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环球律师事务所  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-26 17:00


受国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,环球律师事务所已连续第四年为其独家撰写 《全球法律指南:数字健康2024》之中国篇(法律与实践) 。该指南中各个国家与地区的章节均由钱伯斯排名中该专业领域的领先律所撰写,旨在简明扼要地介绍各司法辖区内该专业领域法律和实务的最新发展和趋势。


Chambers and Partners, one of the most authoritative international legal ranking agencies, invited Global Law Office and team to contribute for the fourth consecutive year to the Chambers Global Practice Guide: Digital Healthcare 2024 China (Law & Practice) . The China chapter is one of the individual chapters of the Chambers Global Practice Guide Series, with each being exclusively authored by leading firms in their respective fields, as ranked by Chambers and Partners.

The PDF edition of Digital Healthcare 2024 is downloadable by clicking the “Read More / 阅读全文” at the end of this article.

此次《全球法律指南:数字健康2024》之中国篇由环球律师事务所 周磊 黄旭春 陈筝妮 王舒雯 韩越 代润霖 徐瑞苑 撰写。该指南结合了环球生命科学及医疗团队在该领域丰富的实务经验与研究成果,在数字医疗领域迅猛发展的背景下,对生命健康监管环境、非医疗监管机构、预防性医疗、医疗技术(可穿戴/植入式和可消化医疗技术)、医疗器械软件、远程医疗、医疗物联网、5G网络、人工智能、机器学习及所涉及的数据合规和监管合规等数据健康相关的问题进行深入解读,希望能够为企业在中国合法、合规地开展相关活动提供有价值、有深度、有层次的实务指引。如果您希望就本指南或就本指南所讨论的内容做进一步交流,敬请联系撰文作者。

The Chambers Global Practice Guide: Digital Healthcare 2024 China (Law & Practice) is written by legal professionals of Global Law Office, Alan Zhou , Charlene Huang , Jenny Chen , Stephanie Wang , Erin Han , Lynne Dai , and Ruiyuan Xu . Against the backdrop of the rapid development of the digital healthcare, the guide provides in-depth analysis of major legal issues and topics related to digital healthcare, covering healthcare regulatory environment, non-healthcare regulatory agencies, preventative healthcare, healthcare technologies (wearables, implantable and digestible healthcare technologies), software as a medical device (SaMD), telehealth, the internet of medical things (IoMT), 5G networks, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning along with the analysis on relevant data compliance and regulatory compliance issues. By combining the rich experience of Global Law Office’s Life Sciences and Healthcare team, this chapter aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on the landscape of China’s digital healthcare sector, and practical guidelines for global and local pharmaceutical companies to conduct business activities in China in a legal and compliant manner. Should you have inquiries or comment regarding the publication, please feel free to contact the authors.



请点击文末“ 阅读原文 ”下载钱伯斯《全球法律指南:数字健康2024》之中国篇全文

Please click “read more / 阅读全文” to download the PDF edition of Digital Healthcare 2024

Alan Zhou

[email protected]

Alan Zhou is the head of life sciences and healthcare (L&H) practice of Global Law Office and the head of China Life Sciences & Healthcare Law (CLHL). He has been recognized as a pioneer in providing outstanding legal consulting services in the L&H practice. Alan has routinely represented multinational corporations, well-known Chinese state-owned and private enterprises, and private equity/venture capital funds in the L&H area. He has been engaged by local authorities and industrial associations to advise on legislation and industrial standards in the L&H industry, areas of which include e-healthcare, medical insurance reform, medical representative administration, and other compliance issues. He has won numerous awards and has been recognised by peers for his expertise, and is widely published both in China and internationally.

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Charlene Huang

[email protected]

Charlene Huang has in-depth experience in M&A and cross-border licence deals, especially in the sector of healthcare and life sciences. She has led projects involving outbound and inbound investment, acquisition of state-owned and private equity/assets, pipeline consolidation or restructuring of MNCs, and various licence or collaboration deals in the pharmaceutical, medical device and medical services sectors. She regularly provides support and advice on projects concerning cell therapy, gene therapy, digital healthcare, medical AI, etc. Charlene also has in-depth experience advising multinational companies in general corporate, cybersecurity, and data management.

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Jenny Chen

[email protected]

Jenny Chen is an attorney at law in the PRC and California US, a certified fraud examiner of US ACFE, a certified public accountant (non-practising). She focuses her practice on compliance, government investigation, internal investigation and data security. Jenny is well versed in conducting investigations in connection with anti-corruption (US FCPA and UK Bribery Act), financial frauds, occupational embezzlement, self-dealing and trade secrets. Jenny has extensive experience in cybersecurity and data compliance. She has handled multiple large-scale projects in e-discovery, cross-border data protection and security, and sensitive information review.

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Stephanie Wang

[email protected]

Stephanie Wang has been actively involved in advising multinational pharmaceutical and med-tech companies on their corporate governance, daily operations, and compliance. Stephanie has extensive knowledge and experience in the life sciences and healthcare industry, and routinely advises clients on a variety of commercial agreements relating to R&D, licensing, marketing authorisations and the manufacturing, distribution and promotion of medical products. She has also worked with notable private equity institutions on investment in various pharmaceutical enterprises.

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Erin Han

Erin Han specializes in compliance and corporate. She focuses in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry and has extensive expertise and practical experience in healthcare services, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, and healthcare management.
