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【保险学术前沿】AER、Econometrica、RES 2024年保险精选文章目录与摘要

13个精算师  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-25 14:11




《American Economic Review》(美国经济评论)创刊于1911年,是美国历史最悠久、最受学者尊敬、全球公认的经济学领域顶级期刊之一,涵盖了经济理论、应用经济学、经济政策、经济史以及实证研究等多个领域,致力于发表高质量的经济学研究,推动经济学理论的发展和实践应用。该刊每年发行12期,每期发表文章8篇左右,内容涉及经济学领域广泛主题,2024年影响因子为10.5。


《The Review of Economic Studies》(《经济研究评论》)是本国际知名的经济学学术期刊,由牛津大学经济系和伦敦政治经济学院经济系共同出版,为广泛认可的经济学5大顶级期刊之一。该期刊于1933年首次出版,旨在提供对经济学各个领域的前沿研究的深入理解,包括宏观经济学、微观经济学、计量经济学和应用经济学等、吸引了全球范围内的顶尖经济学家和研究学者投稿和发表。该刊每年发行6期,每期发表文章15篇左右,2024年影响因子为5.9。


健康风险 :美国65岁以上家庭面临的暂时性收入冲击和健康风险中,消费对收入冲击有反应而自付医疗费用没有反应,但二者对健康冲击均有反应,健康冲击通过改变消费边际效用,影响消费与最优医疗转移支付。

价格风险 :如果收入的边际效用与价格之间的协方差为正,实物转移支付将提供抵御价格风险的保险收益。印度旗舰实物食品转移项目的扩展不仅增加了卡路里摄入量,还降低了卡路里对价格的敏感性。

工资风险 :家庭能够自我保险的程度取决于家庭结构和工资风险,允许丰富的工资动态对于正确评估政策具有一定的重要性。

保险产品选择 :减少保险产品数量的选择可以通过改善选择、节约信息成本、设定自付费用上限来更大的福利收益。

残疾保险 :研究奥地利的两项限制性残疾保险改革后发现,相比降低福利而言,严格的残疾保险资格规则带来了更高的财政成本节约和更低的保险损失。

医疗保险 :在不同医疗保险定价行为假设之间的实证比较中,寡头垄断定价优于完全竞争。考虑不同的补贴设计表明,在均衡状态下,将补贴慷慨度向“年轻健康群体”倾斜,将降低所有参保者的保费,同时增加参保人数和利润。

遗嘱福利 :在有资格获得遗属福利的寡妇中,配偶死亡事件并没有导致劳动力供给的增加,这表明她们几乎没有剩余的自我保险需求。

※ 本期目录

Coyne, David, Itzik Fadlon, Shanthi P. Ramnath, and Patricia K. Tong. 2024. “Household Labor Supply and the Value of Social Security Survivors Benefits.” American Economic Review, 114 (5): 1248–80.

●Blundell, Richard, Margherita Borella, Jeanne Commault, and Mariacristina De Nardi. 2024. “Old Age Risks, Consumption, and Insurance.” American Economic Review, 114 (2): 575–613.

●Gadenne, Lucie, Samuel Norris, Monica Singhal, and Sandip Sukhtankar. 2024. “In-Kind Transfers as Insurance.” American Economic Review, 114 (9): 2861–97.

●Brown, Zach Y., and Jihye Jeon. 2024. “Endogenous Information and Simplifying Insurance Choice.” Econometrica, 92 (3): 881-911.

●Haller, Andreas, Stefan Staubli, and Josef Zweimüller. 2024. “Designing Disability Insurance Reforms: Tightening Eligibility Rules or Reducing Benefits?” Econometrica, 92 (1): 79-110.

●Tebaldi, Pietro. 2025. “Estimating Equilibrium in Health Insurance Exchanges: Price Competition and Subsidy Design under the ACA.” The Review of Economic Studies, 92 (1): 586–620.

●Aizawa, Naoki, Soojin Kim, and Serena Rhee. 2025. “Labour Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance: An Equilibrium Analysis of the Labour Market for the Disabled.” The Review of Economic Studies, 92 (1): 1–39.

●De Nardi, Mariacristina, Giulio Fella, and Gonzalo Paz-Pardo. 2024. “Wage Risk and Government and Spousal Insurance.” The Review of Economic Studies.

Household Labor Supply and the Value of Social Security Survivors Benefits



David Coyne(美国财政部税务分析办公室),Itzik Fadlon(加州大学圣地亚哥分校;国家经济研究局(NBER)),Shanthi P. Ramnath(芝加哥联邦储备银行),Patricia K. Tong(兰德公司)

摘要:We combine quasi-experimental variation in spousal death and age eligibility for survivors benefits using US tax records to study the effects on American households' labor supply and the design of social security's survivors insurance. Benefit eligibility at the exact age of 60 induces sharp reductions in the labor supply of newly widowed households, highlighting the value of survivors benefits and the liquidity they provide following the shock. Among eligible widows, the spousal death event induces no increases in labor supply, suggesting little residual need to self-insure. Using theory, we underscore the program's protective insurance role and its high valuation among survivors.



