[1] 人均1580元,上海知名餐厅突然闭店!有人5000元餐券还没用!高端餐饮遇冷,米其林餐厅也开始“降价拉客”,每日经济新闻
[2] Fine Dining and the Ethics of Noma`s Meticulously Crafted Fruit Beetle , The New York Times
[3] ‘It just doesn’t work.’ The world’s best restaurant is shutting down as its owner calls the modern fine dining model ‘unsustainable’ , Fortune
[4] 世界第一网红餐厅为什么要关门?,睿士
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[7] “全球最佳餐厅”为何“关门大吉”?,青年参考
[8] Effects of restaurant expenses on enhanced profitability: Do Michelin-starred restaurants perform differently? , International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science
[9] 服务的细节088:顾客爱吃才畅销,正垣泰彦
[10] 意面只卖18块,萨莉亚离倒闭还很远,有数DataVision
[11] Foodie Fever Dreams Can’t Keep Restaurants Afloat, stores sud
[12] 疫情改变高端餐饮?来看看“世界第一”餐厅变汉堡店的故事,未来预想图
[13] “世界第一”餐厅为什么变成了汉堡店?,第一财经
[14] 年产值20亿,中国小县城,统治“法式鹅肝”,正和岛