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ALEXA Mini竖构图适配器套件
手机和平板视频习惯采用的“人像”构图(竖构图)掀起热潮,ARRI顺势推出一款竖构图适配器,让ALEXA Mini可以旋转机身90度拍摄,满足那些需要竖构图的时尚拍摄、社交媒体、移动设备平台,可广泛应用在大型购物中心和机场候机楼这一类零售空间内。
这一套四件轻型支架让ALEXA Mini和取景器能够围绕镜头中轴旋转90度,保证摄影机系统绝对稳定。目前ALEXA Mini机身的大部分支撑附件都能配合竖构图适配器使用。
某些附件,比如小型桥板CBP-1(19mm重型导轨)和CBP-2(15mm重型导轨)、ALEXA Mini广播底板或Mini转接板MAP-1和MAP-2均照常使用,和常规拍摄时没有不同。使用竖构图适配器时,ALEXA Mini还是能够用在ARRI摄影机稳定器系统上,例如TRINITY和遥控稳定头SRH-3。ARRI一向注意细节,该套件也不例外,ARRI将为它提供泡沫包装,你可以把包装整体直接转移到旅行箱里。
ARRI集团业务由五个商业部门组成:摄影机系统、灯光、媒体、租赁和医疗。ARRI是全球领先的电影摄影机与灯光系统设计与制造商,经销商与服务网络遍及全球。同时,ARRI也是后期制作领域的集成媒体服务提供者与面向专业制作领域的设备租赁、摄影机供应、灯光与器材装备的供应商。ARRI Medical专注于利用自身核心图像技术服务于外科手术应用。
ARRI presents new accessories for ALEXA Mini
A new range of accessories is being launched by ARRI which includes brackets to help camera operators keep up with the latest filming trends, and a power unit that maintains electrical capabilities during battery changes.
Vertical Format Adapter Set
ARRI’s new Vertical Format Adapter set enables ALEXA Mini operators to work towards the recent trend of mobile phone and tablet content captured as “portrait” footage, with the camera sensor orientated vertically. The adapter has been developed to meet the needs of fashion shoots, social media, and other mobile platforms.
The set of four lightweight brackets allows the ALEXA Mini and its viewfinder to be rotated 90° on its lens axis, effectively providing stability for filming on its side. Most of the current camera support accessories for ALEXA Mini can be used in vertical content capture.
Accessories such as the Compact Bridge Plates CBP-1 (19mm studio) and CBP-2 (15mm studio), the Broadcast Plate for ALEXA Mini or the Mini Adapter Plates MAP-1 and MAP-2 will mount with the same functionality as when used for regular footage. The ALEXA Mini rigged with the Vertical Format Adapter set can also be used with ARRI Camera Stabilizer Systems, such as the TRINITY and the Stabilized Remote Head SRH-3. In line with ARRI’s usual attention to detail, the set comes with foam packaging which can be transferred directly to a travel case.
Advanced Power Unit Smart APU
The Advanced Power Unit Smart APU, facilitates fast-paced filming by keeping camera and accessories powered during battery changes. The advanced hot swap camera power supply is a compact unit available as V-mount and Gold-mount. It features an on-board battery buffer as well as six independent outputs. The battery technology is lithium-free and has no travel restrictions.