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经济学人 | 日本已婚女性重返职场

每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-03-25 08:00




Married women in Japan are re-entering the labour market


Legislators see them as the country’s hidden asset


After graduating from college, Obora Shizue, now in her 40s, was building a solid career at an insurance firm. But after giving birth to her first child she became a full-time mother.

大学毕业后,现已 40 多岁的 Obora Shizue 在一家保险公司拥有稳定的事业。但在生下第一个孩子后,她成为了一名全职母亲。

“I wanted to keep working, but I suppressed those feelings,” she says. But unlike previous generations of Japanese women she was unwilling to stay at home. Eight years later, in 2015, she returned to work as a journalist.


Ms Obora represents a hugely important change. Female participation in Japan’s labour force used to be much lower than in other big rich countries. For decades most women quit their jobs after giving birth to their first child.

Obora 女士代表了一种极其重要的变化。日本女性参与劳动力市场的比例曾远低于其他富裕大国。几十年来,大多数女性在生下第一个孩子后就会辞职。

Outdated tax and welfare systems, as well as cultural mores, underpinned this anomaly. But it is now becoming less pronounced. As Japan’s labour force ages and shrinks, women are playing a growing role in it.


In 2022 the employment rate for women aged 25-39 surpassed 80% for the first time since records began. Meanwhile, the percentage of households with stay-at-home wives fell below 30%, another record.


A shift in cultural attitudes towards women and work underlies this change. As talent has become scarcer, working women are more prized. Japanese women’s high education levels make them well placed to take advantage of the shift: 53% of women go to university in Japan, compared with 59% of men. “Women are Japan’s hidden asset,” says Mori Masako, a former gender-equality minister.

女性与工作之间的文化态度的转变是这一变化的基础。随着人才变得越来越稀缺,职业女性越来越受重视。日本女性的高教育水平使她们能够充分利用这一转变:在日本,53%的女性上过大学,而男性的比例为 59%。前性别平等大臣 Mori Masako 说:“女性是日本的隐形资产。”

But outdated family laws still serve as a barrier to women’s advancement. Japanese tax and welfare policies discourage married women from working. When “dependent spouses ” earn less than 1.3m yen ($8,900) a year, they do not need to pay in to public-pension and health-insurance schemes.


A government report published in October suggested that more than 1.1m working women were limiting their working hours and earnings in order to stay under that threshold.


The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is starting to take steps to tackle the issue. Last October the government introduced subsidies and other measures to alleviate the effects of the so-called “income wall”, which penalises women who go over the million-yen threshold. Experts reckon lawmakers will further chip away at the income wall next year, following a five-yearly review of the pension system.


But such policy updates alone may not be enough to entice millions of Japanese housewives back to the workplace. Oshima Yasuko of Recruit Works Institute, a research outfit, reckons a bigger shift in corporate culture is needed.

但是,仅靠这样的政策更新可能还不足以吸引数百万日本家庭主妇重返职场。研究机构 Recruit Works Institute 的 Oshima Yasuko 认为,还需要在企业文化方面进行更大的转变。

In a study in 2019, she showed that among housewives who re-entered the workforce some 30% soon quit because they found it difficult to balance work schedules with child-rearing and household chores.


Re-entering the workforce after a pause is also hard because Japanese firms tend to look with suspicion on candidates with “blanks” in their résumé. Ms Obora, who suffered many rejections before landing her journalism job, describes how demoralising that can be. “I used to think if I become a housewife once, I’ll always be one.”

在暂停工作后重返就业也很难,因为日本企业往往对那些履历中有“空白”的求职者持怀疑态度。Obora 女士在找到记者这份工作之前曾多次遭到拒绝,她描述了这是多么令人沮丧。“我以前总以为,一旦成了家庭主妇,我将永远是一名家庭主妇。”



spouse [spaʊs] n. 配偶

chip away at 削弱;蚕食

demoralize [dəˈmɔrəˌlaɪz] v. 使气馁;使堕落;使腐化
