  • rear 还可作名词,基本含义是“后部,后面”,与 front 相对,比如 a garden at the rear of the house 屋后的花园

  • anything less than 义为“绝非,根本不是”,表示否定,比如 The comeback of Manchester United was anything less than miracle. 曼联队的逆转绝非奇迹。

  • fulfilling [fʊl'fɪlɪŋ] 义为“让人感觉有意义的;令人满足的” (causing sb to feel satisfied and useful) ,比如 a fulfilling experience 有成就感的经历。

  • life-enriching 是一个合成形容词, 由life和enrich合成 义为“使生活丰富多彩的”。

  • enrich 表示“充实;使丰富” (to improve the quality of sth, often by adding sth to it)


没有什么比“抚育孩子成长绝非是个完全令人满足、生活充实的经历”这样的话题更能激发人们谈兴的了。 因此珍妮弗·西尼尔那具有远见卓识又带有煽动性的杂志封面故事——《我爱我的孩子,我恨我的生活》引发人们众多讨论时,这也就不足为奇了。

Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable , Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy , we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition .

  • 📒语篇分析: 句承接 句,详细阐述 Jennifer Senior 的幸福观,为后文引入她的育儿观作铺垫。 Rather than instead of 都体现出 Jennifer Senior 的观点的独特。

  • conclude 指“断定,推断出,下结论” ( to decide or believe sth as a result of what you have heard or seen)

  • miserable ['mɪzrəbl] 义为“痛苦的;非常难受的” (very unhappy or uncomfortable) ,同义词还有unhappy, sad, sorrowful, depressed等等。

  • moment to moment 义为“即时的”, 即immediate,故moment to moment joy表示“即刻的快乐”。

  • past-tense 义为“过去式”,与前面 的moment to moment 相对

西尼尔 没有对 孩子带给父母的究竟是幸福还是痛苦 作出定论,而是暗示我们需要重新定义幸福: 没有得出养育孩子让父母变得快乐或痛苦这一结论,而是认为我们应该重新定义何为快乐:快乐不应该用即时的快乐去评判,而应将其视为过去的一种状态。

Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that “ the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”

  • 📒 语篇分析: 句承接 句,阐述 Jennifer Senio r的育儿观。

  • day-to-day 指“日常的” (day-to-day things or activities exist or happen every day as part of ordinary life.) ,比如◇日常生活: day-to-day life ◇日常工作: day-to-day work

  • soul-crushing 由soul和crush合成,指“冲击灵魂” (used to describe an overwhelming, deadly boring, or otherwise psychologically damaging corporate job) ,常用于形容事物对身心造成巨大冲击。


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