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【经济学人】蛋白质图谱 | 2016.12.10 | 总第752期

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-31 05:01



蛋白质(protein)是生命的物质基础,是有机大分子,是构成细胞的基本有机物,是生命活动的主要承担者。没有蛋白质就没有生命。氨基酸是蛋白质的基本组成单位。它是与生命及与各种形式的生命活动紧密联系在一起的物质。机体中的每一个细胞和所有重要组成部分都有蛋白质参与。蛋白质占人体重量的16%~20%,即一个60kg重的成年人其体内约有蛋白质9.6~12kg。人体内蛋白质的种类很多,性质、功能各异,但都是由20多种氨基酸(Amino acid)按不同比例组合而成的,并在体内不断进行代谢与更新。

An atlas of where proteins are found in cells


Knowing a protein’s whereabouts within a cell will help researchers to determine its job


Dec 10th 2016


ONE of the most important concepts in biology is compartmentalisation. Different organs do different jobs within bodies. Different tissues do different jobs within organs. Different cells within tissues, likewise. And within cells, different organelles—as subcellular components such as nuclei, mitochondria and Golgi bodies are known—are also specialised for particular functions. Each of these levels of organisation has, over the years, been catalogued in what have come to be known as atlases, beginning in 1543 with Andreas Vesalius’s “De Humani Corporis Fabrica” (On the Fabric of the Human Body), the founding text of modern anatomy.


  • compartmentalisation n.区室化

  • nuclei  ['njuːklɪaɪ] n.细胞核

  • mitochondria [,maɪtəʊ'kɒndrɪə] n.线粒体

The latest level of detail is to look at different proteins within organelles. Proteins are the molecules that do most of the work within a cell. They range from things like actin and myosin, which collaborate to flex muscle cells—and thus the muscles of which those cells are part—to the enzymes of the Krebs cycle, which disassemble glucose to release the energy therein. The Cell Atlas, a database launched on December 4th at a meeting of the American Society of Cell Biology, records which proteins are found in which organelles. The result, like “De Humani Corporis Fabrica”, is both pleasing to the eye and important to the field. Proteins located together are likely to work together, so knowing a protein’s whereabouts within a cell will help researchers to determine its job.


  • collaborate [kə'læbəreɪt]  v.合作

  • enzyme ['enzaɪm]  n.酶

  • the Krebs cycle [krebz] 三羧酸循环

  • disassemble [dɪsə'semb(ə)l] v.拆开,解开

  • glucose ['gluːkəʊs; -z]:n.葡萄糖

注:三羧酸循环(tricarboxylic acid cycle)是需氧生物体内普遍存在的代谢途径,因为在这个循环中几个主要的中间代谢物是含有三个羧基的柠檬酸,所以叫做三羧酸循环,又称为柠檬酸循环;或者以发现者Hans Adolf Krebs([英]1953年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖)命名为Krebs循环。三羧酸循环是三大营养素(糖类、脂类、氨基酸)的最终代谢通路,又是糖类、脂类、氨基酸代谢联系的枢纽。

The authors of the Cell Atlas, led by Mathias Uhlen of the Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, have pinned 12,051 proteins down in this way using immunofluorescence. This technique employs specially created antibodies (protein molecules, produced by immune-system cells, that bind specifically to a particular target protein) to hunt down that target within a cell. The antibodies themselves have fluorescent tags attached to them, so that they will glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. 

由斯德哥尔摩皇家理工学院Mathias Uhlen带领的细胞图谱作者们,用荧光免疫检验法确定了12051个蛋白质的位置。这种技术采用专有抗体(免疫系统细胞生成的绑定特定靶蛋白的蛋白质分子)在细胞内追踪目标。因为抗体本身带有荧光标记,因此紫外线照射时会发光。

  • immunofluorescence [,ɪmjʊnəʊ,flʊə'res(ə)ns]n.[免疫]荧光免疫检验法

  • ultraviolet light  [ʌltrə'vaɪələt] n.紫外线


By applying these tagged antibodies to cells from 22 human-cell lines derived from a range of original tissues, the atlas’s authors gave themselves the best possible chance of detecting a particular protein in cells of at least one line. That done, each sample was examined microscopically to determine which of the 13 generally recognised organelles each protein appeared in. This, being quite a task (and not one easily delegated to automatic optical-recognition systems), was carried out in part by a bunch of 120,000 enthusiastic amateurs.


  • derive from [dɪ'raɪv] v.源于,来自

  • delegate [ˈdɛlɪˌɡeɪt] n.代表

The example in the picture is of the distribution of a protein (tagged green) called ZNF554. This belongs to a group, the zinc-finger transcription factors, whose job is to activate and regulate genes. As the picture shows, ZNF554 is restricted to the cell’s nucleus. Within that nucleus there are several places which glow particularly brightly, and where it is therefore particularly abundant. These are the nucleoli—zones where genes are especially active. (The red areas are the cell’s microtubules. These act as its skeleton and are tagged in all Cell Atlas pictures, in order to outline a cell’s limits.)


  • the zinc-finger transcription factors

  •     [zɪŋk] ['fɪŋgə] [træn'skrɪpʃ(ə)n]['fæktəz]

  •     n.锌指转录因子

  • microtubules [maɪkrə(ʊ)'tjuːbjuːl]:n.微管

  • nucleoli [njʊ'kliəlaɪ]:n.核仁

转录因子即transcription factor,是真核生物DNA转录过程中能够与DNA结合、参与转录调控的一类蛋白,转录因子一般分为通用转录因子(generaltranscription factor)和序列特异性转录因子(sequence-specific transcription factor)。锌指蛋白是序列特异性转录因子中的一种,它的氨基酸中通常含有数目不等的半胱氨酸(C)和组氨酸(H),通过半胱氨酸和组氨酸来螯合锌离子,形成所谓的锌指结构,通过这个结构来识别和结合DNA。

What fraction of human proteins the Cell Atlas currently covers is open to debate. The number of protein-coding genes in the human genome is currently reckoned at 19,628. Some genes, however, can yield more than one protein—either because they may be read in more than one way, or because their messages to the protein-manufacturing parts of a cell may end up edited in different ways. This means the actual number of proteins that can exist from time to time in the body exceeds the number of genes, probably by at least 50%. The Cell Atlas, then, is by no means the last word on the matter of where proteins are found. But it is a good start.


  • Protein-manufacturing

  • ['prəʊtiːn][,mænjʊ'fæktʃərɪŋ]

  • adj.制造蛋白质的        

  • From time to time:adv.不时,偶尔,

  •  Exceeds [ɪk'siːd]:v.超过; 超越

翻译 ▍栏目二第五组

审核 ▍椰子

编辑 ▍澜意

Try to translate 

 Each of these levels of organisation has, over the years, been catalogued in what have come to be known as atlases, beginning in 1543 with Andreas Vesalius’s “De Humani Corporis Fabrica” (On the Fabric of the Human Body), the founding text of modern anatomy.

Put Chinese below




