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蒲公英Ouryao  · 公众号  · 医学  · 2017-09-11 00:07


翻译:JULIA  来源:Julia法规翻译


Food and DrugAdministration [Docket No. FDA-2016-N-0007]

Generic Drug User Fee Rates for Fiscal Year 2018

AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS. ACTION:  Notice.


SUMMARY:  The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (theFD&C Act), as amended by the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2017(GDUFA II), authorizes FDA to assess and collect fees for abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs), drug master files (DMFs), generic drug active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) facilities, finished dosage form (FDF) facilities, contract manufacturing organization (CMO) facilities, and generic drug applicant program user fees.  In this document the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is announcing fiscalyear (FY) 2018 rates for GDUFA fees.

摘要:联邦食品药品化妆品法案(FDCA)2017修正案GDUFA(GDUFA II)授权FDA可以对简略新药申报(ANDA)、药物主文件(DMF)、仿制药活性药物成分(API)生产场所、制剂(FDF)生产场所、委托生产组织(CMO)生产场所和仿制药申报人项目收取费用。在本文件中,FDA公布了2018财年的GDUFA费用

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Haas, Office of Financial Management, Food and Drug Administration, 8455Colesville Rd., COLE-14202I, Silver Spring, MD 20993- 0002, 240-402-9845.

更多信息请联系:David Haas,FDA财务管理办室,8455 Colesville Rd., COLE-14202I, Silver Spring, MD 20993- 0002, 240-402-9845.



I Background 背景

Sections 744A and 744B of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C.379j-41 and 379j-42) establish fees associated with human generic drugproducts. Fees are assessed on: (1) certain types of applications for humangeneric drug products; (2) certain facilities where APIs and FDFs areproduced;(3) certain DMFs associated with human generic drug products; and (4) thegeneric drug applicant program (see section 744B(a)(1)-(5) of the FD&CAct).

联邦食药化妆品法案(21 U.S.C. 379j–41 and 379j–42)744A744B部分中规定了人用仿制药付费条款。针对以下情况征收费用(12012101日时一些积压的申报(仅限于2013财年)(2)人用仿制药特定类型的申报和增补(3)特定的原料药和制剂生产工厂(4)特定的人用仿制药DMF(参见法案第744Ba)条)。

GDUFA II fees vary greatly from those in GDUFA I because of two fundamental adjustments to the fee structure:

由于对费用结构进行了2项大的调整,因此GDUFAII费用与GDUFA I费用有很大差异:

(1) The revenue base for GDUFA II is $493.6 million versus $323 million in the final year of GDUFA I--ANDAs are the primary workload driver of the program.  GDUFA I was built on the assumption that FDA would receive 750 ANDAs per year.  Over the first 4 years of GDUFA I, AND Areceipts have averaged approximately 1,000 per year. To address the increased workload, FDA hired additional staff and is projected to spend about $430million in the final year of GDUFA I.  To maintain FDA’s current productivity and implement negotiated improvements, GDUFA II stipulates that user fees should total $493.6 million annually adjusted each year for inflation.

GDUFA II的年度收入基数为$4.936亿,而GDUFA I的最后一年收入只有$3.23亿---ANDA是项目的主要工作量。GDUFA I是基于FDA每年会收到750ANDA的假定基础上的。在GDUFA I的前4年,ANDA接收数量平均为1000/年。为了解决增加的工作量,FDA聘请了更多员工,为此在GDUFA I的财年中花费了约$4.30亿。为了维持FDA当前的工作能力,实施协定的改进工作,GDUFA II约定用户费用总数$4.936亿,并且每年根据通化膨胀进行调整。

(2) GDUFA II will for the first time rely on annual program fees--GDUFA II shifts the fee burden somewhat from facilityfees.

