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冬天毛  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-07-28 06:30



原题: Don't Push, Litter Or Honk, The Chinese Are Told

作者: Christopher S. Wren

译者: 冬天毛

纽约时报( The New York Times )是一家日报,于1851年创办,是美国严肃报刊的代表。由于风格古典严肃,它有时也被戏称为“灰色女士”(The Gray Lady)。




PEKING, March 9— Early on the morning of Sunday, Feb. 28, a minibus arrived at the eastern gate of Beihai Park and disgorged the Communist Party Chairman, Hu Yaobang, three Deputy Prime Ministers and some other prominent officials. As cameras clicked, they picked up brooms and vigorously swept down the walks.


Mr. Hu went over to teach some young Chinese how to sort tiles, then helped Gen. Yang Dezhi, Chief of Staff of the Chinese Army, pile trash into a pushcart.


The officials were setting an example, for replay on prime-time Chinese television, to kick off ''Civic Virtues Month,'' in which cleanliness, public order and politeness have officially been declared in vogue.


Since the beginning of March, Chinese have been told not to spit on the ground, drop litter, honk car horns, cycle while intoxicated, shove, snarl or otherwise be nasty in public places.


Tidying Up Eyesores


They have been enjoined instead to tidy up neighborhood eyesores, help old people and small children, be courteous in shops and, not least, to once more ''learn from Lei Feng.''


Lei Feng, while serving in the army 20 years ago, was killed by a falling telephone pole that a comrade hit with a truck. The ''model soldier'' Lei was posthumously discovered by Maoist ideologists to have performed all sorts of selfless deeds, which were documented by a diary and photographs.


Civic Virtues Month, also known as Socialist Ethics Month, happens to coincide with a new crackdown on traffic violations, which the Peking newspaper Guangming Daily once despaired gave China the worst road accident record in the world. It has now become illegal for Chinese motorists to eat, drink, smoke or talk while driving.


While the campaign has yet to discourage the surliness of some shop clerks, there have been other visible changes in Peking, one of 19 Chinese cities designated to lead the civic virtues effort. Directional arrows have been freshly painted at intersections. "Red shine in the capital,'' said one slogan. Another, in a downtown shop, urged, ''Practice hygiene, observe discipline, strive to be a civilized person.''


'Reconstruct Our Country'


Xiao Wang, a teen-age clerk in a fruit store on Wangfujing Street, said: ''We are having this one-month campaign to teach people how to be polite, and to continue doing so as we reconstruct our country. It doesn't mean that we should be rude again in April.''


In the weekend leading up to Civic Virtues Month, the China News Agency reported that one million Peking residents had turned out to join Chairman Hu in scrubbing, sweeping and washing the capital. It later revised the number in the cleanup to more than two million residents. They included the drivers from Peking's No. 2 trolley-bus station, who ''volunteered'' to spend their day off at congested bus stops explaining the new traffic rules to waiting passengers.


In kicking off the civic virtues drive, Prime Minister Zhao went on television and radio to urge Chinese to protect their ''moral and physical health.'' Few here would dispute that the campaign was needed, in view of the damage inflicted in the Cultural Revolution, when the traditional elegant courtesies were ridiculed as ''bourgeois.''


''Young people were encouraged to be rude to older people,'' an elderly Peking intellectual said. ''The ruder they acted, the more revolutionary they were considered.''


Complaints About Rude Service


Now 14 major stores in Peking have set up desks and invited customers to complain about the rude service that has characterized some state-run retail enterprises.


Just before the current drive, Gao Zhanxiang, a Young Communist League official, said that young sales clerks and waiters would be urged to act more politely and that young customers, fans and theatergoers should do likewise.


Rowdy behavior became a public issue after the Chinese women's volleyball team won a world championship last autumn. A victory celebration in Peking's Tian An Men Square got out of hand and some youths who began scuffling and shouting anti-foreign slogans were arrested and punished.


One difficulty is that Peking offers few places for young Chinese to let off steam. A popular exception is Ritan Park, where on Saturdays and Sundays the outdoor roller skating rink takes on the bruising exuberance of a roller derby contest. For about 22 cents, which includes one-size rented skates with rag straps, young people career counterclockwise around the cement rink to waltzes blaring over the loudspeaker.

问题的难点之一在于北京缺乏能让年轻人释放能量的场所,而广受欢迎的日坛公园是例外之一,这里的户外旱冰场在周六周日会举行鼻青脸肿、紧张刺激的轮滑比赛。花大约22分钱借到统一尺寸、鞋带破烂的旱冰鞋, 年轻人们伴随着扩音器里大声播放的华尔兹舞曲,逆时针围绕着水泥场地猛冲一气。

3.2 Million Bicycles


Such chaos is no longer tolerated on Peking's streets. But 3.2 million bicycles, China's basic mode of transport, must vie for space with 190,000 trucks, buses, taxis and cars, which emit a succession of beeps as if negotiating the traffic crush by sonar. The risk of accidents increases at night, because cars use only parking lights and bicycles have no lights at all.


The new regulations specify that vehicles must stay in lane and can emit only three toots at a time, with no longer than half a second per honk. The practice of rigging bicycles with makeshift motors has been halted. Pedestrians have been given the right of way on crosswalks.


The Public Security Bureau, as China's police are called, dispatched sound trucks through the city to announce the new rules. The first day on downtown Qianmenwai Street, the number of illegally parked bicycles reportedly dropped from more than 300 per hour to only 8 or 9. A policeman in Tiananmen Square counted only 18 horns honked in one half-hour period.


The question is whether everything will retrogress after the monthlong civility campaign, which Prime Minister Zhao said would become an annual event. A European diplomat living here recalled how Chinese television produced a series of skits last year teaching politeness in stores. By the time the current drive began, many young clerks were once more ignoring or arguing with customers and flinging products insolently across the counter.


The Public Security Bureau, which has deployed 6,500 blueuniformed policemen around the capital, reported 43,234 violations of the new traffic rules on March 1, the first day of the crackdown, with 675 offenders fined. The next day the number of violations rose to 90,811, with 1,532 people fined.


A police spokesman attributed the rise to the widespread assumption here that traffic enforcement would slacken after the new campaign began. Only 1,914 violations were reported last Wednesday.




