Profits may remain elusive;
the company
must invest to
maintain a pipeline of addictive games / and
top dollar to outbid big streamers like iQiyi / for the rights to popular movies and shows
its nascent subscription business needs
1.elisive:difficult to find, define, or achieve
2.outbid:to offer a higher price than someone else, especially at an auction
3.nascent:coming into existence or starting to develop
The entire arc of the Floyd case — from his death and the protests through the trial and conviction of Mr. Chauvin — played out against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, which further focused attention on the nation’s racial inequities: People of color were among those hardest hit by the virus and by the economic
that followed.
In the months after Mr. Floyd’s death, some change has been concrete.
Scores of
policing reform laws were introduced at the state level. Corporations pledged billions to racial equity causes, and the N.F.L. apologized for its failure to support protests against police violence by its Black players. Even the
was different. Racist statements by dozens of public officials, from mayors to fire chiefs, related to Mr. Floyd’s death — perhaps tolerated before — cost them their jobs and sent others to antiracism training.
And, at least at first, American views on a range of questions related to racial inequality and policing shifted to a degree rarely seen in opinion polling. Americans, and white Americans in particular, became much more likely than in recent years to support the Black Lives Matter movement, to say that racial discrimination is a big problem, and to say that excessive police force disproportionately harms African-Americans.
But the shift proved
for Republicans — both elected leaders and voters.
As some protests turned destructive and as President Donald J. Trump’s re-election campaign began using those scenes in political ads, polls showed white Republicans retreating in their views that discrimination is a problem.
Mr. Floyd’s death did, however, drive some changes, at least for now, among non-Republican white Americans in their awareness of racial inequality and support for reforms. And it helped
the movement of college-educated suburban voters, already dismayed by what they saw as Mr. Trump’s race-baiting, toward the Democratic Party.
本文节选自:The New York Times(纽约时报)
作者:Audra D.S. Burch
原文标题:The Death of George Floyd Reignited a Movement. What Happens Now?