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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2016-12-31 11:20










full coverage of the serious illness insurance nationwide

Premier Li Keqiang said in the Government Work Report in March that full coverage of the serious illness insurance nationwide will be completed this year. And according to official statistics, more than 1b urban and rural residents are now covered by the serious illness insurance system.

"重大疾病"可用critical/serious illness表示,因此"重大疾病保险"就是critical/serious illness insurance。虽然基本医保体系(basic healthcare insurance system)和新农合医保体系(new rural cooperative medical care system)已经覆盖了全国95%的人口,但在遇到重大疾病时,人们的医疗费用(medical expenditure)负担仍然很重,不少家庭甚至会因病致贫(fall into poverty because of illnesses)。

近年来,李克强多次强调大病医保的重要性(stress the significance of serious illness insurance)。他在年初的一次国务院常务会议(an executive meeting of the State Council)上表示,我国的贫困人口(the impoverished population)中,因病致贫、因病返贫占了很大比例。通过大病保险给他们一个基本的保障(basic guarantee),这本身是"善事",更是全社会的"稳定器"(stabilizer for the whole society)。李克强称:"大病保险制度的探索,既包括社会保障体系(social security system)构建,又包括把社会保障与商业保险(commercial insurance)相结合实现'兜底',还包括织牢社会安全网(a net for social security),让老百姓安心就业创业。"


医疗保险 medical insurance
免费医疗服务 free medical service
疾病防治 disease prevention and control
医事服务费 medical service fee
药品加成 medicine markup

互联网保险 online insurance


year-end anxiety/panic

The Spring Festival is coming and the festival atmosphere is much stronger, so is the year-end anxiety.

"年末焦虑"(year-end anxiety/panic)指的是由于年关将至而产生的自责(self-reproach)和恐慌的心理,通常是由年度收入不佳(a poor financial year)以及工作和家庭压力(pressure from work and family)引起的。年终总结(year-end review)、工作上的人事变动(personnel changes at work)以及巨大的节日花销(large amount of festival spending)让很多人感到厌烦、无助、焦虑和恐慌(frustration, helplessness, anxiety and panic),其中有些人甚至出现肠胃不适(stomatch disorder)、头疼(headache)、失眠(insomnia)等症状。

中国青年报近日对2003人进行的一项调查发现,86%的受访者在年末感到焦虑(feel anxious at the end of the year)。受访者称年末焦虑主要来自经济压力(economic pressure),除此之外,工作压力(work pressure)、人际关系(interpersonal relationships)、个人发展(personal development)、情感健康(emotional well-being)、学业压力(academic pressure)都是焦虑来源。

复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院心理学副教授吴国宏表示,社会环境中的诸多不确定性(uncertainties)无法给人稳定的安全感。这些不确定性会转化为人们心理上的焦虑。吴国宏还表示,人们喜欢在每年年初制定计划(make plans),可到了年末,有些人发现计划没能实现(fail to complete the plans),这种心理落差(psychological gap)会使人产生焦虑。


年终总结 year-end review
年终奖 year-end bonus
年终审计 year-end audit
年终大甩卖 year-end sale
催婚 urge sb to get married
销售任务 sales target


expulsion/ejection of diplomats

US President Barack Obama has ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for what the US believes was interference by Moscow in the 2016 US presidential election.


即将离任的美国总统奥巴马29日发布一项行政命令(issue an executive order),宣布因俄罗斯涉嫌通过网络袭击(cyber attack)干预美国选举过程(intervene in the US election process)而对俄进行制裁(impose sanctions on Russia)。35名俄罗斯外交官被驱逐(be ejected from the US),被勒令在72小时内离境(be given 72 hours to leave the country)。俄罗斯方面否认美国的指控(deny the US accusations),称将考虑采取报复措施(consider retaliatory measures)。

