当今的投资界,除了沃伦·巴菲特,最受敬仰的莫过于基金公司Baupost Group的塞斯•卡拉曼了。自从1983年卡拉曼成立了自己的基金公司,他不仅创下无可匹敌的收益率(年复合增长率超过20%),还时常分享他对市场和投资睿智又经典的见解。
11: How Big Investors Misbehave and Why They Underperform
Ifthe behavior of institutional investors weren't so horrifying, it might actually be humorous.
Hundreds of billions of other people's hard-earned dollars are routinely whipped from investment to investment based on little or no in-depth research or analysis.
The prevalent mentality is consensus, groupthink. Acting with the crowd ensures an acceptable mediocrity; acting independently runs the risk of unacceptable underperformance.
Indeed, the short-term, relative-performance orientation of many money managers has made "institutional investor" a contradiction in terms.
Most money managers are compensated, not according to the results they achieve, but as a percentage of the total assets under management. The incentive is to expand managed assets in order to generate more fees. Yet while a money management business typically becomes more profitable as assets under management increase, good investment performance becomes increasingly difficult.
This conflict between the best interests of the money manager and that of the clients is typically resolved in the manager's favor.
12: Short-Term, Relative-Performance Derby
Like dogs chasing their own tails, most institutional investors have become locked into a short-term, relative performance derby. Fund managers at one institution have suffered the distraction of hourly performance calculations; numerous managers are provided daily comparisons of their results with those of managers at other firms.
Frequent comparative ranking can only reinforce a short-term investment perspective.
It is understandably difficult to maintain a long-term view when, faced with the penalties for poor short-term performance, the long- term view may well be from the unemployment line.
Investing without understanding the behavior of institutional investors is like driving in a foreign land without a map. You may eventually get where you are going, but the trip will certainly take longer, and you risk getting lost along the way.
13: First, Avoid Losses
Warren Buffett likes to say that the first rule of investing is "Don't losemoney," and the second rule is, "Never forget the first rule."
I too believe that avoiding loss should be the primary goal of every investor. This does not mean that investors should never incur the risk of any loss at all.Rather "don't lose money" means that over several years an investment portfolio should not be exposed to appreciable loss of principal.
While no one wishes to incur losses, you couldn't prove it from an examination of the behavior of most investors and speculators. The speculative urge that lies within most of us is strong; the prospect of a free lunch can be compelling,especially when others have already seemingly partaken.
It can be hard to concentrate on potential losses while others are greedily reaching for gains and your broker is on the phone offering shares in the latest"hot" initial public offering. Yet the avoidance of loss is the surest way to ensure a profitable outcome.
14: Relevance of Temporary Price Fluctuations
Inaddition to the probability of permanent loss attached to an investment, there is also the possibility of interim price fluctuations that are unrelated tounderlying value.
Many investors consider price fluctuations to be a significant risk: if the price goes down, the investment is seen as risky regardless of the fundamentals.
But are temporary price fluctuations really a risk? Not in the way that permanent value impairments are and then only for certain investors in specific situations.
It is, of course, not always easy for investors to distinguish temporary price volatility, related to the short-term forces of supply and demand, from pricemovements related to business fundamentals. The reality may only become apparent after the fact.
While investors should obviously try to avoid over paying for investments or buying into businesses that subsequently decline in value due to deteriorating results,it is not possible to avoid random short-term market volatility. Indeed,investors should expect prices to fluctuate and should not invest in securities if they cannot tolerate some volatility.
If you are buying sound value at a discount, do short-term price fluctuations matter?In the long run they do not matter much; value will ultimately be reflected in the price of a security. Indeed, ironically, the long-term investment implicationof price fluctuations is in the opposite direction from the near-term market impact.
For example, short-term price declines actually enhance the returns of long-terminvestors. There are, however, several eventualities in which near-term price fluctuations do matter to investors. Security holders who need to sell in a hurry are at the mercy of market prices. The trick of successful investors isto sell when they want to, not when they have to.
Near-termsecurity prices also matter to investors in a troubled company. If a business must raise additional capital in the near term to survive, investors in its securities may have their fate determined, at least in part, by the prevailing market price of the company's stock and bonds.
The third reason long-term-oriented investors are interested in short-term price fluctuations is that Mr. Market can create very attractive opportunities to buy and sell. If you hold cash, you are able to take advantage of such opportunities.If you are fully invested when the market declines, your portfolio will likely drop in value, depriving you of the benefits arising from the opportunity to buy in at lower levels. This creates an opportunity cost, the necessity to forego future opportunities that arise. If what you hold is illiquid orun marketable, the opportunity cost increases further; the illiquidity precludes your switching to better bargains.
15: Reasonable & Consistent Returns >Spectacular& Volatile Returns
A corollary to the importance of compounding is that it is very difficult to recover from even one large loss, which could literally destroy all at once the beneficial effects ofmany years of investment success.
In other words, an investor is more likely to do well by achieving consistently good returns with limited downside risk than by achieving volatile and sometimes even spectaculargains but with considerable risk of principal.
An investor who earns16 percent annual returns over a decade, for example, will, perhaps surprisingly, end up with more money than an investor who earns 20 percent ayear for nine years and then loses 15 percent the tenth year.
16: Prepare for the Worst
Investors’ intent on avoiding loss must position themselves to survive and even prosper under any circumstances.
Bad luck can be fall you; mistakes happen.
