专栏名称: 腾讯ISUX
腾讯社交用户体验设计,简称ISUX (Internet Social User Experience),是腾讯核心设计团队, 负责腾讯社交网络相关产品的用户体验设计与研究。
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腾讯ISUX  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-01-24 17:57





01_Character Promotion

ABCmouse 是一款源于美国的儿童英语启蒙在线教育 App,全美知名,深受爸妈与小朋友们的喜爱。为配合中国市场运营,我们进行了品牌重塑,并在 App 中采用了更生动的 ABC Mouse 3D 角色。3 到 8 岁小孩是 App的目标用户群,所以在设计过程中特别将造型简化,眼嘴鼻的比例也进行了细微调整,将可爱感发挥到了极致。

ABCmouse is an English education app. In the United States has an original curriculum, with the Chinese market for brand re-engineering. In particular, a lively 3D character is used in the app. 3D based on 2D design. Because the children are between the ages of 5 and 10, the form is more simplistic in the design process, and the proportion of the nose and mouth is finely adjusted to bring the cuteness to the extreme.

02_3D Sticker concept

ABC Mouse + Study

设计角色动画时,关键是分析角色性格来决定风格。ABC Mouse 是在 App 里帮助用户学习的朋友,所以我们针对学习过程中有可能发生的各种情境,利用 3D 角色来做有趣的互动,以幽默的形式来引导用户。

The key to character face animation is to analyze the characters and to define the concepts accurately. ABC Mouse is a friend in educational applications who assists users to learn. Thus, I made assumptions of some interesting circumstances that might possibly happen during the learning process and expressed it in 3D to make it more solid and comic.



I supposed various hypothetical situations that students can empathize and expressed the situations as emotions.

04_Character Motion Design Progress


In terms of animation works, it is important to have a good understanding the overall flow. Animations also have a lot of keys to work with, so it is better to group them to manipulate easily.


制作3D表情之前,这套动画其实是用于 ABCmouse App 中的各种互动动作。

It was used in the various actions used in the educational app, ABC Mouse prior to making stickers.

06_ABC Mouse Sticker for WeChat


While maintaining the principle shape of the face, I expressed 16 different emotions in a comic way.


用户可以用 ABC Mouse 表情在聊天时表达自己的情感或心情,持续使用更能和品牌角色增进感情,这些设计可以很好的提升品牌价值。

Online stickers convey the details of emotions that cannot be conveyed by words. Users will use the stickers to empathize with ABC Mouse'sfeelings and feel affectionate for the characters. In this way, it would enhance the brand value as well.