美国当选总统特朗普一直对"俄罗斯应对黑客袭击负责"的报道持低调态度(downplay reports that Russia was responsible for the hacks)。正在度假的特朗普称:"是时候让我们的国家向着更大更好的方向前行了(it's time for our country to move on to bigger and better things)。"特朗普还称,要怪就怪"电脑使我们的生活变得太复杂(computers have complicated lives very greatly)"。路透社分析称,不论奥巴马政府对俄采取何种行动,特朗普就职后是否会扭转这些措施(roll back the measures once he takes office)才是重点。


外交驱逐 diplomatic expulsion
情报机构 intelligence agency
情报人员 intelligence operative
国际行为准则 international norms of behavior
两党分歧 bipartisan discord
反击 punch back


malicious comments

The allegation that malicious comments seriously damaged the ecosystem of the film industry causes a stir online.

近日有媒体点名批评豆瓣、猫眼等的电影评分缺乏公信力(lack credibility),还称个别大V和微信公众号(WeChat public accounts)为博眼球(grab eyeballs/attention)、圈粉丝(gain legions of fans, garner a swathe of fans)、流量(web traffic)变现等目的,发布恶意的、不负责任的言论(ill-intentioned/malicious and irresponsible comments),严重破坏了中国电影的生态环境;并质疑贺岁档(New Year movie season)三部国产电影(domestic films)《摆渡人》、《长城》、《铁道飞虎》被恶意打低分(low scores/ratings)。

此番言论在网上激起轩然大波(cause a stir online)。微信公众号"人民日报评论"发表文章《中国电影,要有容得下"一星"的肚量》。文章称,中国电影要有容得下"打一星"(tolerate a one-star review)的肚量,真正拿出"立得住、传得开、留得下"的作品才是重要的问题。针对有媒体报道称国家新闻出版广电总局电影局约谈(invite...for a chat, summon...for talks)豆瓣一事,该局局长张宏森在朋友圈回应,称电影局没有与豆瓣有过任何接触(deny any contact between his bureau and Douban)。


影评网站 film rating/review site
操纵评分 manipulate ratings
口水战 war of words
大片 blockbuster
首映 premiere
票房 box office


hallyu visa

South Korea will introduce a new visa named hallyu in January to attract affluent Chinese tourists.

据报道,"韩流签证(hallyu visa)"以韩国流行文化浪潮命名(be named after the South Korean pop culture wave),是一种5年无限往返的新型签证(a new five-year renewable visa)。购买价值不低于300万韩元(约合1.8万元人民币)特定4日游套餐(specialized four-day travel package)的中国游客可申办此签证。持有者可在签证有效期内(during the period of validation)多次往返韩国,每次最长可停留30天。

近年来,韩国成为中国游客首选旅游目的地之一(became a top destination among Chinese travelers)。不过,自今年7月韩国政府宣布部署美国先进导弹防御系统萨德(deploy the THAAD advanced US missile defense system)以来,赴韩中国游客数量出现大幅减少。近来韩国民众频频就韩总统朴槿惠"闺蜜门(Choi-gate)"丑闻举行大规模抗议,也对中国游客的赴韩意愿造成了影响。

为力挽狂澜,韩国政府想出了这一新招"拉拢"中国游客。眼下元旦和春节(the Spring Festival)将至,该签证的推出正值中国游客的出境游高峰时节(peak season for outbound Chinese tourism)。除了签证措施外,韩国政府还准备了50多种旅游"高档商品",包括提供5星级酒店、自由购物等,日程涵盖美容(beauty therapy)、体检(physical examination)、观看文艺表演、参加电影节等活动。不过,国内大型旅游机构预计,符合新型签证条件(be eligible for the new visa)的大陆游客比例仅为1%。


出境游 outbound travel
单次/多次入境签证 single/multiple entry visa
免签 visa exemption
落地签证 visa on arrival
逾期逗留 overstay
旅游保证金 travel deposit
免税购物商场 duty-free shopping mall


Relic Hospital