GDUFA II将首次依赖于年度项目费用—GDUFAII将费用从工厂费用中减压一部分。

For FY 2018, the generic drug fee rates are: ANDA ($171,823), DMF ($47,829), domestic API facility ($45,367), foreign API facility ($60,367), domestic FDF facility ($211,087), foreign FDF facility ($226,087), domestic CMO facility ($70,362), foreign CMO facility ($85,362), large size operation generic drug applicant program ($1,590,792), medium size operation drug applicant program ($636,317), and small business generic drug applicant program ($159,079).  These fees are effective on October 1, 2017, and will remain in effect through September 30, 2018.

2018财年,仿制药费率为:ANDA$171,823),DMF $47,829),国内原料药工厂年费($45,367),国外原料药工厂年费($60,367),国内制剂工厂年费($211,087),国外制剂工厂年费($226,087),国内CMO工厂费用($70,362),国外CMO工厂费用($85,362),大型运营仿制药申报项目($1,590,792),中等规模运营药品申报者项目($636,317),小规模业务仿制药申报者项目($159,079)。以上费用自2017101日起生效,有效期至2018930日。

 III.Fee RevenueAmount for FY 2018 2018财年费用总数

The base revenue amount for FY 2018 is $493,600,000, as set in the statute (see section 744B(b)(1) of the FD&C Act). GDUFA II directs FDA to use the yearly revenue amount as a starting point to set the fee rates for each fee type.  For more information about GDUFA II, pleaserefer to the FDA website (http://www.fda.gov/gdufa).  The ANDA, DMF, API facility, FDF facility,CMO facility, and generic drug applicant program fee (GDUFA Program Fee) calculations for FY 2018 are described in this document.

2018财年基本年度收入数字为$493,600,000,这是法定的(参见FDCA744B(b)(1)部分)数字。GDUFA II要求FDA使用年度收入数字作为起始数字,设定每类费用的费率。关于GDUFA II更多信息,请参见FDA官网(http://www.fda.gov/gdufa)。2018财年ANDADMFAPI工厂、FDF工厂、CMO工厂以及仿制药申报人项目费用(GDUFA项目费用)计算均在本文中进行叙述。

GDUFA II specifies that the $493,600,000 is to be adjusted for inflation increases for FY 2019 through FY 2022 using two separate adjustments--one for personnel compensation and benefits (PC&B) and one for non-PC&B costs (seesection 744B(c)(1) of the FD&C Act).

根据GDUFA II,2019-2022财年将依据GDUFA总额在$493,600,000基础上采用2个指标独立进行通货膨胀调整----一个是人员补偿和收益(PC&B)调整,另一个是非PC&B调整(参见食药化妆品法案第744B(c)(1)部分)。

 Because the adjustment for inflation does not take effect until FY 2019, FDA will not adjust the base revenue amount for inflation in FY 2018.



Under GDUFA II,the FY 2018 ANDA fee is owed by each applicant that submits an ANDA on or afterOctober 1, 2017. This fee is due on the receipt date of the ANDA. Section744B(b)(2)(B) specifies that the ANDA fee will make up 33 percent of the $493,600,000, which is $162,888,000.

依据GDUFA II,自2017101日起,提交ANDA的所有申报者均应缴纳2018财年费用。该费用自其ANDA收到之日起生效。第744B(b)(2)(B)部分指明ANDA费用占总费用$493,600,00033%,即$162,888,000

To calculatethe ANDA fee, FDA estimated the number of full application equivalents (FAEs) that will be submitted in FY 2018. An ANDA counts as one FAE; however, 75 percent of the fee paid for an ANDA shall be refunded according to GDUFA II if(1) the ANDA is refused for a cause other than failure to pay fees or (2) the ANDA has been withdrawn prior to receipt (section 744B(a)(2)(D)(i) of theFD&C Act).  Therefore, an ANDA that is considered not to have been received by FDA due to reasons other than failure to pay fees or withdrawn prior toreceipt counts as one-fourth of an FAE if the applicant initially paid a full application fee. One hundred percent of the fee paid for an ANDA shall be refunded if FDA initially receives the ANDA and subsequent to initial receipt, FDA determines that exclusivity should have prevented receipt of the ANDA, and thus FDA determines that the ANDA is no longer received (section 744B(a)(2)(D))(ii) of the FD&C Act).


