Eco Design Fair 2018
will celebrate our 10th year as
Shanghai’s longest running eco initiative
that brings green awareness to the city.
10 years of supporting and empowering
consumers, conmmunities and eco-business
EDF 2008
was Shanghai’s ground breaking event in raising awareness of pressing environmental issues and to make the public aware of sustainable design products choices and eco-friendly lifestyle.
EDF 2008,是上海在可持续设计产品、展示环境友好生活方式以及推动环境问题舆论的方面,提升公众意识的具有历史开拓意义的大型活动。
People do not make impact alone; great things are accomplished together. The environmental challenges we face require bold, creative, and collective action.
在环保的漫长道路上,没有一个人可以单独完成这个使命; 所有市民一起投入起来吧!我们所面临的生态环境挑战需要更有力、更具创造性的共同集体行动才能成功。
Eco Design Fair 2018 interAct
will bring all inspiring communities together
for positive collaboration and eco actions.
2018年国际生态市集 “interAct”
Join us on October 20-21, 2018 at HKRI Taikoo Hui and be inspired and empowered by prominent eco leaders, businesses and community groups to “interACT!”
欢迎大家于10月20-21日加入我们在兴业太古汇举办的欢庆市集。让我们的市民、社区和行业伙伴们能够一起参与绿色生态环保的行动 - “interACT”!
Together, we can take action, make thoughtful conversations, create intentional impact, build meaningful cooperations, and help to redefine a new culture and community of green in China,” says Sherry Poon, the founder of Eco Design Fair.
——国际生态创意市集创办人 潘洁咏
“Everyone who loves the Earth should come to the EDF 2018 to discover and be inspired by what eco leaders are doing in each area. And we can ask ourselves: What other lifestyle habits can we change? What needs to be called to action? Which projects can we participate in?” says Forrest Song, VeggieDorm.
Let's take action together - at home, at work,at school and beyond - to improve the health of our bodies, minds and for our planet.
让我们一起付诸行动 - 无论是在家、在工作、在学校或任何时侯 – 来改善我们身体、心灵、以及地球的健康。
Opening Hours 开放时间
20 Oct 2018 10月20日 10:00 - 20:00
21 Oct 2018 10月21日 11:00 - 18:00
Free Entry 免费入场
Venue 地点
HKRI Taikoo Hui, 4F Rooftop Garden
(789 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Shimen Yi Lu)
MetroStation Nanjing Xi Lu, Line 2/12/13
兴业太古汇 4楼顶层空中花园
right here at the green rooftop
Class & Workshop Preservations
EcoWorkshop 生态工作坊
For Regitration 预定二维码
Day 1
11.20 Saturday 周六
11:00 -12:00
Upcycle Your Old Jeans (Eng)
Xenia Sidorenka, a Russian designer, UseDem | 50RMB
12:15 -13:00, 13:15 - 14:00
Floriculture (Chn)
谷秀生活美学工作室 & 茹 · if vegan | 60RMB
13:30 - 15:00
ecoKIDS Veggie Art DIY (Eng) 生态亲子,植物艺术
Alan Flesher, Multidimensional Artist, Designer, Writer & Creative Coach | 80RMB
14:00 - 15:00
Social Innovation Workshop (Chn) 社会创新工作坊
朱灵 ZHU Ling,
Dynamic Innovation Consulting (DIC) | Free of Charge
15:00 - 16:00
ecoKIDS Grow Your Vegetables DIY (Eng) 生态亲子,种植你的蔬菜
Sophie, Goma Greens
| 80RMB
15:00 - 17:00
Natural Pharmacy Box DIY(Eng) 自然医药箱DIY
Alizée, co-founders of Zero Waste Shanghai | 80RMB
17:00 - 18:00
Customer Co-Creation & Eco Design (Chn) 用户共创 & 环保设计
Jilu, Founder of Kaizao
| free of charge
Day 2
11.21 Sunday 周日
17:00 - 18:00
ecoKIDS raw cookies DIY (Eng&Chn) 生态亲子,手作生食曲奇(中英双语)
11:00 -12:00
Upcycle Your Old Jeans (Eng)
Xenia Sidorenka, a Russian designer, UseDem | 50RMB
12:00 -13:30
ecoKIDS Paper Weaving 生态亲子,纸带编制
workshop every 30min 每30分钟一场 | 25RMB
12:15 -13:00, 13:15 - 14:00
Floriculture (Chn)
谷秀生活美学工作室 & 茹 · if vegan | 60RMB
13:30 - 15:00
ecoKIDS Veggie Art DIY (Eng) 生态亲子,植物艺术
Alan Flesher, Multidimensional Artist, Designer, Writer & Creative Coach | 80RMB
13:30 - 15:00
ecoFashion Workshop DIY (Chn) 生态时尚DIY
Lu Dan,
Business Ecology
| 30RMB
15:00 - 16:00
Customer Co-Creation & Eco Design (Chn) 用户共创 & 环保设计
Jilu, Founder of Kaizao
| free of charge
16:00 - 17:00
Yarn Finger Knitting (Chn)
Clara, 弃资公益
| 50RMB
15:00 - 16:00
SHANGHAI FLANEUR ecoWalkshop : sustainability and the city (Eng&Chn) 上海漫步生态工作坊:可持续与城市(中英双语)
Dr. Pan Tao,
Shanghai Flaneur Team 上海漫步团队 | 230RMB
EcoFit 生态健康课
For Regitration 预定二维码
Day 1
11.20 Saturday 周六
11:00 - 12:00
free of charge
14:00 - 15:00
Zumba for all (for donation to sanctuary) 适合所有人的尊巴(收费用于捐赠动物救助)
Jenny, certified zumba fitness instructor | 50RMB
18:00 - 19:00
Sustainable Yoga with Ian (for donation to sanctuary) 与Ian一起做可持续瑜伽(收费用于捐赠动物救助)
Ian Lewis,
restorative yoga | 50RMB
Day 2
11.21 Sunday 周日
10:00 - 11:00
AM Vinyasa (for donation to sanctuary) 瑜伽(收费用于捐赠动物救助)
founder of
Community Yoga Shanghai | 75RMB
11:00 - 12:00
Space moves with Jennifer 与Jennifer一起空间运动
Jennifer Li
| free of charge