经过了一个月的时间,饿了么发起的“无需餐具”挑战在不久前 100%达成目标。截至目前,饿了么的用户在这段期间累计完成了 600 万张“无需餐具”的订单。虽然我们无法准确估算出总共有多少双筷子、叉子被节省下来,但按照 1000 次换取 1 棵树苗来计算,6000 棵树将因此被种植。如果有更多用户参与到活动中来,饿了么也将继续增加捐赠树木的数量。
After a month, the “Cut the Cutlery” challenge launched by
has successfully achieved 100% of its goal. As for now, Ele.me users chose the"no cutlery” option over 6 million times. Though we cannot calculate precisely how many pairs of chopsticks, forks, knives, and spoons were saved, in exchange, 6,000 trees will be planted. If more users are involved in the activity, they will continue to increase the number of donated trees.
And by the way, this is what 1000 trees look like:
Credit: Heatherwick Studio
Ele.me also plans to extend the challenge to other activities, for example, “No
Weekend”, to reinforce and encourage responsible consumption behaviors and environmental awareness.
虽然由饿了么发起的“无需餐具”挑战已经圆满完成,绿色倡议仍然想把这个挑战继续延续下去。如果你还没有参加,赶紧来一单无需餐具的外卖吧!现在离我们的截止时间(11 月 20 日)已经非常临近!
Although the "Cut the Cutlery” challenge launched by Ele.me has completed from Ele.me’s end, Green Initiatives intends to continue to push this action in its community. If you haven’t joined us yet, the deadline (November 20th) is getting real close!
Other Cool Actions that Can Make Food Takeaway More Eco-Friendly:
● 选择采用可降解一次性餐具的餐厅。
Pick restaurants that use biodegradable tableware
● 添置一副环保便携餐具
Invest in a set of eco-friendly portable & reusable cutlery
Out and About Utensil Travel Set, credit: www.joannehudson.com
● 赋予一次性餐盒二次生命!在确定餐具的安全性后,清洁,并且反复使用这些餐具。
Give single-use plastic items a second chance. Re-use your takeaway items (containers and cutlery) at home or office. Wash and keep them for future meals. And don’t forget: upcycle more!
临时电线保护盒 Temporary socket wireprotection box credit: www.familyhandyman.com
Indoor seed nursery
Use plastic lid to help cut small fruitsand vegetables
Prevent pets from damaging flowerseedlings
Upcycle into handicrafts
● 和同事一起点餐!
Eat together and order meals collectively!
Asking colleagues to join you when you’re ordering food online is beneficial in many ways. It’s polite. It’s social. It gives you an opportunity to try more dishes. It’s cost-efficient. It can reduce food waste and requires less packaging. It also saves multiple trips for the delivery guys!
What's your story with cutleries when ordering food online? Given that the convenience of takeaway meals in our busy lives cannot be argued, do you have better ideas to make takeaway more eco-friendly? What eco-practices do you follow in your takeaway?
Share with us! Sharing positive or frustrating experiences from your life or your friends’ can inspire us all, or at the least, teach us valuable lessons.
Green Initiatives is still looking for readers who are willing to share tips and solutions to reduce takeout waste. Leave your comment below!
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A non-profit organization that promotes awareness, facilitates actions, implements projects, and stimulates change toward sustainable models of growth and consumption.
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