FDA utilized data from ANDAs submitted from October 1, 2013, to April 30, 2017, to estimate the number of new original ANDAs that will incur filing fees in FY 2018. For FY2018, the Agency estimates that approximately 938 new original ANDAs will besubmitted and incur filing fees. Not all of the new original ANDAs will be received by the Agency and some of those not received will be resubmitted inthe same fiscal year. Therefore, the Agency expects that the FAE count for ANDAs will be 948 for FY 2018.


The FY 2018 application fee is estimated by dividing the number of FAEs that will pay the fee in FY 2018 (948) into the fee revenue amount to bederived from ANDA application fees in FY 2018 ($162,888,000).  The result, rounded to the nearest dollar, is a fee of $171,823 per ANDA.


The statute provides that those ANDAs that include information about the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients other than by reference to a DMF will pay an additional fee that is based on the number of such active pharmaceutical ingredients and the number of facilities proposed to produce those ingredients (see section 744B(a)(3)(F) of the FD&C Act). FDA considers that this additional fee is unlikely to be assessed often; therefore, FDA has not included projections concerning the amount of this fee in calculating the fees for ANDAs.




Under GDUFA II, the DMF fee is owed by eachperson that owns a type II active pharmaceutical ingredient DMF that is referenced, on or after October 1, 2012, in a generic drug submission by aninitial letter of authorization.  This isa one-time fee for each DMF. This fee is due on the earlier of the date on whichthe first generic drug submission is submitted that references the associated DMF or the date on which the drug master file holder requests the initial completeness assessment.  Under section744B(a)(2)(D)(iii) of the FD&C Act, if a DMF has successfully undergone an initial completeness assessment and the fee is paid, the DMF will be placed on a publicly available list documenting DMFs available for reference.

根据GDUFA II,凡在2012101日或之后由仿制药申请首封授权信被引用的二类原料药DMF文件持有人需缴纳DMF费用。这个费用是一次性。该费用在首次引用该DMF的仿制药申请提交时,或者是DMF持有人要求进行初始完整性评估之日产生。根据FDCA744B(a)(2)(D)(iii) 部分,如果DMF成功通过首次完整性评估,并已支付费用,DMF将会被放在公开的DMF清单中,处于可被引用状态,

To calculate the DMF fee, FDA assessed the volume of DMF submissions over time.


The Agency assessed DMFs from October 1, 2015, to April 30, 2017, and concluded that averaging the number of fee-paying DMFs provided the most accurate model forpredicting fee- paying DMFs for FY 2018. FDA is estimating 516 fee-paying DMFs for FY 2018.


The FY 2018 DMF fee is determined by dividing the DMF target revenue by the estimated number of fee-paying DMFs in FY 2018.  Section 744B(b)(2)(A) specifies that the DMF fees will make up five percent of the $493,600,000, which is$24,680,000.  Dividing the DMF revenue amount ($24,680,000) by the estimated fee-paying DMFs (516), and rounding to the nearest dollar, yields a DMF fee of $47,829 for FY 2018.

2018财物上的DMF费用是将2018财年DMF目标收入除以预测2018DMF数量。FDCA 744B(b)(2)(A)指定DMF费用将占总数$493,600,0005%,计为$24,680,000。将2018财年的DMF申报总费用($24,680,000)除以估算2018财年的DMF数量(516份),得到2018财年申报费用,结果修约至美元整数,即每份DMF费用为$47,829

 V. Foreign Facility Fee Differential 国外场所费用差异

Under GDUFA II,the fee for a facility located outside the United States and its territoriesand possessions shall be $15,000 higher than the amount of the fee for afacility located in the United States and its territories and possessions. The basis for this differential is the extra cost incurred by conducting an inspection outside the United States and its territories and possessions.

