Diodes Incorporated(纳斯达克股票代码:DIOD)是全球领先的高质量应用特定标准产品全球制造商与供货商,产品涵盖广泛,包括分立、逻辑、模拟及混合信号半导体市场。Diodes公司,今日宣布已完成收购德州仪器(TI)位于苏格兰格里诺克(Greenock)的晶圆制造厂和运营部门(“GFAB”)。
“我们很高兴能够成功完成此项收购,并期待它会立即增值,”Diodes的总裁兼首席执行官Keh-Shew Lu博士说道。“此次GFAB的收购与我们的战略计划很契合,尤其是我们在汽车和工业市场的扩展计划。同时,我们也期待GFAB强劲的工程技术和额外的晶圆产能,将有助于我们未来收入和利润的增长。随着收购的完成,现在我们将注意力转向提升GFAB的制造工艺和产能,以助于我们的战略计划实施。”
苏格兰内阁经济部长兼议会议员Derek Mackay 在谈到此项收购完成时表示:“感谢Diodes,TI,我们的政府和机构,以及我们的合作伙伴,共同努力促成了此次交易的成功。此次收购使GFAB工厂开启了新的篇章,而且Diodes还保证工厂继续生产和雇员的就业。我们期待未来与Diodes有更好的合作。”
印弗克莱德区委员会负责人兼市议员Stephen McCabe表示:“TI和Diodes能达成协议,这是一个好消息。毕竟此次交易困难重重,能如此快的完成,充分体现了两家公司的良好信誉。多年以来,TI一直都是印弗克莱德区(Inverclyde)商界的中流砥柱,我们希望顺利过渡到Diodes后,将继续成为印弗克莱德区(Inverclyde)商界强劲和朝气的代表。”
苏格兰国际发展局总裁Paul Lewis也对收购完成情况发表评论:“我很高兴亲身参与这个项目,并最终取得积极的成果。我们也期待与Diodes在苏格兰的合作。“
关于Diodes Incorporated
Diodes Incorporated(纳斯达克股票代码:DIOD)是标准普尔小盘600(Standard and Poor’s SmallCap 600)和罗素3000(Russell 3000)指数公司,该公司是一家全球领先的高质量应用特定标准产品全球制造商与供货商,产品涵盖广泛,包括分立、逻辑、模拟及混合讯号半导体市场。Diodes 服务的市场包括消费性电子、计算机、通讯、工业及汽车市场。Diodes 的产品包括二极管、整流器、晶体管、MOSFET、保护装置、特定功能数组、单闸极逻辑、放大器与比较器、霍尔效应与温度传感器、电源管理装置 (包括 LED 驱动器)、AC-DC 转换器与控制器、DC-DC 开关与线性稳压器,电压参考与特殊功能装置 (如 USB 电源开关、负载开关、电压监控器及马达控制器)。Diodes 公司总部及美洲销售办公室位于美国德州普拉诺 (Plano) 与加州米尔皮塔斯 (Milpitas)。设计、营销与工程中心位于普拉诺、米尔皮塔斯、台北;台湾桃园市、台湾竹北市、英国曼彻斯特及德国纽豪斯 (Neuhaus)。Diodes 的晶圆生产设施位于英国曼彻斯特以及中国上海。Diodes 在中国上海、济南、成都、扬州,香港,台北及德国纽豪斯设有组装与测试设施。另外在多个据点设有工程、销售、仓储及物流办公室,包括中国上海、深圳、台北、香港、英国曼彻斯特、南韩城南市以及德国慕尼黑,并于世界各地设有支持办公室。
Diodes Incorporated (Nasdaq: DIOD), a leading global manufacturer and supplier of high-quality application specific standard products within the broad discrete, logic, analog and mixed-signal semiconductor markets, today announced it has completed the transaction to acquire Texas Instruments’ (“TI”) wafer fabrication facility and operation located in Greenock, Scotland (“GFAB”).
As previously announced, Diodes will integrate the Greenock facility and fab operations, including the transfer of all GFAB employees to Diodes. In addition, Diodes is extending offers for permanent employment to 18 contractors who have been supporting the GFAB operation. As part of a multi-year wafer supply agreement, Diodes will continue to manufacture TI’s Analog products from GFAB as TI transfers into its other wafer fabs. The 318,782 square-foot facility has a potential capacity of up to 21,666 wafer starts or 256,000 8” equivalent layers per month, depending on product mix.
“We are pleased to successfully complete this transaction and expect it to be immediately accretive,” said Diodes’ President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Keh-Shew Lu. “The GFAB acquisition is well aligned to our strategic growth initiatives, especially our expansion in the automotive and industrial markets. We are also excited by the opportunity to add GFAB’s strong engineering capability and additional wafer fab capacity and anticipate GFAB will play a significant role in achieving our revenue and profit dollar growth goals. With the close of the transaction, we will now turn our attention to aggressively ramping new wafer fab processes and capabilities at GFAB to support Diodes’ strategic plan.”
“In addition to welcoming the GFAB team, Diodes extends our continued appreciation to the Scottish Government, Scottish Development International and Inverclyde Council, who have supported us throughout this process,” said Dr. Lu.
Commenting on the closing of the transaction, Derek Mackay MSP, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, said, “I am grateful to Diodes and Texas Instruments for the way in which they have worked with each other and the Scottish Government and our agencies and partners to reach this successful conclusion. The acquisition of GFAB marks a new and exciting chapter for the plant, which will see continued production and employment in Greenock under Diodes. We look forward to working with Diodes for many years to come.”
Inverclyde Council Leader, Councillor Stephen McCabe, said, “It is excellent news that the deal has been agreed upon between Texas Instruments and Diodes. These deals can be complex and difficult, and it is to the credit of both companies that it has been concluded so quickly. Texas Instruments has been a strong and active part of the business community in Inverclyde for many years, and we hope that the smooth transition to Diodes will now see them become as much of an active feature of the strong and vibrant Inverclyde business sector.”