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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-01 13:10




关键观点1: Redditor的面试经历引发讨论


关键观点2: 职场文化问题受到关注


关键观点3: 反馈和建议的重要性


关键观点4: 个人技能和自尊心的讨论



近日, 一名印度的Java开发人员在社交媒体上讲述了他在印度安永“非常糟糕”的面试经历。

这位Reddit用户在帖子中介绍了自己的相关情况,他表示:“ 我在Java开发领域有超过8年的经验。由于裁员,我多次跳槽,在好几家公司工作过 。今天, 面试官看到我简历上列出多家公司,居然直接嘲笑我的简历 。即便我给出了解释,他还是冒犯了我。他当着我的面说: “你不适合安永。” 我感觉心情非常低落。面试10分钟就结束了。不过也算躲过一劫,因为如果面试文化都这么糟糕,真不敢想象那里的工作与生活平衡状况以及职业道德会是什么样。”


这篇帖子在被分享后不久就引发热议。 大多数人同意这名男子的观点,并回忆了他们在职场体验体验过的“有毒的工作文化”。

有人劝慰博主不要太在意此事,不要让它影响博主的心情,相信 自己和自己的技能。 也有人称,面试就像交通,有时可以控制,有时无法控制, 不要为此承受太大压力!

许多人也分享了类似的面试经历,在面试中,他们因为不相关的原因而受到羞辱。有人指出很多 面试官太过傲慢 。有一位网友分享道:“几年前,我拒绝了安永(EY)提供的Java开发岗位的录用通知。我不喜欢那种工作文化。当时人力资源部门的人极其无礼,说:“女士,您这可是要加入四大会计师事务所,却还为了5万卢比的薪资待遇讨价还价。”

还有一些人 建议这位reddit用户向公司的人力资源部门投诉 博主表示已向人力资源部门投诉 ,不知道这会产生什么影响!有人回复称,如果有8-10人或更多人向人力资源反应这位面试官的情况,会对他产生影响。不过也有人表示,对面试官的影响为0,因为他们的经理可能也是这样的。


他称:“对于任何面试,我都有一套很好的应对方法。要记住, 招聘是双向选择,他们需要你,你也同样需要他们 。无论如何,绝不要让任何人以任何方式骚扰你。我在一次面试中就遇到过这种情况。面试官看着我的简历说,我似乎并非计算机科学专业出身,而是工科背景,然后开始大谈来自其他工程领域的人比信息技术工程师差。一分钟后,我没让他继续说下去,问他到底是要面试,还是打算一直讲些无关的事。接着他说我竟然这样跟面试官说话,我回应他,在自诩为面试官之前,应该先审视一下自己的职业礼仪,还表示我完全不想再继续下去了,随后便挂断了电话。之后我接到了人力资源部门的电话,说我挂断电话的行为很不专业。我告诉他们,我又不为他们工作,参加面试也没有报酬。 我是在投入自己的时间,如果觉得这纯粹是在浪费时间,那我想挂就挂。我才不在乎这些人呢。我相信自己的技能,也清楚自己在工作方面有多出色 所以,如果某个公司或团队哪怕让我有一点点不舒服,即便它来自 “脸书(Meta)、亚马逊、苹果、奈飞、谷歌”这样的大公司,我也会拒绝。对我来说,自尊比任何薪资都重要 。”

有人给博主支招,建议 他在LinkedIn上与雇主互动,有时联系比申请工作更有价值。

有网友表示: “跳槽是在IT领域赚取大量金钱的最佳方式”“跳槽频繁是正确的事情,只是有些人的看法不同。”

也有人提出:“很多公司/面试官都这样做。我不知道这是对还是错,但他们 试图试探你的容忍度 。那些容易生气的人会被淘汰。”

评论区也有很多人好奇, 这位博主到底在8年内换了几次工作。有人指出,博主应该写明具体情况,如果是8年换了8份工作,那就是另一回事了。



Ernst & Young (EY)- the popular accounting company that ended up becoming the highlight of the year 2024, back in July, is back in the spotlight and the reason- yet again- is not so good. For those unaware of the previous incident, the company triggered a major backlash over India’s labour laws and increasing ‘workplace toxicity’, after 26-year-old CA Anna Sebastian Perayil lost her life allegedly due to ‘work pressure’ while working in EY Pune. The matter was quick to turn people against the corporate organisations in India- especially against the Big 4- as more cases of people feeling like ‘corporate slaves’ began to surface online. The matter was still fresh in everyone's mind when another incident came to light recently. Taking to social media, a Java developer opened up about his ‘very bad’ interview experience at EY.

As per the Redditor’s Reddit post, the interviewer ended up making fun of the candidate’s resume, all because there were a few ‘company switches’ under the span of his 8 years of experience. The Redditor further shared that the interview ended within 10 minutes, calling the rejection a ‘bullet dodged’! “Very bad interview experience with EY for Java Developer role,” the man’s post read.

“A big background about me: I have overall 8+ years of experience in Java development. Made multiple switches (coz of lay-offs) and worked with several organisations. Today, the interviewer literally made fun of my resume, seeing multiple companies mentioned. Even after giving justification, he offended me. He said- You are not a right fit for EY- straight to my face. I am feeling so low. The interview was over within 10 minutes. Dodged a bullet because if the interview culture itself is so bad, can’t imagine about work-life balance and work ethics,” the post further read.

The post was shared on Reddit, by the handle ‘ItsYourLifeMakeItBig’. The post was shared yesterday and pulled almost 1K upvotes from people.

Check out the viral post:

The post, soon after getting shared, pulled many reactions. Most people agreed with the man and recalled their experience facing a ‘toxic work culture’ in EY, while the rest chastised India’s labour laws in general. Many also shared similar interviews, where they were humiliated for unrelated reasons, while some suggested the Redditor to complain to the company’s HR.

“Should have given feedback to EY's HR for the interviewer,” a user said.

“I feel you, brother, last week it happened to me as well at a small company. I felt humiliated and went into a shell, better to say I am still there. In my case I was having a bad day and couldn't code a simple problem,” added a second person.

“Curious - what if someone retaliates against such humiliating interviewers during the interview? What can be the consequences?” added a third person.

“You should have said that you HR selected me and you had my resume from the beginning so maybe you guys are slow,” added another.

The Reddit post only acted as fuel in the fire, as India is already witnessing some of the most problematic workplace-related statements that were made by some major business tycoons like NR Narayana Murthy and Larsen & Toubro MD SN Subrahmanyan, where the men encouraged ‘70 to 90-hour work week’ for the country.

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