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乐思福教育  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-03-29 16:23


各位小伙伴,今天我们继续来做语法与词汇练习,希望大家能坚持打卡,一直到考前哈,距离 CATTI 考试不足两个月了,大家加油!


1.All his hope to make up for the losses in the previous gamble shattered when Manchester United in the quarterfinal.

a. beat    b. got beaten    c. has beaten    d. has been beat

2.As for next year’s campaign, the overall plan has been worked out but .

a. the details have not been gone down to

b. we have not gone down to details

c. the details are not gone down to

d. the details are going down to

3.When the parents are on business trip abroad, .

a. their little boy is taken care of by the secretary

b. their little boy has taken care of by the secretary

c. the secretary has care taken of the little boy

d. the little boy’s care is taken of by the secretary

4.It was Watt’s great invention of the steam that triggered the industrial revolution and transformed the face of the earth.

a. apparatus    b. device    c. engine    d. machine

5.When the demonstrators reached the Presidential Palace the well-armed anti-riot police charged into the crowds and the gathering.

a. diffused    b. separated    c. dispersed    d. disseminated

6.The derailed train rushed through the corn field, swept over a row of shanties and finally ground to a .

a. cease    b. stop    c. check    d. arrest

7.During their stay in the camp all the children received some training in the basic first skills.

a. help    b. support    c. aid    d. assistance

8.In a way the people themselves are to blame for their disaster because they placed a blind faith in their leader who proved to be a fundamentally evil person.

a. supreme    b. highest    c. uppermost    d. maximal

9.Some of the great stars in the age of films saw their successful career suddenly broken by the invention of talking film.

a. noiseless    b. quiet    c. silent    d. speechless

10.For all the sophistication of the design the multi-billion project failed, because the engineers a tiny technical detail in the heat protection system and the accumulated heat during the flight finally led to the explosion.

a. ignored    b. disregarded    c. mistook    d. neglected



get beaten 表示被动的概念,相当于 be beaten d 选项时态错误,应该用 had been beat


get down to 意思是“开始认真考虑;着手处理”,一般用人做主语,用主动。


首先,应该用一般现在时, take care of 表示照顾、照料,常用表达。


steam engine 蒸汽机,固定表达。
