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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-03-28 06:09



       在泰国不能用手指僧侣。女性不许与僧侣握手。在汽车上不可与僧侣邻坐。晴天路遇僧侣时,必须绕开僧侣的身影。佛教影响力深入民间的另一原因是大部份泰国佛教家庭,必然有一位男丁入住寺庙修道,研习佛教道理。 据佛教习俗,信奉佛教的男性而年 龄超逾21岁者,在其一生中,须接受剃度一次,以实践僧侣生活,短则五天,长则三个月。

The missing monkThailand’s junta feuds with an influential Buddhist sect


A dragnet at the order’s headquarters fails to snare a fugitive abbot



From the print edition | Asia


Feb 23rd 2017 | PATHUM THANI


SOME people think he has fled abroad. Others say he may have died. For more than a year the authorities in Thailand have been trying to get hold of Phra Dhammachayo, the reclusive former leader of a controversial Buddhist sect who is wanted for questioning in a fraud case. On February 16th a group of officers finally gained access to the vast religious complex which his Dhammakaya movement maintains on the outskirts of Bangkok. Instead of locating the septuagenarian monk—often pictured in signature sunglasses—they found an empty bed stuffed with pillows.

有人认为他逃到了国外,也有人说他可能已经死了。在这一年多内,泰国当局一直试图抓住Phra Dhammachayo——一个富有争议的佛教宗派的前领袖,而且他早已退隐。但他涉嫌策划一个欺诈案。2月16日政府官员终于有机会接近这个庞大而又复杂的修道士团体,因为他的Dhammakaya运动要在曼谷市郊举行。不过,他们并没有找到这个常被刻画成戴着太阳镜的七十多岁的僧侣,只是找到了堆满枕头的空床。

  • septuagenarian  n. 七十岁老者

  • get hold of 把握,抓住

  • controversial adj.有争议的

  • outskirt  n.郊区,市郊

By February 22nd more than 4,000 police and soldiers were lingering outside the Dhammakaya compound—waiting to complete a full sweep of the massive site but apparently hindered by monks and devotees who had blocked its dozen entrances. A spokesman for the sect claimed that 30,000 people were still inside the property, having ignored orders to leave; there have been scuffles at its gates. Apiradee, a retired civil servant helping to feed Dhammakaya followers who had gathered in support outside the police cordon, said she has never seen anything like it.


  • scuffle  n.混战,扭打

  • linger   v.徘徊,磨蹭

  • hinder  v.阻碍,牵制

Founded in the 1970s, the Dhammakaya movement claims about 3m followers around the world. It is by far the most influential temple in Thailand. It bears a loose resemblance to the evangelical mega-churches that increasingly beguile the world’s Christians.(读者试译句) Dhammakaya’s mostly middle-class adherents complain that older Buddhist temples have grown complacent and materialistic. They insist, rather grandly, that the Bangkok compound, with its vast stadium, is meant to become a kind of Buddhist Vatican.

Dhammakaya运动于二十世纪九十年代创立,宣称在全世界约有三百万教徒。到目前为止,该教 最有影响力的寺庙在泰国。“期待您的翻译,将您的理解留言在文章下方留言处,第二天将会有长难句解析哟~。”Dhammakaya的大部分中产阶级拥护者抱怨大佛寺变得自满且唯物论了。他们宣称宁愿把曼谷和其大体育场变成佛教梵蒂冈。

  • adherents支持者,拥护者

But Dhammakaya has fierce opponents both within the Buddhist establishment and outside it. Critics denounce it as a cult that peddles wacky theology, and warn that it misleads wealthy urbanites into thinking that they can purchase religious merit. (The most serious of the several allegations against PhraDhammachayo relates to a case in which an acolyte funded a donation with cash embezzled from a credit union.) Thailand’s ruling junta worries that the movement’s leaders are sympathetic to the cause of Thaksin Shinawatra, a populist former prime minister toppled in 2006 whose lingering influence the generals and their backers are determined to stamp out.

但是Dhammakaya在佛教内部和外部都有强劲的对手。批评家公开指责它是一种传播古怪的神学的邪教,还警告大家说它会诱导有钱的城市居民他们去买功德。(在Dhammakaya的反对者中爆料了一件事,一个祭司用从合作信用社贪污来的钱建立了一个捐款基金。)泰国执政政府担心这场运动的发起人支持在2006年被打倒的前任平民主义首相Thaksin Shinawatra的遭遇,这有可能使将军和他们的支持者决心去造反。

  • denounce  v.公开指责

  • peddle   v.宣传,传播

  • allegation  n.陈述,指控

  • acolyte   n.助手,助理

  • embezzled  v.贪污,盗用(公款等)

Last year the junta abandoned several attempts to drag PhraDhammachayo out for questioning, fearful of the outrage that might follow were soldiers to be pictured manhandling monks. The latest effort looks more concerted. It may not be a coincidence that the operation began shortly after the installation of a new Supreme Patriarch (Thai Buddhism’s most senior monk). That job is usually filled according to a strict hierarchy but had been held open for several years after conservative clergy refused to endorse the expected successor—in part because of worries that he was too close to Dhammakaya. The junta took the unusual step of asking King Vajiralongkorn, who succeeded his father in December, to solve that dispute; he anointed a less controversial alternative, SomdetPhraMahaMuniwong, who hails from the smaller and more orthodox of Thailand’s two main Buddhist orders.


  • orthodox   adj. 正统的; 规范的; 公认的

  • outrage   n.愤慨; 暴行; 骇人听闻的事件

  • manhandle  vt.  撕打; 粗暴地对待,虐待

  • concerted   adj. 协调的; 协定的; [乐] 合拍调的

  • hierarchy  n. [计] 分层,层次; 等级制度; 

  • conservative  adj.  保守的

  • clergy  n.(尤指基督教堂内的)牧师,教士

  • successor  n.(c) 继任者,继承人

  • anoint   vt.指定,用油软膏涂抹; (宗教仪式上)抹油使神圣化

  • hail from  来自…

Monks at the Dhammakaya temple say that they have not seen their former abbot for months. They say the real aim of the raid is to shut the entire temple down. The generals may yet decide to back away from the fight, as they have done previously. They could perhaps claim that the searches they have already conducted are enough to declare the operation complete. That might look like a defeat, but it is hard to escape the conclusion that the Dhammakaya movement is running out of powerful friends. With the royal succession—which some had feared would be tumultuous—safely behind it, Thailand’s conservative establishment is reasserting itself, in religion as in politics.


  • reassert  vt.再断言,重复主张

  • raid  n.(骑兵队等的)急袭,突然袭击,突击,(军舰等的)游击; 劫掠,劫夺

  • tumultuous   adj. 骚乱的; 吵闹的

翻译 ▍E-R-2

审核 ▍小情人

编辑 ▍hua外音

Try to translate 

 It bears a loose resemblance to the evangelical mega-churches that increasingly beguile the world’s Christians.

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