依据GDUFA II,位于美国及其领土以外的场所费用应比国内场所费用高出$15,000。此差异是基于对海外场所进行检查所产生的额外成本而计算的。

VI. FDF and CMOFacility Fees  FDFCMO场所费用

Under GDUFA II,the annual FDF facility fee is owed by each person who owns an FDF facility that is identified in at least one approved generic drug submission owned by that person or his affiliates.  The CMO facility fee is owed by each person who owns an FDF facility that is identifiedin at least one approved ANDA but is not identified in an approved ANDA held by the owner of that facility or its affiliates. These fees are due no later than the first business day on or after October 1 of each such year. Section 744B(b)(2)(C) of the FD&C Actspecifies that the FDF and CMO facility fee revenue will make up 20 percent ofthe $493,600,000, which is $98,720,000.

依据GDUFA II,持有一份或一份以上已批准仿制药申报的FDF场所的所有人或其附属企业应缴纳年度FDF场所费用。不持有已批准ANDA,但在已批准的ANDA中识别为FDF生产场所的所有人应缴纳CMO场所费用。这些费用自每年101日或之后的第一个工作日产生。依据FDCA744B(b)(2)(C)部分,FDFCMO场所费用总收入应为GDUFA费用$493,600,00020%,即$98,720,000

To calculate the fees, data from FDA’s Integrity Services (IS) were utilized as the primary source of facility information for determining the denominators of each facility fee type. IS is the master data steward for all facility information provided in generic drug submissions received by FDA. A facility’s reference status in an approved generic drug submission is extracted directly from submission data rather than relying on data from self-identification.  This information provided the number of facilities referenced as FDF manufacturers in at least one approved generic drug submission.  Based on FDA’s IS data for FY 2018, the FDF and CMO facility denominators are 182 FDF domestic, 208 FDFforeign, 71 CMO domestic, and 97 CMO foreign facilities.


GDUFA II specifies that the CMO facility fee is to be equal to one-third the amount ofthe FDF facility fee.  Therefore, to generate the target collection revenue amount from FDF and CMO facility fees ($98,720,000), FDA must weight a CMO facility as one-third of an FDF facility.  FDA set fees based on the estimate of 182 FDFdomestic, 208 FDF foreign, 23.67 CMOdomestic(71 multiplied by one-third), and 32.33 CMO foreign facilities (97 multiplied by one- third), which equals 446 total weighted FDF and CMO facilities for FY2018.


To calculate the fee for domestic facilities, FDA first determines the total fee revenue that will result from the foreign facility differential by subtracting the fee revenue resulting from the foreign facility fee differential from the target collection revenue amount ($98,720,000) as follows.  The foreign facility fee differential revenue equals the foreign facility fee differential ($15,000) multiplied by the number of FDF foreign facilities (208) plus the foreign facility fee differential ($15,000) multiplied by the number of CMO foreign facilities (97), totaling$4,575,000.  This results in foreign fee differential revenue of $4,575,000 from the total FDF and CMO facility fee target collection revenue.  Subtracting the foreign facility differential fee revenue ($4,575,000) from the total FDF and CMO facility target collection revenue ($98,720,000) results in a remaining facility fee revenue balance of $94,145,000. To determine the domestic FDF facility fee, FDA divides the $94,145,000 by the total weighted number of FDF and CMO facilities (446), which results in a domestic FDF facility fee of$211,087. The foreign FDF facility fee is $15,000 more than the domestic FDF facility fee, or $226,087.


CMO fees are as follows.  According to GDUFA II, the domestic CMO fee is calculated as one-third the amount of the domestic FDF facility fee. Therefore, the domestic CMO fee is$70,362, rounded to the nearest dollar.  The foreign CMO fee is calculated as the domestic CMO fee plus the foreign fee differential of $15,000.  Therefore, the foreign CMO fee is $85,362.

