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重燃阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-05-15 23:14


今天大家都应该被各种有关蓝瘦香菇(WannaCry)病毒来袭的新闻刷屏,这个病毒是利用了之前NSA的永恒之蓝(Eternal Blue)攻击程序,着实给大家上了一堂付出巨大代价的信息安全课。

而今天分享的这本书也是跟Blue有关, 他的故事发生在1997年的5月,他挑战了当时世界排名第一的国际象棋棋手,而这位棋手以 2.5:3.5的比分败给了他,此战之后他宣布退役,他是IBM制造的超级计算机,他的名字叫Deep Blue,这是人类历史上计算机首次战胜国际象棋冠军。这个故事是不是听起来有些熟悉,事隔20年后的今年5月,Google的AlphaGo将在中国浙江乌镇对阵围棋世界第一柯洁,战局如何,我们拭目以待。




Deep Thinking

Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins


by Garry Kasparov

  • Hardcover: 304 pages

  • Publisher: PublicAffairs; 1 edition (May 2, 2017)

Garry Kasparov's 1997 chess match against the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue was a watershed moment in the history of technology. It was the dawn of a new era in artificial intelligence: a machine capable of beating the reigning human champion at this most cerebral game.

That moment was more than a century in the making, and in this breakthrough book, Kasparov reveals his astonishing side of the story for the first time. He describes how it felt to strategize against an implacable, untiring opponent with the whole world watching, and recounts the history of machine intelligence through the microcosm of chess, considered by generations of scientific pioneers to be a key to unlocking the secrets of human and machine cognition. Kasparov uses his unrivaled experience to look into the future of intelligent machines and sees it bright with possibility. As many critics decry artificial intelligence as a menace, particularly to human jobs, Kasparov shows how humanity can rise to new heights with the help of our most extraordinary creations, rather than fear them. Deep Thinking is a tightly argued case for technological progress, from the man who stood at its precipice with his own career at stake.

