专栏名称: AEii国际应用能源
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【Applied Energy最新原创论文】电-碳市场下考虑需求侧灵活性的云数据中心双层规划方法

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-29 18:30



Bi-level planning approach for incorporating the demand-side flexibility of cloud data centers under electricity-carbon markets





• 从物理-信息视角构建CDC模型

• 制定基于奖励的促使云用户提供灵活性的激励机制

• 提出包含多重线性化方法和重构分解法的混合求解算法

• 通过对比分析验证了所提方法的有效性

Research Gaps



随着云计算应用的普及,云数据中心(Cloud data center, CDC)的数量和规模在全球范围内迅速激增。然而,在能源-碳市场环境下,CDC运营所带来的高昂能源成本和环境费用正迫使CDC所有者以更经济、低碳的方式谋划CDC的未来发展。由于CDC的工作负载潜在的时空可转移性和可削减性为其运行提供了极大的灵活性, 因此CDC可作为活跃的需求侧用户参与电网互动。然而,与私有型数据中心不同,公有型数据中心无法直接控制终端云用户提交的工作负载。基于此,本文从电-碳市场的角度,提出了一种考虑云服务-需求响应(Cloud service-demand response,CS-DR)的CDC双层规划配置模型。上层是多域资源协同规划模型,以CDC的总预期效益最大化为目标,确定CDC的最优选址和规模以及CS-DR激励机制的设计。下层模型分别是独立系统运营商(Independent system operator,ISO)的市场出清模型(电-碳价格模型)以及云用户参与CS-DR的决策模型。该模型是具有两个非凸下层的双层混合整数非线性规划问题,在数学上难以直接求解,因此本文提出了一种包含多重线性化方法和基于列与约束生成(Column-and-constraint generation,C&CG)算法的重构分解(Reformulation and decomposition,R&D)策略的混合求解方法。最后,基于改进的IEEE 30节点测试系统进行算例分析,仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性。

更多关于"Cloud data center"的研究详见: https://www.sciencedirect.com/search?qs=Cloud%20data%20center&pub=Applied%20Energy&cid=271429

Abstr act

With the prevalence of cloud computing applications, cloud data centers (CDCs) are proliferating around the world. However, in the context of hybrid energy-carbon markets environment, the high energy costs and environmental expenses caused by CDC operation are pressing CDC owners to restructure the future development of CDC in a more economical and low-carbon manner. The potential spatio-temporal transferability and reducibility of workloads provides CDCs with significant flexibility in their operations and thus may interact with the power grid as active demand users. Nonetheless, other than private data centers, public CDCs have no direct control over the workloads submitted by terminal cloud users. As such, this paper presents a bi-level model for CDC allocation planning, so as to incorporate cloud service-demand response (CS-DR) from the perspective of a hybrid electricity-carbon market. The upper level pertains to multi-domain resource collaborative planning model, which determines the optimum siting and sizing of CDCs as well as the incentive design for CS-DR program, with the objective of maximizing the total expected benefits of CDC. The lower level models correspond to the market clearing (electricity-carbon tariff model) of Independent system operator (ISO) and the decision-making of cloud users regarding CS-DR participation. The proposed model belongs to a bi-level mixed integer nonlinear programming problem with two non-convex lower levels, which can be intractable in mathematics. To solve such difficult problem, a hybrid solution method combining multiple linearization techniques and reformulation and decomposition (R&D) strategy based on column-and-constraint generation (C&CG) algorithm is developed. The proposed model is demonstrated on a modified IEEE 30-bus test case, and the simulation results verified the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


Cloud data center

Demand-side flexibility

Cloud users

Bi-level programming

Electricity-carbon market

Allocation planning

图1 CDC基本架构图

图2 双层规划模型框架