CMO场所费用计算如下:依据GDUFA II,国内CMO费用计为国内FDF场所费用的1/3,因此国内CMO费用为$70,362,修约至美元整数;国外CMO费用为国内CMO费用加上海外场所差异$15,000,即$85,362

VII. API Facility Fee  API场所费用

Under GDUFA II, the annual API facility fee is owed by each person who owns a facility that is identified in (1) at least one approved generic drug submission or (2) in a Type II API DMF referenced in at least one approved generic drug submission.  These fees are due no laterthan the first business day on or after October 1 of each such year.  Section 744B(b)(2)(D) of the FD&C Act specifies the API facility fee will make up seven percent of $493,600,000 in fee revenue, which is $34,552,000.

依据GDUFA II,(1)在至少一份已批准仿制药申报中识别,或(2)在被至少一份已批准仿制药申报引用的IIAPI DMF中识别的API场所所有人应缴纳年度API场所费用。这些费用自每年101日起或之后的第一个工作日开始产生。FDCA744B(b)(2)(D)部分指明API场所费用为总GDUFA收入$493,600,0007%,即$34,552,000

To calculatethe API facility fee, data from FDA’s IS were utilized as the primary source of facility information for determining the denominator.  As stated above, IS is the master data steward for all facility information provided in generic drug submissions received by FDA.  A facility’s reference status in an approved generic drug submission is extracted directly from submission data rather than relying on data from self-identification.  This information provided the number of facilities referenced as API manufacturers in at least one approved generic drug submission.


The total number of API facilities identified was 592. Of the total facilities identified as API facilities, there were 79 domestic facilities and 513 foreign facilities. The foreign facility differential is $15,000.  To calculate the fee for domestic facilities, FDA must first subtract the fee revenue that will result from the foreign facility fee differential. FDA takes the foreign facility differential ($15,000) and multiplies it by the number of foreign facilities (513) to determine the total fee revenue that will result from theforeign facility differential. As a result of that calculation, the foreign feedifferential revenue will make up $7,695,000 of the total API fee revenue. Subtracting the foreign facility differential fee revenue ($7,695,000) from the total API facility target revenue ($34,552,000) results in a remaining balance of $26,857,000.  To determine the domestic API facility fee, we divide the $26,857,000 by the total number of facilities (592), which gives us a domestic API facility fee of $45,367. The foreign API facility fee is $15,000 more than the domestic API facility fee, or $60,367.


VIII.        Generic Drug Applicant Program Fee    仿制药申报人项目费用

Under GDUFA II,if a person and its affiliates own at least one but not more than five approved ANDAs on October 1, 2017, the person and its affiliates shall owe a smallbusiness GDUFA Program Fee.  If a personand its affiliates own at least 6 but not more than 19 approved ANDAs, theperson and its affiliates shall owe a medium size operation GDUFA Program Fee.

依据GDUFA II,如果某人及其附属公司截止2017101日拥有至少一个但不超过5个已批准ANDA,则该人及其附属公司应缴纳小型企业GDUFA项目费用。如果某人及其附属公司拥有至少6个但不超过19个已批准ANDA,则该人及其附属公司应缴纳中等规模企业GDUFA项目费用。

If a person andits affiliates own at least 20 approved ANDAs, the person and its affiliates shall owe a large size operation GDUFA Program Fee.  These fees are due no later than the first business day on or after October 1 of each such year.  Section 744B(b)(2)(E) of the FD&C Act specifies the GDUFA Program Fee will make up 35 percent of $493,600,000 in fee revenue, which is $172,760,000.


To determine the appropriate number of applicants for each tier, the Agency has posted listsof approved ANDAs on the FDA website (http://www.fda.gov/gdufa) and asked applicants on the list to claim which ANDAs and affiliates belong to the parent company. The original list of approved ANDAs came from the Agency’s Document Archiving, Reporting, and Regulatory Tracking System (DARRTS), which included all ANDAs with the status of “approved” as of April 30, 2017.


