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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2016-10-18 21:13


各位晚上好,欢迎回到经济学人赏析栏目,关于栏目的介绍可见 栏目介绍

1.upward mobility

奥巴马最近给经济学人写了一篇文章,对他8年的执政历史进行总结,并为继任者指出目前美国需要解决的一系列经济政策问题。文章不仅写得非常诚恳,而且遣词造句的水平极高,是一篇很好的精读材料。感兴趣的同学可以搜索 Barack Obama: The way ahead 阅读全文


That’s the problem with increased inequality—it diminishes upward mobility. It makes the top and bottom rungs of the ladder “stickier”—harder to move up and harder to lose your place at the top.

这里将社会阶级的分布类比成阶梯,往上爬的过程越顺利,就说明社会的阶级流动性越强。目前美国社会遇到的问题是梯子的梯级(rung) 变得越来越有黏性,导致梯子上的人难以移动。

这样的比喻能够让读者更好地理解社会阶层流动这一个抽象概念。同时,句子中 ladder 也是一个很好用的词,它除了常规的“梯子”含义之外,还可以用于指在机构、职业或社会中逐渐晋升的阶梯、途径, 比如“职场晋升”我们可以说 climb the career /  corporate ladder, “社会地位提升”则是 move up the social ladder

2.By the same token

我之前曾经在 赏析第十五期 介绍过文章如何结尾,这里介绍一种常见的开头方法:引用名人名言


ONE of the gentler quips uttered by the writer and thinker H.L. Mencken was that nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. By the same token, nobody ever went broke overestimating the anger of the American people.


文章的主旨在于对美国社会当今存在的戾气以及背后的商业逻辑进行分析,作者选取了H.L. Mencken 的名言 nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public 作为切入,并加以改装 nobody ever went broke overestimating the anger of the American people 很自然地过渡到主题。

上面这个框架值得我们模仿:One of the gentler quips uttered by ... was that... By the same token,...

举个例子,列夫托尔斯泰曾经有这样一句名言“幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸福的家庭却各有各的不幸”( Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way),套用上面句式,可以说:

One of the gentler quips uttered by the writer Leo Tolstoy was that happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. By the same token, successful companies / movies etc. are all alike; every unsuccessful company / movie etc.is unsuccessful in its own way.




下面句子来自文章 The global casino business: Putting it all on grey,其中有这样一个句子:

In 2013 they reached $45 billion, which is equivalent to nearly eight Las Vegas Strips. Macau’s ascent cushioned the blow of the 2007-08 financial crisis at home.

澳门赌场的崛起减轻了2007到2008年的金融危机冲击。要表达这种“减轻”效果,作者用了一个词:cushion, cushion 本义是“垫子,坐垫”,这里采用了其引申义“缓和对……的冲击”。

这句话如果让我们来写,我们可能会写成 Macau’s ascent reduced the negative effects of the 2007-08 financial crisis at home. 这样的句子虽然也能表达出意思,但太过中规中矩,没有缺点也没有亮点。漂亮的句子往往个性鲜明,也许是观点让人眼前一亮,或许是用词让人耳目一新,平时多往这两个方向琢磨,距离写出好句子就不远了。


下面这个例子同样关于用词(来自文章 Poland’s populist government: Ladies in black):

She cannot imagine moving back; compared with western Europe, she feels, wages in Augustow have barely budged .

要表达工资上涨,常见的说法是 wage increases / rises, 作者在这里用的是 budge, 出人意料但又非常形象。budge 的含义是“使……稍微移动(通常是移动很笨重的东西)”