But the prudent, far sighted investor manages his or her portfolio with the knowledge that financial catas trophes can and do occur. Investors must be willing to forego some near-term return, if necessary, as an insurance premium against unexpected and unpredictable adversity.
17: Focus on Process, Not the Outcome
Many investors mistakenly establish an investment goal of achieving a specific rate of return.Setting a goal, unfortunately, does not make that return achievable. Indeed, no matter what the goal, it may be out of reach.
If you look to Mr.Market as a creator of investment opportunities (where price departs fromunderlying value), you have the makings of a value investor.
Stating that you wantto earn, say, 15 percent a year, does not tell you a thing about how to achieve it. Investment returns are not a direct function of how long or hard you workor how much you wish to earn. A ditch digger can work an hour of overtime for extra pay, and a piece worker earns more the more he or she produces. An investor cannot decide to think harder or put in overtime in order to achieve a higher return.
All an investor cando is follow a consistently disciplined and rigorous approach; over time there turns will come.
Rather than target inga desired rate of return, even an eminently reasonable one, investors should target risk.
18: Wait for the Right Pitch
Warren Buffett uses abase ball analogy to the discipline of value investors. A long-term-oriented value investor is a batter in a game where no balls or strikes are called,allowing dozens, even hundreds, of pitches to go by, including many at which other batters would swing.
十八: 等待最佳的击球机会
Value investors are students of the game; they learn from every pitch, those at which they swing and those they let pass by. They are not influenced by the way others are performing; they are motivated only by their own results. They have infinite patience and are willing to wait until they are thrown a pitch they canhandle-an undervalued investment opportunity.
Value investors will not invest in businesses that they cannot readily understand or ones they find excessively risky.
Most institutional investors, unlike value investors, feel compelled to be fully invested at alltimes. They act as if an umpire were calling balls and strikes-mostly strikes-thereby forcing them to swing at almost every pitch and
forego batting selectivity for frequency.
Many individual investors, like amateur ballplayers, simply can't distinguish a good pitch froma wild one. Both undiscriminating individuals and constrained institutional investors can take solace from knowing that most market participants feel compelled to swing just as frequently as they do.
For a value investora pitch must not only be in the strike zone, it must be in his "sweetspot." Results will be best when the investor is not pressured to invest prematurely. There may be times when the investor does not lift the bat fromhis shoulder; the cheapest security in an over valued market may still be over valued.You wouldn't want to settle for an investment offering a safe 10 percent returnif you thought it very likely that another offering an equally safe 15 percent return would soon materialize.
Sometimes dozens of good pitches are thrown consecutively to a value investor. In panicky markets,for example, the number of undervalued securities increases and the degree of under valuation also grows. In buoyant markets, by contrast, both the number of undervalued securities and their degree of undervaluation declines.
When attractive opportunities are plentiful, value investors are able to sift carefully through all the bargains for the ones they find most attractive. When attractive opportunities are scarce, however, investors must exhibit great self-disciplinein order to maintain the integrity of the valuation process and limit the pricepaid. Above all, investors must always avoid swinging at bad pitches.
19: Complexity of Business Valuation
It would be a serious mistake to think that all the facts that describe a particular investment are or could be known. Not only may questions remain unanswered; all the right questions may not even have been asked. Even if the present could somehow be perfectly understood, most investments are dependent on outcomes that cannot be accurately foreseen.
Even if everything could be known about an investment,the complicating reality is that business values are not carved in stone.Investing would be much simpler if business values did remain constant while stock prices revolved predictably around them like the planets around the sun.
If you cannot be certain of value, after all, then howcan you be certain that you are buying at a discount? The truth is that you cannot.
20: Expecting Precision in Valuation
Many investors insist on affixing exact values to their investments, seeking precision in an imprecise world, but business value cannot be precisely determined.
Reported book value, earnings, and cash flow are,after all, only the best guesses of accountants who follow a fairly strict setof standards and practices designed more to achieve conformity than to reflect economic value. Projected results are less precise still. You cannot appraise the value of your home to the nearest thousand dollars. Why would it be any easier to place a value on vast and complex businesses?
Not only is business value imprecisely knowable, it also changes over time, fluctuating with numerous macroeconomic, microeconomic,and market-related factors. So while investors at any given time cannot determine business value with precision, they must never the less almost continuously reassess their estimates of value in order to incorporate all known factors that could influence their appraisal.
Any attempt to value businesses with precision will yield values that are precisely inaccurate. The problem is that it is easy to confuse the capability to make precise forecasts with the ability to make accurate ones.
Anyone with a simple, hand-held calculator can performnet present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) calculations. The advent of the computerized spreadsheet has exacerbated this problem, creating the illusion of extensive and thoughtful analysis, even for the most haphazardof efforts.
Typically, investors place a great deal of importance on the output, even though they pay little attention to the assumptions."Garbage in, garbage out" is an apt description of the process.
In Security Analysis, Graham and David Dodd discussed the concept of a range of value –"The essential point is that security analysis does not seek to determine exactly what is the intrinsic value of agiven security. It needs only to establish that the value is adequate– e.g., toprotect a bond or to justify a stock purchase or else that the value is considerably higher or considerably lower than the market price. For such purposes an indefinite and approximate measure of the intrinsic value may be sufficient."
Indeed, Graham frequently performed a calculation known as net working capital per share, a back-of-the envelope estimate of acompany's liquidation value. His use of this rough approximation was a tacitad mission that he was often unable to ascertain a company's value moreprecisely.