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世辉律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-18 17:49


Raymond Wang and Yihan Zang of Shihui Partners discuss the latest cross-border data transfer rules of China, in light of the country’s policy goals and hybrid challenges.

近日,世辉律师事务所合伙人 王新锐 律师与 臧翌晗 律师 受国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯邀请,为其“ 专家焦点 ”栏目撰写了 中国近期通过数据平衡安全与经济增长的尝试 一文。钱伯斯“ 专家焦点 ”栏目聚焦于法律领域的最新动态,关注全球法律专业人士关心的法律趋势和风险,旨在呈现法律专家对实时热点话题的专业洞见。

Recently, Raymond Wang and Yihan Zang of Shihui Partners were invited by Chambers, a globally renowned legal rating agency, to contribute an article to its Expert Focus column. The article is titled China’s Most Recent Efforts to Rebalance Security and Economic Development Through Data . Chambers Expert Focus is dedicated to innovation in the law and key legal trends and risks that are of interest to legal professional worldwide. Its aim is to showcase insights of legal experts on current hot topics.

文章介绍了《促进和规范数据跨境流动规定》(“ 《数据出境新规》 ”)的出台背景,简要介绍了《数据出境新规》下触发申报要求的门槛和豁免,并将其与之前的跨境传输规则进行了比较。文章还展望了《数据出境新规》落地执行的近期趋势。

The article introduces the background of the Rules on Facilitating and Regulating the Cross-Border Flow of Data (the " New Rules "), summarises the thresholds and exemptions of the relevant government formalities, and compares the same with those in the old rules. The article also offers a forward-looking perspective on the immediate implementation of the New Rules.


The New Rules rebalance the needs for security and economic development, and moderately relax the restrictions on cross-border data transfer by multinationals through new scenario-based exemptions and updated the volume-based exemptions. Companies should pay close attention to the implementation of the New Rules.

完整版的文章可在钱伯斯网站上查阅(点击文末“ 阅读原文 ”)。

The full article can be accessed on Chambers website ( https://chambers.com/legal-trends/china-data-regulations-development-goals ).


If you have any questions about the article or hope to reach out to the author for discussions, please refer to the contact information below.


The Authors

合伙人 | Partner

王新锐 | Raymond Wang

[email protected]


Mr. Raymond Wang's practice focuses on cybersecurity and data protection. He frequently advises leading multinational and domestic technology companies, ministries and local governments with respect to legislative and regulatory programs. He sits on the expert panel for the ICC's Data Governance Working Group and the B20 Organization Compliance Working Group. He is one of the key authors of the monograph 'International Comparative Study on Personal Information Protection' and 'Data Service Framework'. He has published many articles, reports and translation works in the field of personal information protection, and has also taught courses related to data protection and cyber law at both Peking and Tsinghua universities.

王新锐律师毕业于清华大学法学院,执业已超过20年,曾长期在国内顶尖律师事务所工作,现为世辉律师事务所合伙人。2018年以来,王律师在TMT和数据保护领域先后获得Chambers、The Legal 500、ALB、《商法》、China Law & Practice、asialaw、LEGALBAND等多个法律专业评级机构的推荐,其中包括ALB China十五佳TMT律师、The Legal 500亚太数据保护领先律师(2021-2024)、LEGALBAND中国顶级律师排行榜:网络安全和数据保护(第一梯队)(2019-2024)等个人奖项。

Raymond Wang is the head of our compliance department and he has been practicing law for more than 20 years. Raymond has been recommended by various authoritative legal media and rating agencies in the categories of 'TMT' and 'Data Protection', including Chambers & Partners, The Legal 500, Asian Legal Business (ALB), China Business Law Journal, China Law & Practice, asialaw Profiles, and LEGALBAND. His specific accolades include being recognised by: ALB as one of the China 'Top 15 TMT Lawyers'; The Legal 500 Asia Pacific as a 'Special Recommended Lawyer' listed in the 'Data Protection' category from 2021 to 2024 and LEGALBAND in the category of 'Top Ranked Lawyers - Cybersecurity & Data Compliance' (the top tier) from 2019 to 2024.
