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CINNO  · 公众号  · 数码  · 2017-04-10 15:25





Kopin总裁兼首席执行官John C.C.博士说:“市场对我们的Lightning™OLED显示屏给予了非常积极的回应,这些OLED显示屏具有卓越的图像质量、小尺寸、高帧速率和低功耗。我们有一个无晶圆厂制造模型,用于后端硅晶片处理和前端OLED沉积。我们第一个在OLED微显示行业开创了这样的模式,今天的公告是我们无晶圆厂模型的重要组成部分。我们与OLiGHTEK的合作将使我们能够在2017年底开始批量生产我们的Lightning™OLED显示器。京东方OLIGHTEK和Kopin之间的协议将为日益增长的AR和VR市场提供业界领先的硅基OLED显示屏。”


Kopin Enters Into Partnership Agreements to Meet the Coming Demand for OLED Micro-Displays for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

WESTBOROUGH, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Kopin Corporation (Nasdaq: KOPN), a leading developer of micro-displays and innovative wearable computing technologies and solutions, today announced two agreements with two leading global OLED companies as part of its unique fab-less OLED manufacturing strategy for its silicon-based Lightning™ OLED displays introduced at CES in January 2017Kopin sees continued market indicators of high demand of OLED micro-displays for both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in the coming years and these new agreements represent important steps in preparing to meet both the near-term and long-term demands.

Kopin signed an agreement with Yunnan OLiGHTEK Opto-electronics Technology Co. Ltd. (OLiGHTEK), a leader in high performance OLED micro-displays on silicon. The parties will jointly purchase an advanced production OLED deposition line to be installed within OLiGHTEK’s facility in order to augment OLiGHTEK’s existing capabilities. This OLED deposition line is expected to be ready for volume production by the end of 2017, enabling Kopin to meet the near-term customer demand for its consumer OLED micro-displays. Under the terms of the agreement, Kopin will be entitled to 50% of the new line output.

Kopin has also entered into a separate agreement with BOE Technology Group Co. Ltd. (BOE) and OLiGHTEK. The agreement will establish a high-volume, state of the art facility to manufacture OLED micro-displays to support the growing AR and VR markets. The new facility, which would be the world’s largest OLED-on-silicon manufacturing center, will be managed by BOE and is expected to be built in Kunming, Yunnan ProvinceChina. BOE is a world leader in the manufacture of liquid crystal and OLED on glass displays for televisions, tablets and smartphones.

“We have received extremely positive response to our Lightning OLED displays which have superb image quality, small size, fast frame-rate and low power consumption,” said Dr. John C.C. Fan, Kopin’s President and CEO. “We have a fab-less manufacturing model both for the back-end silicon wafer processing and the front-end OLED deposition for our Lightning OLED displays. This is a first in the OLED micro-display industry, and today’s announcements represent important elements of our fab-less model. Our partnership with OLiGHTEK will enable us to begin volume production of our Lightning OLED displays in late 2017. The agreement between BOE, OLiGHTEK and Kopin will provide industry leading capacity and quality of OLED micro-displays for the growing AR and VR markets when the facility is completed.”

Neither of these new agreements involves licensing of any Kopin technologies.

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