In determining the appropriate number of approved ANDAs, the Agency has factored in a numberof variables that could affect the collection of the target revenue: (1) inactive ANDAs-- applicants who have not submitted an annual report for one ormore of their approved applications within the past 2 years; (2) unclaimed affiliations--a risk of undercollecting the target revenue if companies do not claim their ANDAs and their affiliates before the Program Fee is calculated; and (3) potential portfolio adjustment--applicants may choose to withdraw someof their approved ANDAs in order to move to a lower tier and reduce their feeexposure.


The list oforiginal approved ANDAs from the DARRTS database as of April 30, 2017, shows 339 applicants in the small business tier, 74 applicants in the medium size tier, and 65 applicants in the large size tier. This list also takes into account all the withdrawals, consolidations, and transfer of ownerships from industry as of April 30, 2017.  Factoringin all the variables for the first year of GDUFA II, the Agency estimates there will be 258 applicants in the small business tier, 52 applicants in the mediumsize tier, and 62 applicants in the large size tier for FY 2018.

2017430日截止从DARRTS中提取的原始已批准的ANDA清单显示小规模业务层有339家申报人,中等规模有74家,大型则有65家。该清单也考虑了截止2017430时企业中所有撤回、整合以及所有权转让情况。考虑到GDUFA II首年的所有变动因素,FDA预测2018财年中小规模申报人有258家,中等规模54家,大型申报人62家。

To calculatethe GDUFA Program Fee, GDUFA II provides that large size operation generic drug applicants pay the full fee, medium size operation applicants pay two-fifths ofthe full fee, and small business applicants pay one-tenth of the full fee.  To generate the target collection revenue amount from GDUFA Program Fees ($172,760,000), we must weigh medium and small tiered applicants as a subset of a large size operation generic drug applicant.FDA will set fees based on the weighted estimate of 25.8 applicants in the small business tier (258 multiplied by 10 percent), 20.8 applicants in the medium size tier (52 multiplied by 40 percent), and 62 applicants in the largesize tier, arriving at 108.6 total weighted applicants for FY 2018.


To generate the large size operation GDUFA Program Fee, FDA divides the target revenue amount of $172,760,000 by 108.6, which equals $1,590,792. The medium size operation GDUFA Program Fee is 40 percent of the full fee ($636,317), and the smallbusiness operation GDUFA Program Fee is 10 percent of the full fee ($159,079).


IX. Fee Schedule for FY 2018 2018财年费用列表

The fee ratesfor FY 2018 are set out in table 1. 2018财年费用列表参见表1

Table 1.--Fee Schedule for FY 20182018财年费用表


Fee  Category

Fee  Rates for FY 2018




Abbreviated  New Drug Application (ANDA)



Drug  Master File (DMF)





Active  Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)—Domestic






Finished  Dosage Form (FDF)—Domestic






Contract  Manufacturing Organization (CMO)-- Domestic






GDUFA  Program


Large  size operation generic drug applicant



Medium  size operation generic drug applicant



Small  business operation generic drug applicant




X. Fee PaymentOptions and Procedures 费用支付方法和程序

The new feerates are effective October 1, 2017.  Topay the ANDA, DMF, API facility, FDF facility, CMO facility, and GDUFA Program Fee, you must complete a Generic Drug User Fee Cover Sheet, available through https://www.fda.gov/gdufa and athttps://userfees.fda.gov/OA_HTML/gdufaCAcdLogin.jsp, and generate a user feeidentification (ID) number.  Payment mustbe made in U.S. currency drawn on a U.S. bank by electronic check, check, bankdraft, U.S. postal money order, credit card, or wire transfer. The preferred payment method is online using electronic check (Automated Clearing House (ACH)also known as eCheck) or credit card (Discover, VISA, MasterCard, AmericanExpress).  Secure electronic payments canbe submitted using the User Fees Payment Portal at https://userfees.fda.gov/pay(Note: only full payments are accepted. No partial payments can be made online.)Once you search for your invoice, select “Pay Now” to be redirected toPay.gov.  Note that electronic payment options are based on the balance due. Payment by credit card is available for balances less than $25,000.  If thebalance exceeds this amount, only the ACH option is available.

