专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-11-07 12:00


我每天都会在社交媒体上收到很多不错的问题,并选出一些进行回复。有读者告诉我,他们也想看看这些问题和回复,所以我决定把它们整理起来,用全新的“每周回答”形式与大家分享, 让更多读者受益。欢迎大家继续和我讨论这些问题以及有关《原则》等话题。


Hi Ray.Do you have any time management skills or experience can share to people ?Thank you !


我有很多时间管理的技巧,但由于字数有限,我仅列出以下三点:1) 拥有好的反馈措施去帮助你看清如何提高做不同事情的成果,它们可以是具体的数字或者是他人的反馈意见;2) 恰当地使用工具,例如待办事项清单、日历或备忘录等;3) 让身边优秀的人在不同方面锻炼你,从而让你在一天内完成尽可能多的事情,并在时间管理上给出他们的建议。

I have a bunch of ways to improve one’s time management that would take me too long to pass along in this brief space I will suggest three - 1) Have good feedback measures that help you see how you are improving your outcomes when you do different things.  They can be actual stats or the feedback of others.  2)  Use tools like to-do lists, calendars and reminders well. 3) Have great people around you leverage you in the various ways they can so you can get as much as possible out of a day and have them help you with your time management.


我想问一下达利欧先生,怎样在缤纷多彩 纷繁复杂的世界里保持不忘初心?



I know what’s important to me and pursue that and I know how to prioritize well.




生活本身就是充满困难的,你似乎在抱怨生活中的困难,而不是去努力战胜它们。换一句话说,你似乎卡在了五步流程的第二步(找到阻碍你实现这些目标的问题,并且不容忍问题)。你要将五步流程铭记于心,并快速不断地去实践它来帮助你持续向实现目标迈进。为此你要做到:1) 明确你的目标并为此努力;在这个过程中你会遭遇挫折和困难,所以你需要 2) 找到并不容忍那些阻碍你获得成功的问题和困难;然后,3) 你要对问题进行诊断,找到它们的根源;4) 在他人的帮助下,设计解决方案来规避问题;5)最后,根据方案去执行。反复快速这样去做,你就会加快前进的步伐。

Life is filled with difficulties.  You sound like you are complaining about them rather that moving ahead to get rid of them. In other words you sound like you are stuck in the second step in the 5-Step process.   Keep the 5-Step process in mind and keep doing it fast to keep moving toward achieve if your goals. To repeat it, 1) Make clear your goals and go  after them. That will lead you to encounter your problems/difficulties. So then you need to 2) Identify and not tolerate the problems/difficulties that are standing in your way of getting to what you want.  Then 3) diagnose them to get at their root causes, 4) design a plan to get around them with the help of others, and then 5) follow through and do that plan. So that over and over quickly and you will move forward quickly.





Too often people complain about things and don’t do anything about their complaints. Problems are simply puzzles to solve. To me you are simply stating a problem. To me the question is simply what those victims should do about their situation.  I could give you what I would do if were them based on my principles but I suggest that you try to solve that puzzle yourself because it seems that you need to practice converting your identification of problems to solve the problems.  By the way, you can do that with the help of smart others if your open-minded which makes the problem solving much easier than if you had to do it alone.
