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关于伦敦大火,物业管理公司如何做好高层建筑EHS管理?我们知道什么? The London Fire: What We Know

EHSCity  · 公众号  · 社会安全  · 2017-06-16 10:33







零点54分传出首次火警,地点在北肯辛顿建于1974年的格伦费尔大厦(Grenfell Tower),此处至少有400位居民,住在20层楼、120间公寓里。消防员在6分钟内做出反应。根据伦敦消防队的说法,火焰从二楼燃起,之后很快窜升至顶层。

伦敦消防局局长达尼·科顿(Dany Cotton)表示,现在推测火灾影响言之过早。早期有新闻报道称,火灾可能由电器爆炸造成的,但并未获得证实。



格伦费尔大厦最近加上了外部的铝包层。建筑公司Probyn-Miers的总经理克里斯托弗·米尔斯(Christopher Miers)表示:“可能原因是,外墙系统中的有些区域的作用需要考虑进去。”



格伦费尔大厦属于肯辛顿 - 切尔西区,该处是伦敦金融区城市的32个行政区之一。住户日常管理则外包给肯辛顿和切尔西租户管理组织(Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organization)。







七楼居民保罗·穆纳克尔(Paul Munakr)告诉英国广播公司,建筑物的没有警报设施,导致人们不清楚一开始是否有火灾。



居民组织格伦费尔行动组(Grenfell Action Group)表示,它在过去多年间就对建筑管理部门发出警告。



管理公司拒绝就安全问题发表评论,其首席执行官罗伯特·布莱克(Robert Black)在其网站上发表声明,称这是场“毁灭性”的火灾,并对这场大火造成的伤亡表示心碎。

在一项声明中,去年承包翻新格伦费尔大厦工程的莱登集团(Rydon Group)表示,其工作“符合所有建筑控制规范、消防法规和健康与安全标准”。


制造该大楼包层的哈利门面有限公司(Harley Facades Limited)并未立即置评。

LonDON — A fire tore through a 24-story West London apartment building early Wednesday, killing at least 17 people and injuring more than 70. The cause is still under investigation.

How did the fire start?

The  fire was first reported at 12:54 a.m. The site was Grenfell Tower in   North Kensington, built in 1974, which housed at least 400 people in 120  apartments across 20 residential floors. Firefighters responded within  six minutes. The blaze began on the fourth floor and spread to the top  with a velocity and intensity that stunned the 250 firefighters who  responded. Pockets of fire were still blazing on Thursday morning, more  than 24 hours after the fire broke out.

Commissioner  Dany Cotton of the London Fire Brigade said it was too early to  speculate on the cause. Early news reports said that the fire may have  been caused by the explosion of an electrical appliance, but nothing has  been /confirm/ied. The police have ruled out terrorism.



How did it spread so quickly?

That  is a major question for investigators. Usually, high-rise buildings are  designed to contain a fire in its unit of origin, and in contemporary  buildings, alarm systems and sprinklers are the norm.

Grenfell Tower was recently fitted with exterior aluminum cladding.

Such  cladding, which often consists of aluminum sheets sandwiched over some  kind of insulation, has been seen as a factor in past blazes, including  three major high-rise fires in Dubai.

The  United States and Britain have relatively tough regulations on the   potential flammability of internal material used in cladding, but other factors — such as how panels are made and installed — could come into   play.

Christopher  Miers, the managing director of Probyn-Miers, a forensic architecture firm that examines buildings that are defective or fire damaged, said   the panels “are safe to use, but they need to be properly used and they need to be well constructed and the building needs to be well managed.”

Matthew Needham-Laing,  an architect and engineering lawyer who specializes in building  defects, said the dark smoke that engulfed the building was a telltale  sign of burning cladding material.

“It  looks to me — and certainly a lot of people are saying the same thing —  it looks to me like a cladding fire,” he said.The material in the   cladding, he said, is “flame retardant, so it doesn’t catch fire as   easily, but the temperatures you’re talking about are often 900, 1,000  degrees centigrade, and in those conditions, any material will generally  burn, and they do, and the thick black smoke was sure to be from that  insulation.”