新的费率自2017101日起生效。ANDA费、DMF费、原料药工厂费、制剂工厂费、CMO费和GDUFA程序费支付时必须填写仿制药费用封面表(可以在https://www.fda.gov/gdufahttps://userfees.fda.gov/OA_HTML/gdufaCAcdLogin.jsp填写),生成用户费用识别码编号(ID)。必须通过使用美国银行所存的美元支付,可以是电子支票、支票、银行汇票、美国邮政汇票、信用卡或电汇。优选支付方式是在线使用电子支票(自动清算房(ACH),也称为eCheck电子支票)或者是信用卡(发现卡/Discover, 维萨卡/VISA, 万事通卡/MasterCard, 美国运通卡/American Express)。使用用户费用支付端口https://userfees.fda.gov/pay可以安全提交电子支付(注意:只接受全额支付,不能在线仅支付一部分)。在查阅发票时,选择“现在支付/Pay Now”转到Pay.gov页面。注意,电子支付方法是基于应付账款的。应付款低于$25,000时可以用信用卡支付。如果应付款项超出此金额,则只能使用ACH方法支付。

Payments must be made using U.S bank accounts as well as U.S. creditcards.


FDA has partnered with the U.S. Department of the Treasury to utilize Pay.gov, a web-based payment application, for online electronic payment. The Pay.gov featureis available on the FDA website after completing the Generic Drug User FeeCover Sheet and generating the user fee ID number.


Please includethe user fee ID number on your check, bank draft, or postal money order andmake payable to the order of the Food and Drug Administration.  Your payment can be mailed to:  Food and Drug Administration, P.O. Box979108, St. Louis, MO  63197-9000.  If checks are to be sent by a courier that requests a street address, the courier can deliver checks to:

请将该用户付费ID号写在你的支票、银行汇票、邮政汇票上,支付给食品药品管理局。如果通过快递寄交支票,会需要地址,支票寄交地址:Food and Drug Administration, P.O. Box 979108, St. Louis, MO63197–9000.

U.S. Bank, Attention: Government Lockbox 979108, 1005 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, MO63101.  (Note:  This U.S. Bank address is for courier delivery only.  If you have any questions concerning courier delivery, contact the U.S. Bank at 314-418-4013. Thistelephone number is only for questions about courier delivery).  Please make sure that the FDA post office box number (P.O. Box 979108) is written on the check, bank draft, or postal money order.

美国银行,收件人:Government Lockbox 979108, 1005 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, MO63101. (注:此美国银行地址仅供快递寄送用。如果你有任何关于快递寄送问题,联系美国银行314-418-4013。该电话仅能解决关于快递寄送的问题)。请务必将FDA邮箱编号((P.O. Box 979108)写在支票、银行汇票、或邮政汇票上。

If paying by wire transfer, please reference your unique user fee ID number when completing your transfer.  Without your unique userfee ID number, the payment may not be applied. If the payment amount is not applied, the invoice amount would be referred to collections.  The originating financial institution may charge a wire transfer fee.  Please ask your financial institution aboutthe wire transfer fee and include it with your payment to ensure that your feeis fully paid.  Use the following account information when sending a payment by wire transfer:


U.S. Department of Treasury, TREAS NYC, 33 Liberty St., New York, NY10045, account number:  75060099, routingnumber: 021030004, SWIFT: FRNYUS33, Beneficiary: FDA, 8455 Colesville Rd., 14thFloor, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002.  Ifneeded, FDA’s tax identification number is 53-0196965.


Dated: August 24, 2017.

AnnaK. Abram,

DeputyCommissioner for Policy, Planning, Legislation, and Analysis.

[FR Doc. 2017-18377Filed: 8/28/2017 8:45 am; Publication Date: 8/29/2017]