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搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-08-18 11:54


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TRIPTYQUE 建筑事务所推出的 Onze22 是一座住宅楼,它超越了传统的塔式建筑,是一组重叠的悬浮板,中间穿插着玻璃幕墙。由于这种结构可以 360 度环绕城市景观,Onze22 促进了外部和内部之间的完全流动性。这种设计邀请用户与城市建立联系,而不是将其视为外部事物--在这里,景观构成了空间,就好像它们是装饰的一部分。

TRIPTYQUE Architecture presents Onze22, a residential building transcending the classic tower block as a set of overlapping, suspended slabs, interspersed with glass walls. Due to this structure framing the urban landscape in 360 degrees, Onze22 promotes total fluidity between the exterior and interior. This design invites users to relate to the city, not as something that is outside – here, the view composes the spaces as if they were part of the decoration.

"设计该项目的 TRIPTYQUE 公司创始合伙人 Gui Sibaud 说:"阳台上的每一个点都吸引着你去观察圣保罗,为你提供了无尽的美景,在转角处,你还可以将目光投向不同的方向。

“Each point on the balcony invites you to observe São Paulo, providing endless views and, at the corners, the possibility of letting your gaze go in different directions," says Gui Sibaud, founding partner of the TRIPTYQUE agency, which designed the project.


The building's transparent skin ensures that the spaces of the studios and apartments are bathed in natural light. A covered balcony surrounds them entirely, expanding the spaces and ensuring protection against excess sun.

Onze22 是 TRIPTYQUE 为 IdeaZarvos! 设计的第四个项目,位于圣保罗的 Vila Madalena,仿佛从绿化带中拔地而起,宛如一棵有生命的大树。

TRIPTYQUE’s fourth project for IdeaZarvos! in Vila Madalena, São Paulo, Onze22 seems to emerge from a green belt, as if it were a dominant living tree.

该建筑 "种植 "在 Rua Agissê 287 号,毗邻绿树成荫的大广场,体现了法国-巴西机构在自然与城市之间建立新契约的积极性。建筑底层由两座塔楼(住宅和工作室)组成,6 米高的支柱促进了与周围环境的对话。

The building is “planted” at Rua Agissê 287, close to a large tree-lined square, and manifests the activism of the French-Brazilian agency for a new pact between nature and the city. On the ground floor of the development, comprised of two towers (home and studio), the 6m high pillars facilitate dialogue with the surroundings.

"TRIPTYQUE 的创始合伙人 Olivier Raffaëlli 解释说:"Pilotis 让公共空间(街道)和私人空间之间实现了平滑而分散的过渡。

“Pilotis allow for a smooth and diffused transition between the public (the street) and the private," explains Olivier Raffaëlli, founding partner of TRIPTYQUE.

罗德里戈-奥利维拉(Rodrigo Oliveira)设计的景观将邻近广场的茂盛植被延伸到地面上,形成一种连续性。这座热带花园环绕着一座没有围墙的建筑的公共区域(也是全玻璃的),其原始的几何形状让人很难区分建筑的正面和背面(在 Onze22,所有的面都是正面)。

The landscaping, designed by Rodrigo Oliveira, extends the exuberant vegetation of the neighboring square into the grounds in an exercise of continuity. This tropical garden envelops the common areas — also entirely glazed — of a building without fences, whose original geometry makes it difficult to differentiate between the facade and the back of the building (in Onze22, all sides are facades).


The first floors overlook the square and, from the upper floors, the open panorama of the neighborhood offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.


面积:18188 m²

摄影:Maíra Acayaba e Edu Castello, Maíra Acayaba


