Engineering Geology
Failure and reinforcement of reservoir landslides: Insights from centrifuge modeling and numerical modeling
Fig. 1.
Geological map of the TGR area, showing landslide locations (red dots) and top views of three large-scale landslides (Outang landslide, Taping landslide, and Huangtupo landslide) from satellite imagery.
Fig. 2.
Plan view of the Taping landslide and designed MRSP.
Fig. 3.
A-A’ cross-section of the Taping landslide.
Fig. 4.
The left column shows the profile schematic, and the right column shows the top view schematic of the three centrifuge models.
. 5
. (a) CKY-200 centrifugal machine, (b) side view of C-test00, (c) side view and (d) top view of C-test01, (e) side view and (f) top view of C-test02, (g)
monitoring instrument layout of the continuous MRSP in C-test01, (h) monitoring instrument layout of the segmented MRSP groups in C-test02.
Fig. 7.
Numerical model of MRSP reinforced slope under reservoir water fluctuation: (a) continuous MRSP; (b) discontinuous MRSP.
Fig. 8.
Groundwater level and PWP distribution response to RWL fluctuation in centrifuge and numerical modelings.
Fig. 9.
PWP, seepage force, and slope displacement of reinforced slope response to reservoir water level fluctuation.
Fig. 10.
Deformation contours of unreinforced slope and reinforced slope at t = 75 mins (low RWL period), 126 mins (high RWL period), and 156 mins (RWL rapid drawdown period) in centrifuge and numerical models. The deformation of the piles is not presented with the slope deformation.
Fig. 11.
(a) Effective earth pressure response to RWL fluctuation and surface displacement; (b) enlarged view of the rapid RWL drawdown period.
Fig. 12.
(a) Variation of calculated soil shear strength in the sliding zone and seepage force as sliding displacement increases. (b) Schematic diagram illustrating the landslide failure processes during rapid drawdown of the RWL. (c) Schematic diagram depicting shear movements that lead to the compression and crushing of soil particles along the shear surface, resulting in the generation of EPWP.
Fig. 16.
(a) yy-displacement contours of MRSP at t = 151 mins in N-test01; (b) maximum principal stress magnitude at t = 151 mins in N-test01; (c) major principal stress trajectories in box B; (d) yy-displacement contours of MRSP at t = 151 mins in N-test02; (e) maximum principal stress magnitude at t = 151 mins in N-test02; (f) major principal stress trajectories in box E. Green arrows refer to soil mass movement direction change.
Fig. 17
. (a) Two different deformation patterns in seepage-induced reservoir landslides: the “step-like” deformation pattern (the Taping landslide) and the fast failure pattern (the Huanglianshu landslide). (b) Stress paths interpreting two different landslide deformation patterns.