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每日外刊 | 1211_直面德国最黑暗记忆,默克尔执政14年来首访奥斯维辛

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-12-11 07:03



当地时间本周五(12月6日),默克尔在出任德国总理14年来,首次到访波兰南方小城奥斯维辛的集中营旧址。在波兰总理莫拉维茨基(Mateusz Morawiecki)和一名87岁的灭绝营幸存者的陪伴下,默克尔走过了集中营的大门,那句臭名昭著的"劳动使你自由(Arbeit macht frei)"在大门上方。在成千上万名囚犯曾遭射杀的"死亡之墙"前,默克尔献上花圈并默哀一分钟。"为了确保这些罪行不会再重复,为了继续抗争反犹思想,我们必须再次讲述这个故事、这段历史,以保持警惕。"默克尔说道。在整个二战期间,遭到纳粹德国种族清洗运动屠杀的犹太人约有600万名。"我向大屠杀中的受害者鞠躬。"默克尔对着台下的大屠杀幸存者说道,"德国人曾在这里犯下野蛮的罪行,其程度超过了一切认知的范畴。我对此深感羞愧。"尽管在战后,德国通过立法、教育和社会工作等举措,否定了以反犹思想为主的、偏执的种族意识形态。但近年来,德国正面临着一股新生且非德意志的反犹思潮,甚至引发了街头暴力和持枪伤人事件。两个月前,犹太教最重要的圣日"赎罪日"当天,德国东部城市哈雷一犹太教堂门前发生枪击案,致两人死亡。默克尔是二战以来第三位踏上这片土地的德国总理,距上一位总理赫尔穆特·科尔最后一次造访,已过去了24年。


Where there is no hope, there can be no endeavor. -- Andrew Johnson


Merkel visits Auschwitz for the first time in her 14 years as German chancellor

German Chancellor Angela Merkel made a symbolic visit to the former Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz on Friday, for the first time in her 14 years as premier. She is expected to give a speech at a ceremony, which Merkel is attending alongside Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and camp survivors, and pause for a minute’s silence at the “Black Wall” where Nazi SS officers carried out executions by firing squad.

Nazi Germany executed more than 1.1 million people at Auschwitz-Birkenau during the Holocaust, the vast majority of whom were Jews. The gas chambers at the site near Krakow, Poland, were key in the Nazi campaign to wipe out Europe’s Jewish population. More than 6 million Jews were killed.

Merkel’s trip, the first by a German chancellor in almost a quarter-century, comes just two months after a deadly shooting at a synagogue in Halle, and as Germany once again grapples with rising anti-Semitism. Given Merkel’s “very clear attitude” toward the crimes of the Nazis, it should not be a cause for criticism that she has not made an official visit to the site until now.

文本选自 :The Washington Post(华盛顿邮报)

作者 :Loveday Morris

原文标题 :Merkel visits Auschwitz for the first time in her 14 years as German chancellor

原文发布时间 :6 Dec. 2019


早起卡 ☞ 哪里没有努力, 里就不可能有希望。-- 安德鲁·约翰逊

翻译卡 ☞ 默克尔担任德国总理14年以来首次访问奥斯威辛集中营。




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