2023 results: revenue dipped 0.4% but net profit climbed 63% to RMB89m
Key financials:
Beststudy Education Group recently released 2023 results with a 0.4% revenue dip to RMB489m; while gross profit rose 32.8% to RMB230m, net profit was up 66.2% to RMB90m, and adjusted net profit rose 62.8% to RMB89m.
full-time revision tuition garnered revenue of RMB200m last year, rising 25.2%; tutoring projects generated RMB140m (down 41%) and non-academic learning brought in RMB140m (up 71.1%).
gross margin widened 11.8ppt to 47% in 2023.
Core portfolio covers non-academic, vocational and full-time study
Restructure route:
Beststudy underwent a major revamp and its restructured portfolio consists of the non-academic, vocational and full-time tuition categories. In response to the Chinese policy directive, Beststudy accelerated its licensing process toward a for-profit non-academic tuition business to leverage its strengths of a durable industry reputation, as well as rich teaching and research resources amassed over 26 years.
Course content:
to differentiate its business, Beststudy structured its full-time tuition business on a dual framework of smart systems and the concept of lifelong growth. Its courses inculcate literary and scientific literacy through nine subjects: Excellence in Programming, Little Journalists, Planet Thinking, TikTok Literature, Cultural Literary Aesthetics, Practical Learning, Bilingual Culture, Diverse Thinking and Social Science Literacy. These courses were among the first batch of non-academic solutions approved by the education authorities in Guangdong Province, and they set a firm foundation for Beststudy’s business restructure.
Non-academic courses: new business gains traction in China’s Greater Bay Area
Greater Bay Area:
Beststudy’s non-academic solutions are doing well in China’s Greater Bay Area, which consists of Guangdong province, and Hong Kong and Macau SARs. The company wants to steer sustainable and stable growth in this region by focusing its buildout and expansion on the economically vibrant cities of Shenzhen and Foshan.
School collabs:
under its multimodal coverage of afterschool users, the company offers onsite-afterschool non-academic solutions as well as off-campus courses at its directly-run centers. Beststudy stepped up cooperation with more primary and secondary schools. Its localized advantage provides a premium learning experience through professional services and trainers, innovative internal and external resources. They augment its afterschool non-academic training courses in science and technology, sports, art, humanities and other subjects.
Premium holistic learning:
the company is building up a network of directly-run centers for its pilot project under its direct-business model for premium off-campus afterschool courses for premium users in the Greater Bay Area. In alignment with the national call to cover five aspects of holistic education (morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor training), Beststudy assists schools in implementation by creating premium school-based programs and its new afterschool services are held onsite on school grounds.
Localized advantage:
its community-centric model for non-academic courses regards community as the core value that radiates to the surrounding areas. The company restructured its content to provide diverse non-academic course electives that tap students’ areas of interest, seeking to develop their talents through a process of personal perception, practical application and experience. In providing students with a diversity of learning options at its one-stop integrated multimodal centers for well-rounded education, the company’s profile has risen.
Full-time courses: tech-enhanced teaching drives premium course development
Market expansion:
Beststudy’s full-time revision classes cater to the mass market of college students. It is ramping up the provincial market and strengthening its competitive advantage in South China, while also attempting a shift toward the national market by mapping out new market segments.
Global advances:
Beststudy aims to more accurately grasp students’ requirements by keeping abreast of global education trends, while adhering to tech-enhanced precision teaching systems to create a AI-enabled teaching ecosystem with holistic educational solutions. It aims to grow the business by constantly optimizing its teaching models to ensure quality output of its teaching content.