这篇综述文章《Bioinformatics Methods for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Data Analysis》由Chen Chen等人撰写,发表在《International Journal of Molecular Sciences》上,主要讨论了基于质谱(MS)的蛋白质组学数据分析中的生物信息学方法。不过这个综述里面的蛋白质组学数据分析的上下游划分方式我不是很认可,我认为的:
The raw mass spectrometry data were first analyzed using MaxQuant (Cox and Mann, Nat Biotech 2007) and the resulting “proteinGroups.txt” file is used as input for the downstream analysis.
It requires tabular input (e.g. txt files) as generated by quantitative analysis softwares of raw mass spectrometry data, such as MaxQuant or IsobarQuant.
Functions are provided for data preparation, filtering, variance normalization and imputation of missing values, as well as statistical testing of differentially enriched / expressed proteins.
这篇综述文章《High-throughput proteomics: a methodological mini-review》由Miao Cui、Chao Cheng和Lanjing Zhang撰写,发表在《Laboratory Investigation》上,主要讨论了高通量蛋白质组学技术在生物医学研究中的应用,并概述了现有的和新兴的高通量蛋白质组学方法,包括: