当一只超级富有进取心的雄性野獾在美国犹他州的山中“偶遇”一具将近 23 千克的小牛尸体时,它迅速地投入了工作——凭借一己之力把小牛埋了起来!
撰文 Virginia Morell, Sam Wong
翻译 肖坤
审校 囤食的野獾
面对身型比自己大好几倍的“食物”,野獾的决定是——先埋起来再说!图:Evan Buechley
犹他大学的 Ethan Frehner 及其同事原本希望观察秃鹫等食腐动物在冬季的行为,因此他们在山上一些地方巧妙地放置了七具小牛尸体,并在周围架上摄像机,想看看有什么动物会过来瞧一眼。当他们一周后再回到这里时却发现,其中一只小牛不见了!研究人员猜测可能是被土狼或狮子拖走了,然而摄像机和脚印告诉他们实际情况并非如此。一只 11 千克的雄性野獾花了五天把整具小牛尸体藏在它的地下“冰箱”里。然后,它在自己挖的地洞里呆了整整两周,再之后的几周里它又不断回到这里进食。研究人员认为
这只獾靠享用“冰箱”里的小牛度过了 50 多天
。” Frehner 说道。这项发现表明野獾或许在消灭腐烂或携病的动物上有着前所未知的重要作用,这对于农场主很有帮助。“你不会希望腐烂的小牛尸体还藏在你的牛群中,它们会传染疾病。”
1. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/watch-badger-cache-cow
2. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2126442-badger-filmed-burying-a-whole-cow-by-itself-in-utah-mountains
【题目】 Subterranean caching of domestic cow (Bos taurus) carcasses by American badgers (Taxidea taxus) in the Great Basin Desert, Utah
【作者】 Ethan H. Frehner et al.
【刊期】 Western North American Naturalist: Vol. 77 : No. 1 , Article 13
【日期】 Published March 31, 2017
【摘要】 Camera traps documented 2 solitary American badgers (Taxidea taxus) independently caching juvenile domestic cow (Bos taurus) carcasses during late winter 2016 in the Great Basin Desert of Utah. One carcass was partially buried and the other was entirely buried. Both badgers constructed dens alongside their cache, where they slept, fed, and spent up to 11 days continuously underground. They abandoned the sites 41 and 52 days after initial discovery. While badgers are known to scavenge and to cache small food items underground, this is the first evidence of an American badger caching an animal carcass larger than itself.
【链接】 http://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/wnan/vol77/iss1/13/