Old Age Risks, Consumption, and Insurance



Richard Blundell(伦敦大学),Margherita Borella(都灵大学),Jeanne Commault(巴黎政治学院),Mariacristina De Nardi(明尼苏达大学)

摘要:In the United States, after age 65, households face income and health risks, and a large fraction of these risks are transitory. While consumption significantly responds to transitory income shocks, out-of-pocket medical expenses do not. In contrast, both consumption and out-of-pocket medical expenses respond to transitory health shocks. Thus, most US elderly keep their out-of-pocket medical expenses close to a satiation point that varies with health. Consumption responds to health shocks mostly because adverse health shocks reduce the marginal utility of consumption. The effect of health on marginal utility changes the optimal transfers due to health shocks.



In-Kind Transfers as Insurance



Lucie Gadenne (伦敦大学), Samuel Norris(不列颠哥伦比亚大学), Monica Singhal(加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校), Sandip Sukhtankar(弗吉尼亚大学)

摘要:Households in developing countries often face variation in the prices of consumption goods. We develop a model demonstrating that in-kind transfers will provide insurance benefits against price risk if the covariance between the marginal utility of income and price is positive. Using calorie shortfalls as a proxy for marginal utility, we find that this condition holds for low-income Indian households. Expansions in India's flagship in-kind food transfer program not only increase caloric intake but also reduce caloric sensitivity to prices. Our results contribute to ongoing debates about the optimal form of social protection programs.



Endogenous Information and Simplifying Insurance Choice



Zach Y. Brown(密歇根大学),Jihye Jeon(波士顿大学)

摘要:In markets with complicated products, individuals may choose how much time and effort to spend understanding and comparing alternatives. Focusing on insurance choice, we find evidence consistent with individuals acquiring more information when there are larger consequences from making an uninformed choice. Building on the rational inattention literature, we develop and estimate a parsimonious demand model in which individuals choose how much to research difficult-to-observe characteristics. We use our estimates to evaluate policies that simplify choice. Reducing the number of plans can raise welfare through improved choice as well as savings in information costs. Capping out-of-pocket costs generates larger welfare gains than standard models. The empirical model can be applied to other settings to examine the regulation of complex products.

在产品复杂的市场中,个人可能会选择花多少时间和精力去了解和比较替代品。以保险选择为重点,我们发现有证据表明,如果做出不知情的选择会产生较大后果时,个人会去获取更多信息。在理性疏忽(rational inattention)文献的基础上,我们建立并估算了一个简明的需求模型,在这个模型中,个人会选择对难以观察到的特征进行多少研究。我们利用估算结果来评估能够简化选择的政策。减少计划数量可以通过改善选择和节约信息成本来提高福利。与标准模型相比,设定自付费用上限能带来更大的福利收益。该实证模型可应用于其他环境,以研究复杂产品的监管问题。


Designing Disability Insurance Reforms: Tightening Eligibility Rules or Reducing Benefits?



Andreas Haller(挪威经济学院),Stefan Staubli(卡尔加大学),Josef Zweimüller(苏黎世大学)

摘要:This paper develops a sufficient statistics framework for analyzing the welfare effects of disability insurance (DI). We derive social-optimality conditions for the two main DI policy parameters: (i) eligibility rules and (ii) benefit levels. Applying this framework to two restrictive DI reforms in Austria, we find that tighter DI eligibility rules triggered higher fiscal cost savings and lower insurance losses. Hence, tighter DI eligibility rules dominate DI benefit reductions in scaling back the Austrian DI system.



Estimating Equilibrium in Health Insurance Exchanges: Price Competition and Subsidy Design under the ACA



Pietro Tebaldi(哥伦比亚大学;国家经济研究局(NBER))

摘要:Regulations to design private yet publicly sponsored health insurance markets are increasingly adopted in many OECD countries. Here I combine data and economic theory to analyse the interaction between insurers’ competition and the design of premium subsidies in determining equilibrium outcomes. My empirical model includes adverse selection, rich heterogeneity in preferences for vertically and horizontally differentiated plans and accommodates alternative assumptions on pricing conduct. In the context of the Affordable Care Act in the U.S., I estimate the joint distribution of preferences and expected cost using Californian administrative records on 3.4 million plan choices between 2014 and 2017, combined with plan and survey data on medical claims. An empirical horse race between conduct assumptions favours oligopoly pricing over perfect competition. Considering alternative subsidy designs shows that, in equilibrium, shifting subsidy generosity toward the “young invincibles” would lower premiums for all enrolees while increasing enrolment and profits.




Labour Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance: An Equilibrium Analysis of the Labour Market for the Disabled



Naoki Aizawa(威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校;美国国家经济研究所), Soojin Kim(美国乔治亚州立大学), Serena Rhee(中央大学)
