数据共享声明必须包含以下内容:是否将共享研究对象的去标识个体数据[包括变量清单(data dictionaries)];会共享哪些数据;是否可以获得其他与研究相关的文档(研究方案、统计分析计划等);何时可获取数据以及可开放获取多久;获取共享试验数据的要求(包括谁能获取数据、用于何种研究目的,及如何获取)。满足以上要求的数据共享声明示例见表1。
共享临床试验数据是世界卫生组织(WHO)及其他专业组织倡导的临床试验最佳实践的步骤之一:普遍开展前瞻性注册; 公开披露所有临床试验结果(包括期刊出版途径);以及数据共享。虽然目前对第一步,即临床试验前瞻性注册的要求,尚未达到普及目标,还须继续宣传,但我们也必须同时努力实现临床试验报告最佳实践的其他步骤——包括数据共享。
随着我们迈向数据共享的新常态,未来将需要基金资助单位、伦理委员会、期刊、试验者、数据分析师、受试者及其他方面更多的理解与合作。目前我们正与研究社群成员合作以推动数据共享的实际解决方案。美国人体研究保护局(the US Office for Human Research Protections)表示,如果满足适当的条款,临床试验中共享的去标识个体患者数据无须另行征求参与者的知情同意2。临床试验注册平台ClinicalTrials.gov已采用满足上述要求的数据共享声明具体要素(https:// prsinfo.clinicaltrials.gov/definitions.html#shareData)。WHO亦支持在国际临床试验注册平台一级注册机构中增加这些内容。实现数据共享尚未解决的问题包括:共享数据者的适当学术信誉、数据存取所需资源、数据请求处理透明化,以及数据归档。我们欢迎在www.icmje.org上提交针对这些问题的创造性解决方案。
本文同时刊发于《Annals of Internal Medicine》《The BMJ》《Bulletin of the World Health Organization》《Deutsches Ärzteblatt》《Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences》《JAMA》《Journal of Korean Medical Science》《New England Journal of Medicine》《New Zealand Medical Journal》《PLOS Medicine》《Lancet》《Revista Médica de Chile》, 以及 《Ugeskrift for Laeger》。《World Association of Medical Editors》(WAME)成员刊不属于ICMJE。
利益竞争(Competing interests): We have read and understood BMJ policy on
declaration of interests and declare that LP has received travel reimbursement from the WHO and the Association of Health Care Journalists for consulting and speaking activities relating to data sharing.
来源及同行评议(Provenance and peer review): Commissioned; not externally peer
1 Taichman DB, Backus J, Baethge C, et al. Sharing clinical trial data: a proposal
from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Ann Intern Med 2016;357:505-6.doi:10.7326/M15-2928 pmid:26792258.
2 Menikoff J. Letter from Jerry Menikoff, MD, JD, director, Office for Human Research Protections, to ICMJE secretariat. 7 March 2017. http://icmje.org/news-and-editorials/menikoff_icmje_questions_20170307.pdf.
Darren B Taichman
executive deputy editor, Annals of Internal Medicine,
Peush Sahni
past president, World Association of Medical Editors,
Anja Pinborg
scientific editor in chief, Ugeskrift for Laeger,
Larry Peiperl
chief editor, PLOS Medicine,
Christine Laine
editor in chief, Annals of Internal Medicine,
Astrid James
deputy editor Lancet,
Sung-Tae Hong
editor in chief, Journal of Korean Medical Science,
Abraham Haileamlak
editor in chief , Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences,,
Laragh Gollogly
editor, Bulletin of the World Health Organization,
Fiona Godlee
editor in chief, The BMJ,
Frank A Frizelle
editor in chief, New Zealand Medical Journal,
Fernando Florenzano
editor, Revista Médica de Chile,
Jeffrey M Drazen
editor in chief, New England Journal of Medicine,
Howard Bauchner
editor in chief, JAMA and the JAMA Network,
Christopher Baethge
chief scientific editor, Deutsches Ärzteblatt and Deutsches ÄrzteblattInternational, Joyce Backus
associate director for library operations, National Library of Medicine