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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-12-03 11:39


Liberty 钢铁集团和蒂森克虏伯已经证实,将开展尽职调查,最终可能由 Liberty 收购蒂森克虏伯欧洲钢铁公司。

Liberty Steel and thyssenkrupp haveconfirmed they will be entering the due diligence process which couldeventually lead to a takeover of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe by Liberty.

“蒂森克虏伯和 Liberty 钢铁集团已经同意进入下一个流程阶段,”这家英国集团在发给 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)的一份声明中写道。公司“ ...... 将很快开始进行详细的尽职调查,从而深入了解蒂森克虏伯钢铁业务的关键业务数据。”

“Thyssenkrupp and Liberty SteelGroup have agreed to enter a further process phase,” the UK-based group writesin a statement sent to Kallanish . It “…will shortly begin adetailed due diligence and thus gain insight into key business data ofthyssenkrupp's steel business."


A statement of similar wording hasbeen issued by thyssenkrupp. Last week already, insiders told news agencies thenext step of the takeover talks was in the offing.

同时,当地媒体援引北莱茵威斯特法伦州经济部长 Andreas Pinkwart 的话说,他对谈判持乐观态度。“这是一个合理的讨论基础,”他与 Liberty 首席执行官 Sanjeev Gupta 交谈后,在谈到 Liberty 的非约束性报价时说。 Pinkwart 表示, Liberty 的设想是实质性的,他欢迎该集团推动向绿色钢铁转型的明显意愿。

Meanwhile, the economy minister of the state of North Rhine Westphalia, Andreas Pinkwart, was cited in the local press as having a positive attitude towards the negotiations. “It is a reasonable basis for discussion,” he was quoted as saying about Liberty’snon-binding offer after talking to Liberty chief Sanjeev Gupta. Pinkwart saidLiberty’s concept is substantial, and he welcomed the group’s apparentwillingness to push the transformation towards green steel.

同时, Pinkwart 对该州作为利益相关者参与蒂森克虏伯的可能性表示怀疑。他说,根据法律规定,这种选择实际上是不可行的。

At the same time, Pinkwart expressedscepticism about a possible participation of the state in thyssenkrupp as astakeholder. Legal requirements are such that the option is virtually notfeasible, he was quoted as saying.



Europe Steel Markets 2020 Nov. 24, 2020
