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经济学人 | 为什么说话时总会忍不住比划手势?

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-07-06 08:00




Gestures are a subtle and vital form of communication


Susan Goldin-Meadow explains why and how in “Thinking With Your Hands”


“Tie an Italian’s hands behind his back,” runs an old joke, “and he’ll be speechless.” The gag rests on a national stereotype: Italians are voluble and emotional, and all that arm-waggling supposedly goes to prove it.

有个老笑话是这样说的:“把一个意大利人的手绑在背后,他会说不出话来。” 这个笑话是基于一种民族刻板印象:意大利人能说会道、感情丰富,所有这些挥舞手臂的行为都证明了这一点。

Susan Goldin-Meadow of the University of Chicago has a rather different view. Emotions come out in lots of ways: facial expressions, posture, tone of voice and so on. But people are doing something different when they use gestures with speech, which she sums up in the title of her new book, “Thinking With Your Hands”. It is a masterly tour through a lifetime’s research.


Virtually everyone gestures, not just Italians. Experimental subjects, told after a research session that they were being watched for gestures, apologise for not having made any—but were doing so the entire time. Conference interpreters gesture in their little booths, though no one is looking.


People born blind gesture when they speak, including to each other. A woman born without arms but with “ phantom limb syndrome” describes how she uses her phantom arms when she talks—but not when she walks. All this suggests that cognition is, to some extent, “embodied”; thinking is not all done in your head.


The gesture under discussion here is mostly the “co-speech” kind. It is much more abstract than mime (in which exaggerated acting tells a story). Nor are these “ emblematic ” gestures like a thumbs-up or a finger over the lips for “Silence!” Like words, those are fixed within cultures (but vary between them).

这里讨论的手势主要是“伴随说话”的那种。它比哑剧(用夸张的表演来讲述故事)抽象得多。这些“象征性”的手势也不像竖起大拇指或把手指放在嘴唇上表示“安静!” 就像单词一样,这些手势在不同文化中是固定的(但因文化而异)。

Instead, gestures that accompany speech are a second channel of information. Subjects watch a film in which a cat runs but are told to lie and say it jumped. They do so in words—while their hands make a running motion.


People who say they believe in sexual equality but gesture with their hands lower when talking about women are not indicating women’s shorter stature; they can be shown to have biases of which they may be unaware.


Gesture is also not sign language. Sign languages have clearly defined words and grammar, and differ from place to place just as spoken ones do. Professor Goldin-Meadow spends a lot of time on homesign—systems of signs typically developed by deaf children in hearing families who are not exposed to (and so never learn) a conventional sign language.


Such children are essentially inventing rough but rich languages out of nothing, with features such as fixed word order and hierarchical grammatical structures much like those in fully fledged languages. Such homesign systems far outstrip their parents’ gestures; a parent’s raised finger meaning “Wait” may be adopted by a child to connote events in the future.


In “The Crown”, Lady Diana is warned that her hands may betray her real emotions, which could be dangerous; they are tied together so she can learn to speak without gesticulating. No one who reads this book could ever again think that gesturing shows only a lack of control. It is about thinking and communication, and is a sophisticated aid to both.




voluble [ˈvɑljəbəl] adj. 滔滔不绝的;健谈的;流畅的
phantom [ˈfæntəm] n. 幽灵;鬼魂;幻象;幻觉
emblematic [ˌɛmbləˈmætɪk] adj. 典型的;标志的;特有的;象征的
connote [kəˈnoʊt] v. 意味着;有…的含意;暗示