                Firefighters resting near the site of the blaze. London Fire Brigade said officers were likely to remain there for 24 hours.                                     Credit             Matt Dunham/Associated Press                    

Who owns the building?

Grenfell  Tower is owned by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, one of 32 boroughs that make up Greater London, along with the City, London’s financial district. Day-to-day management is contracted out to the  Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organization.

In  May 2016, the building underwent a $12.8 million renovation, including  the cladding, double-glazed windows and a communal heating system.

Nicholas  Paget-Brown, the council’s leader, told the BBC that whether the   refurbishment was done appropriately “will need to be the subject of a   separate investigation.”

“We  need a thorough inquiry into why this fire started, why it spread so   quickly, and whether there was anything in place to slow down its   progress,” he added.


He said his immediate concern was finding housing for displaced residents.

Flames and smoke engulfing Grenfell Tower.

Did the building meet current standards?

After  six people died and more than 20 were injured in a 2009 fire in Lakanal  House, a tower block in Camberwell, in the southeast of London, a  parliamentary group called for a review of fire safety rules, and an  inquest advised the government to urge that sprinklers be installed in  high-rise buildings.

The review has been dragging. Gavin Barwell,  a housing minister until he lost his seat in the general election last  week and was then appointed Prime Minister Theresa May’s chief of staff,  has come under criticism for the delay.

Grenfell  Tower’s management company carried out an overhaul of the fire safety  system only last year, considering it a model for its many properties.  In board meeting minutes last year, it said it would use the same  approach on “all major works projects.”

The  overhaul came after years of complaints by tenants, and after a  deficiency notice was issued by the London Fire Brigade last year  relating to another building.

What was the safety protocol, and was it followed?

The  fire action protocol said that residents who were safely inside their  apartments when there was a fire elsewhere should stay put, keeping  doors and windows closed. The procedure is not uncommon for such towers  in Britain.

A  2014 residents’ newsletter defended this policy on the grounds that the  building had been designed to meet “rigorous fire safety standards.” It  said apartments had recently been fitted with front doors that could  “withstand a fire for up to 30 minutes, which gives plenty of time for  the fire brigade to arrive.”

Paul  Munakr, a seventh-floor resident, told the BBC that alarms in the  building had not gone off, leading to initial confusion as to whether  there was a fire.

But  David King, a building engineer, said that in his three-decade career,  he had never heard of residents in high-rise buildings being told to   stay put.

                Two men hugging within the security cordon around Grenfell Tower.                                     Credit             Daniel Leal-Olivas/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images                    

Had safety issues been raised?

The Grenfell Action Group, a residents’ group, said it had raised alarms for years about the management of the building.


In  a post last November, the action group said that, despite a fire at   another tower managed by the company, and power surges found to have   been caused by faulty wiring at Grenfell Tower in 2013, residents had   received no “proper safety instructions.” The group predicted that it   would take a “catastrophic event” to spur the management company to   action.

The  group said the management company had responded to the concerns by  posting fire safety instructions — including the “stay put” policy — at  the building entrance and outside elevators on every floor.

A  fire risk assessment for the tower conducted in November 2012, and  cited by the Grenfell Action Group, said that fire extinguishers in the  basement boiler room, the elevator monitor room and the ground floor  electrical room were out of date. “Some located in the roof level areas  had ‘condemned’ written on them in large black writing with a last test  date of 2009 or 2010,” the report said. It was not clear if the  extinguishers had since been updated.

How has management responded?

The  management company declined to comment on safety concerns, and referred  reporters to a statement on its website by its chief executive, Robert  Black, calling the fire “devastating” and expressing heartbreak at the  reports of injury and loss of life.

In  a statement, the Rydon Group, the contractor that refurbished Grenfell  Tower last year, said its work “met all required building control, fire  regulation and health and safety standards.”

“We  will cooperate with the relevant authorities and emergency services and  fully support their enquiries into the causes of this fire at the   appropriate time,” the company added.

Harley Facades Limited, which made the cladding, has not responded to requests for comment.

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