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Being always addressed as ‚Queen of Shanghai‚ you can never predict what am I up to - what I’m doing at the moment, which part of the world I’m in currently. Well, to be fair, my life is quite extreme, i.e. as a freelancer, sometimes I could just lay an entire week at home doing absolutely nothing, or if I’m handling a project, I don’t even have time to eat a proper lunch. Looking back at last two years, I’ve done countless different stuff in different domains, interestingly this blog ends up being the thing that lasts the longest in my calendar.
Yesterday my friend David briefly talked about some ways you can do to make your CV stand out, so today I want to talk a little bit about this topic on a more entrepreneurial perspective, sharing some of my personal experience.
Be proactive - set a time slot and do as much as you can
I always get asked ‚I don’t know what I’m good at, what should I do?‚ Well, I’m not you, I can’t make any decision for you. The only way you are gonna find this out is by trying yourself. I believe that in order to truly know yourself you need to go out there and explore. One of the most low cost ways is to do different types of part-times.
When I referred to part-time, it means high quality ones, not wiping tables at McDonald. Why part-times? First of all it’s a great way to step outside the campus and get to know different kinds of people who are much older and much more experienced than you; secondly, you also get a pay-check for the work you do so it’s not as financially-stressfully as say, to sign up a language class to improve your skillsets; lastly you also get to find out what is it that you truly like and really good at.
I’ve personally taken a handful drastically different part-times in the last two years or so including: shopkeeper at a vintage store. interpreter, corporate training, social media content creator…which eventually developed into something bigger: running a blog and co-founding a restaurant. All these define who I am today and I never regret going through everything.
Give yourself say, one year of time, try everything you possibly can.
2.Be sociable - establish your own network
Network is key when it comes to entrepreneurship, with an efficient network you get things done much faster. This is different from the traditional Chinese ‚guanxi‘, but rather a resource exchange under an equal condition.
But HOW? The sole solution is to create value for yourself and make others interested in you.
For instance, being fluent in a foreign language, having PR resources of luxury brands, being able to create a beautiful WeChat blogpost. These can all be considered as a strength that trigger others’ interests in you. Keep in mind, networking is a bilateral thing.
3. Be bilingual - fluent in at least one foreign language
This has been discussed many times in this blog, please refer to previous related posts.
4. Be skeptical - choose wisely when getting on board
This is my personal lesson. Even if you think you are invincible and can achieve anything on your own, it’s NOT possible. Teamwork still plays a huge roll when creating a business, so choose wisely BEFORE you get on board with any team.
I have many friends around me who also run their own businesses, they’ve also complained about the same kind of issues, first they just wanted to be kind but ended going the separate ways with their partners. So it’s better to clear things up in the first place before things go south in the end.
5. What is actually the benefits of being entrepreneurial?
My opinion towards career has always been practical: I don’t care much about working environment or how fancy the title sounds - it’s the experience and the paycheck matters. In our time, many startups can give their employees a even bigger paycheck than traditional Fortune 500, and in startups one can go through a project from start to finish and greatly enhance working abilities. Therefore working for a startup isn’t necessarily a bad choice. Naturally startups may value people with more entrepreneurial experience on their CVs.
Even if you failed running your own business, you can always consider working for an already-established startup, or vice versa.