国际会议“早期现代全球亚洲的商品和环境,1400年至1800年”将于 2024 年 11 月 13 日至 15 日在意大利佛罗伦萨的欧洲大学学院举行,关注 1400 年至 1800 年间早期现代全球亚洲的环境与商品之间的关系,考察这些地区商品的开采、生产和贸易对环境的影响。
本次会议旨在整合有时相互孤立的多种编史学方法:(i)全球历史中关于物质文化和商品的关注;(ii) 环境史领域不断发展;(iii) 科学史研究,考察自然科学和民族志如何服务于欧洲对贸易、利润和殖民统治的追求。
• 姓名、所属单位和联系信息
• 200-300字的论文标题和摘要
• 简短的简历(最多 2 页)
Papers might approach the conference’s themes from a variety of different angles. Contributions could focus, for example, on one or more of the following areas of research:
Knowledge of the environment. What sort of ‘knowledge’ of these environments was produced during the early modern period? To what extent did visual depictions, surveying and mapmaking projects and geographical knowledge help foster commodity extraction, exploitation and trade?
Perceptions and imaginaries regarding the environments of Asia and the Indian Ocean World. To what extent did different representational forms condition the way various actors sought to transform, manipulate, develop and commodify these environments? Did these representations foster a political economy of ‘improvement’ of nature?
Ecological imperialism. What forms did ecological imperialism take and who were the actors involved in the wider commodification of nature? What commodities were developed and traded? How did the manipulation and transfer of crops and cultures unfold geographically and historically? To what extent did these processes alter the environments of global Asia? In what ways did local actors and local environments react to or resist these processes?
Urban environments. To what extent did the long-distance trade in commodities transform urban environments in the regions under scrutiny? What was the impact of the development of a ‘factory’ system on the environments of the cities and ports?
Conference Particulars
This conference, organised within the ERC-funded project ‘CAPASIA’ will take place at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy on 13–15 November 2024. Keynotes will be given by Professor Jakobina Arch (Whitman College) and Professor Sujit Sivasundaram (Cambridge University). We invite proposals from scholars at all career stages, including early career. Papers will be selected on the basis of proposals submitted, and with the aim of ensuring a broad spread of topics for the conference. Submissions of Individual paper proposals should include:
• Name, affiliation, and contact information
• Paper title and abstract of 200-300 words
• A brief CV (2 pages maximum)
Deadline for Submissions: 20 February 2024, notification of accepted papers: 20 March 2024