专栏名称: 金融经济学
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AFA Ph.D. Student Poster Session at the 2020 Annual Meeting(2)

金融经济学  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-08 21:30



编辑:李子健  审核:陆堇

  • Need for Speed? International Transmission Latency, Liquidity and Volatility

  • Ambiguous Text

  • Psychological Barrier and Cross-firm Return Predictability

  • Does Safety Uncertainty Affect Acquisitions?

1、Need for Speed? International Transmission Latency, Liquidity and Volatility

Working paper , issued in May 2019.

Khaladdin Rzayev; University of Edinburgh


Using a measure of the transmission latency between exchanges in Frankfurt and London and exploiting speed-inducing technological upgrades, we investigate the impact of international transmission latency on liquidity and volatility. We find that a decrease in transmission latency increases liquidity and volatility. In line with existing theoretical models, we show that the amplification of liquidity and volatility is associated with variations in adverse selection risk and aggressive trading. We then investigate the net economic effect of high latency and find that the liquidity deterioration effect of high latency dominates its volatility reducing effect. This implies that the liquidity enhancing benefit of increased trading speed in financial markets outweighs its volatility-inducing effect.



2、Ambiguous Text

Working paper , issued in June 2019 .

Eric Tham, EDHEC


Text is inherently ambiguous. Yet investors read textual news as the primary source of financial information from the financial news and social media. I used Natural Language Processing on social and financial media text to construct a natural event and Big Data ambiguity measurement. The ambiguity measurement is derived from a mixture of distributions model that distinguishes from disagreement between the two sources. A binomial tree model of ambiguity is then proposed that explains salient points of ambiguity on asset pricing in empirical tests in this paper and in Brenner and Izhakian (2018). The paper finds that the financial news media have a bigger influence on asset prices than social media except in recent periods of recessions. The paper provides a market-wide and natural event evidence of agents’ maxmin utility optimisation behavior in Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989).



3、Psychological Barrier and Cross-firm Return Predictability

Working paper , issued in May 2019.

Shiyang Huang, University of Hong Kong
Tse-Chun Lin,
University of Hong Kong
Hong Xiang,
University of Hong Kong


We provide a psychological explanation for the delayed price response to news about economically linked firms. We show that the return predictability of economically linked firms depends on the nearness to the 52-week high. The interaction between news about economically linked firms and the nearness to 52-week high can partially explain the underreaction to news about customers, geographic neighbors, industry peers, or foreign industries. We further examine how anchoring on the 52-week high affects belief updating regarding analyst recommendation. We find that analysts react to news about economically linked firms but that anchoring on the 52-week high reduces such reactions.



4、Does Safety Uncertainty Affect Acquisitions?
