图1、 (a) P@EGA 制备过程示意图,(b) ENR 粒子、(c) GA、(d-f) EGA、(g) P@EGA 的扫描电镜图像。
图2、 P@EGA (a) 内表面和 (b) 外表面的元素分布图;P@EGA (c) 内表面和 (d) 外表面的EDS光谱;(e) GA、(f) P@EGA的N2吸附-解吸等温线和孔径分布曲线。
图3、(a 和 b)GO、GA、ENR、EGA 和 P@EGA 的傅立叶变换红外光谱;(c)GO、GA、ENR 和 EGA 的 XRD 图;(d)GO、GA 和 EGA 的拉曼光谱。
图4、 (a) XPS spectra of GO, GA, ENR, EGA and P@EGA, high resolution C 1s core level XPS spectra of (b) GO, (c) GA, and (d) P@EGA.
图5、 (a) Compressive stress–strain curves of GA, EGA and P@EGA; (b) stress–strain curves of P@EGA cyclic compression under different strains of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%; (c) stress–strain curves of P@EGA under cyclic compression for 50 cycles; (d–f) digital images of various stress test processes of P@EGA.
图5、Digital images of (a) static water drops on the internal/external surface of P@EGA, (b) it can easily stand on the eiderdown cotton; the water contact angle of (c) EGA and (d) P@EGA, oil contact angle testing process of (e) EGA and (f) P@EGA.
图6、(a) Adsorption capacity of EGA with different ENR contents for various oil products and organic solvents; (b) adsorption capacity of GA, EGA and P@EGA for various oil products and organic solvents; (c) adsorption kinetics curve of three models of organism by P@EGA; (d) regeneration test of P@EGA using squeezing and extraction, respectively; (e) 30 cycles of adsorption-squeezing for pump oil by P@EGA; (f) water contact angle of P@EGA at different pH solutions.
图9、 Dynamic continuous adsorption of (a) diesel oil and (b) tetrachloromethane by P@EGA and peristaltic pump.