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英文讲学  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-10 12:00


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🔘 词条: China's trade-in policy


翻阅到外刊使用“ China's home appliance trade-in program ” (“home appliance”指“家用电器”) 和“ China's consumer goods trade-in program ” (“consumer goods”指“消费品”) 来表述我国“以旧换新”政策的具体内容。参考The Wall Street Journal《华尔街日报》摘录:

The National Development and Reform Commission, China’s top economic planner, said Wednesday that the government will include more products in its home appliance trade-in program in 2025, extending state subsidies to microwave ovens, water purifiers, dishwasher and rice cookers .

发改委周三宣布, 2025年家电以旧换新范围将扩大, 新增微波炉、净水器、洗碗机和电饭煲等补贴品类。

— The Wall Street Journal

China is widening the scope of its consumer goods trade-in program this year, as Beijing intensifies efforts to convince cautious households to spend as rising external uncertainties threaten exports’ ability to prop up economic growth.

为应对外部不确定性带来的压力, 中国今年将扩大消费品以旧换新计划, 刺激居民消费。

— The Wall Street Journal

词条中的关键部分 trade-in ”指“以旧折价换新” , 相关动词短语为“ trade something in ”, 参考The New York Times《纽约时报》摘录:

Owners of old cars receive a subsidy of $1,380, if they trade them in for a new battery-electric car or plug-in hybrid car.

旧车的车主们购买新电动汽车或插电式混合动力汽车时, 如果将名下的旧车报废注销的话, 他们将获得1万元的补贴。

— The New York Times

🔘 词条: China's cash-for-clunkers program


想要表达“汽车以旧换新活动”, 除了“ the automobile trade-in program ”, 同学们也可以从外刊报道中, 积累一个更加地道的“ China's cash-for-clunkers program 。参考The Associated Press《美联社》和Bloomberg《彭博社》摘录:

China plans to expand its cash for clunkers and appliance recycling programs to encourage more purchases of new, energy-efficient models.

中国计划进一步推广汽车以旧换新和家电回收政策, 鼓励购买节能新品。

— The Associated Press

A trade-in subsidy for electric cars and hybrids was also renewed. The cash-for-clunkers program gave a big boost to sales — especially of EVs and hybrids — after its introduction last year, with more than 3.7 million vehicles purchased under the program.

电动车和混动车以旧换新补贴政策延续, 去年助力销售突破370万辆。

— Bloomberg

cash ”指“现金”, “ clunker ”指“破旧不堪的汽车”; 术语“ cash for clunkers ” (旧车换现金) 计划 是美国政府提出的一项“旧车换新折扣补贴政策” (The CAR Allowance Rebate System, 简称CARS), 如果消费者通过以旧换新的方式购买或者租赁更经济环保的小轿车和卡车, 就可以获得政府提供的购车折扣补贴。

我国的以旧换新、报废补贴政策同样引导消费者购买更环保的车型 , 由此理解外刊记者在撰写相关文章时, 选用了美国读者熟悉的“cash for clunkers”来表述中国的类似活动。

--- ✍️ 付费专栏更新通知💡 ---

《英文报刊中的地道表达》 第156期已经更新 , 分为两个板块:

  • 板块一: 谈到“中国已经跨过人口拐点”, 同学们应该会想到“China has passed a demographic turning point”的简单写法; 同学们可以参考The New York Times《纽约时报》的高级写法, 积累一个引经据典的地道表达

  • 板块二: 我为同学们从Bloomberg《彭博社》最新报道中, 挑选了一处参议员批评美国监管机构“失职”的新闻摘录, 积累一个表示“形同虚设、不作为”的地道英文成语

“英文报刊中的地道表达”专栏从英美知名报刊中选材, 为同学们梳理 地道搭配、习惯用语、选词升级、小词活用、熟词生义 等内容, 详细信息:
