专栏名称: 飞灵汽车网
飞灵汽车是国内一群汽车工程师联手打造的优质内容平台,汽车人内参, 以八卦的视角解读汽车行业现象,以专业的高度探讨汽车技术趋势,以娱乐的心态释放圈内各种吐槽,以精准的定位传播汽车行业优质招聘信息。
汽车金融大全APP  ·  全款买车却签贷款协议,4S店倒闭,30名车主被骗 ·  昨天  
新民晚报  ·  官宣!周冠宇加盟法拉利! ·  2 天前  
新民晚报  ·  官宣!周冠宇加盟法拉利! ·  2 天前  
交通运输部  ·  春运2025丨春运里充电这“桩”事 ... ·  3 天前  
晋城城区  ·  价格上涨!时间定了! ·  4 天前  
玩车教授  ·  短视频 | 提前知道这些 遇到事故不吃亏! ·  5 天前  
51好读  ›  专栏  ›  飞灵汽车网

猎头职位:质量工程师 - 冲压-上海

飞灵汽车网  · 公众号  · 汽车  · 2017-05-10 18:18


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1、Responsible contact for all customer quality issues for related product group after SOP.

2、Make sure fast response to customer claims in respect of 8D handling to reach high customer satisfaction level.

3、Organize an d moderate problem resolving process regarding customer claims an d support improvement of internal quality issues

4、Adhere to internal escalation process

5、Collect, review an d monitor customer/process quality data an d KPI, incl. SAP routines

6、Apply safe launch methods during project launch phase to secure quality performance of each project

7、Maintain clear, prompt communication with internal interface, e.g. lab, supplier quality team to make sure efficient problem solving

8、Tasks that are for the benefit of the Brose which assigned by supervisor.


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