专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-12 09:20


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)通过市场人士获悉,土耳其钢厂的方坯报价继续上涨,出口报价普遍约为 425-430 美元 / fob ,国内出厂价和交货价为 415-440 美元 / 吨。

Turkish mills' billet offers continue toincrease, with general levels of offers around $425-430/tonne fob for export sales and $415-440/t ex-works and delivered for domestic transactions, sourcesin the market tell Kallanish .

新的报价随废钢价格上涨,优质重熔废钢 HMS 1&2 80:20 价格接近 300 美元 / cfr ,但在该价位上,需求仅限于国内销售。贸易商指出,独联体方坯报价为 400-415 美元 / fob ,因生产商而异,土耳其钢厂可能通过交货期短的优势吸引出口买家。

The new higher price tags are driven by costlier scrap, which is nearing a $300/t cfr mark for premium HMS 1&280:20 but demand at this level remains somewhat limited to domestic sales only. With CIS billet offers at $400-415/t fob, depending on the producer,Turkish mills could entice export buyers by offering material with short leadtimes, traders note.

消息人士说,由于本地生产商的方坯报价较高,为 430-440 美元 / 吨出厂价,一些再轧商选择从贸易商处购买资源,后者价格仍在 405-415 美元 / cfr 。然而,这些报价似乎正在迅速消失。当前螺纹钢价格为 430-440 美元 / fob ,土耳其再轧商受到拖累。方坯价格上涨的消息也意味着,对方坯的需求继续超过螺纹钢,这在价格方面得到体现。但很多人怀疑价格在一周内上涨 25 美元 / 吨的可行性,一周多前国内生产商的方坯售价为 405-410 美元 / 吨出厂价。

With domestic billet offers from local producers at a higher, $430-440/t exw levels, according to sources, somere-rollers are opting for traders' material, which can still be obtained at$405-415/t cfr. This window is closing fast however, it appears. Turkishre-rollers are limited by rebar prices at current $430-440/t fob levels. News of billet price increases is also sending the message that demand for billet continues to outstrip that for rebar, which is in turn reflected in the pricing. But many doubt the viability of a $25/t price increase in one week,following a domestic producer's sales of billet at $405-410/t exw just over aweek ago.

市场正同时逼近许多关口,比如新年。这为美国废钢市场带来又一轮涨价的强烈迹象,以及开始在 1 月份为西欧新的施工季节囤积材料。但消息人士称,对于螺纹钢价格能否大幅上涨,维持废钢价格上涨趋势,市场上仍存在担忧。

The market is approaching the many thresholds simultaneously, such as the new year. This is bringing strong indications for another price rise in the US scrap market, and the beginning of stocking up for new construction season in Western Europe in January. Concerns still remain however as to whether rebar prices will see the significant-enough price increases necessary to keep rising price momentum going, sources say.


Without a finished products’ price rise to match those of scrap and billet, re-rolling capacities would eventually becurtailed again in the new cycle. Despite the rebound of price in all major regions, there are still concerns regarding sustainability of scrap priceincreases, and their longevity, as the driving force in steel pricing, onemarket source concludes.



Asia Steel Markets 2020

22 Apr 2020, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
