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GTDAsia搞定  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-12-15 13:42



分享者:Bjørn Christian Finbråten


 Scroll Down for English Version



















阅读关于GTD的博客文章 (http://www.dandywithlens.com/getting-things-done-gtd/).





如果你像现在大多数人一样, 在一个开放的环境中工作, 你没有一扇门可以让你隔离。让别人不来打扰你的最好办法就是做一个“不要打扰”的标志。 如果你很容易被周围的噪音干扰,或者被你同事说话影响, 那么你可能会觉得戴上耳机放着合适的音乐会是一个不错的解决方案。 如果您在Spotify上搜索“专注”,您会发现许多人为此类场合创建了播放列表。


如果您在工作时不喜欢听音乐, 那你可以选择一些降噪耳机和耳塞。 我曾经有一个同事,有时会戴一副亮黄色耳套 - 有一些噪音消除和请勿打扰标志的产品。

当你解决了同事聊天对你产生的干扰后, 现在是时候关注你的三个主要的分心来源:电子邮件,互联网和你的手机。 从关闭你的电子邮件程序开始。如果你不能这样做, 那么至少要关闭通知。 我建议保持您的电子邮件通知永久关闭,除非您在客户服务或服务台工作。

为了避免检查Facebook和当地天气的诱惑, 关闭浏览器也是一个好主意。 把你的手机静音。如果您拥有固定电话, 请开启语音信箱。 现在你已经准备好完成一些工作了。




一心多用是不奏效的。 的确, 您可以将不需要智力的任务结合起来,但是您的日历中已经锁住时间的任务不能采取一心多用的做法。 对于很多人来说,把注意力放在一个单一的任务上是很困难的, 要么是因为他们很容易分心,要么因为完全投入了工作中, 忘记了与同事的午餐和家人的晚餐。我自己发现,番茄工作方法可以帮助我静下心来, 专注于一个甚至是非常无聊的任务,也让我意识到我已经坐了很久了。


番茄工作法基本上是一种将工作分成25分钟的方法, 在这之间休息5分钟。 如果你想知道更多,请阅读 http://www.dandywithlens.com/pomodoro-method/


“你集中能量的能力与你能够放松的能力是成正比的。” - David Allen




你需要有工作的空间, 这不仅是在身体上, 而且还在精神上。 如果你要有绩效,你必须知道如何放松。如果你不给自己加油的时间,你将会耗尽权力。


我并不是说你一定要在沙发上多呆点时间。 我是说你需要做一些能够给自己增加继续工作的能量。


在压力极大的期间, 我尽可能不把工作带回家。无论是物理上还是精神上,我离开工作室后一定不再想工作。


坐在我的办公桌前或整天开会会让我很累。 我个人认为在我家的花园做一些工作或者在家里做一些家庭装修工程是一件好事。 这与我平时所经历的完全相反 - 它给了我即时可见的结果。体力劳动与脑力劳动不一样。我发现体力劳动或运动后我睡得更好。


现在我有一个任务给你:进入你的日历, 不仅要确保你有工作的空间, 而且还要确保你有余下的时间放松。

Want to be more productive? Make room for work

Author: Bjørn Christian Finbråten

Reading time: 4mins

Most of the so-called knowledge workers are struggling with the same dilemma: Constant distractions. E-mail, phone calls, text messages, meetings, and colleagues. The solution is not to work more; it’s to work smarter. Here are some tips to get you started.

Make room for work by blocking off time in your calendar

We all know how it goes. If you move a few weeks into the future, your calendar is full of unused time, with plenty of room for work. By the time you get to that week, all the days are full of meetings, workshops, lunches and that dentist appointment you have been dodging for months.

Most of these appointments are in your calendar because you chose to accept the meeting invitation, almost on auto-pilot. Most of these appointments are wall-to-wall. That means that you will always be late, and never really prepared. When does anyone expect some “real” work to be done?

What is the solution? Take back some of your time. Make room for work by blocking off time in your calendar to do the most important and/or complicated tasks.

Have a to-do list

I’ll let you in on a little secret: You are most probably doing it all wrong, the to-do list I mean.

Most people are not keeping regularly updated to-do lists. They make a to-do list only when they feel that they have lost control and need to get stuff out of their head. If you get in the habit of getting stuff out of your head and into some kind of system on a regular basis, you will have a much easier time prioritizing what to do and when to do it. Getting Things Done, GTD for short, is such a system.
Read my
blog post about GTD (http://www.dandywithlens.com/getting-things-done-gtd/) to find out more.

Remove distractions

OK, so you have managed to block off an hour of what you hope will be un-interrupted time.
Now what? How do you make sure that you are not disturbed?

If you, like most people these days, work in an open landscape, you do not have a door to close. The best way to keep other people from distracting you is maybe to make a sign saying “Do not disturb” If you are easily disturbed by ambient noise or your colleagues talking, then you may find that putting on your headphones with the right kind of music is a good solution. If you search for “concentration” on Spotify, you will find that a lot of people has created playlists for just such occasions.

If you do not like to listen to music when working, there is a load of noise canceling headphones and earplugs to choose from. I used to have a colleague that sometimes would wear a pair of bright yellow earmuffs – There you have noise canceling and a do-not-disturb sign in one handy product.

When you have tuned out your colleagues it is time to focus on your three main sources of distraction; email, the internet, and your cell phone. Start by closing your email program. If you cannot do this, then at least turn-off notifications. I would recommend keeping your email notifications turned off permanently unless you work at customer service or helpdesk.

Want to learn more about smart email handling? Read about Inbox Zero. (http://www.dandywithlens.com/inbox-zero/)

To avoid the temptation to check Facebook and the local weather, it is a good idea to close your browser too. Turn your cell phone to silent. If you have a land line, forward this to your voicemail. Now you are ready to get some work done.

Focus on one single task

Multitasking does not work. It is true that you can combine tasks that do not require brainpower but the task that you have blocked off time in your calendar to get done, probably does. For many people, it can be hard to focus on a single task, either because they are easily distracted or because they get totally lost in work and forget both the lunch with colleagues and the dinner at home. I myself find that the Pomodoro method helps me both to sit still and concentrate on a really boring task, as well as making me aware that I have been sitting still for a long time.

The Pomodoro method is basically a way to divide work into chunks of 25 minutes, with a 5-minute break in between.

“Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax.'' – David Allen

Take time off

You need to have room for work, not only physically, but also mentally. If you are going to perform, you have to know how to relax. If you do not give yourself time to refuel, you are going to run out of power.

I’m not saying that you necessarily should spend more time on the couch. I’m saying that you need to do something that will re-charge your batteries.

In high-stress periods, I try to not take work with me home. I’m leaving my work, both physically and mentally, at the office.

Sitting at my desk, or in meetings the whole day, I personally think it is a good thing to do some work in the garden or work on some home improvement project at home. It is the total opposite of what I usually experience – it gives me immediate visible results. Physical labor also makes you tired in a different way than mental labor. I find that I sleep better after physical labor or exercise.

Now I have a task for you: Go into your calendar, not only to make sure that you have room for work but also to make sure that you have room for the rest of your life too