SNIP (2021):1.033
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI):0.68
5 Year Impact Factor:3.101
Impact factor (2022):2.6
Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2022): 192/279 (Pharmacology & Pharmacy)133/210 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)
Online ISSN:1099-1557
Evaluating the Impact of Regulatory Decisions using Real-World Evidence
Medicinal products are rigorously assessed by regulators before these are authorized for use in populations. As not all aspects of their safety is known at market approval, pharmacovigilance systems have been put in place to safeguard a positive benefit-risk balance during their lifecycle. When new safety concerns are discovered, regulators can implement risk minimization measures in order to maintain a positive benefit-risk balance. These measures usually aim to prevent or reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions with a medicine, or to reduce their severity or impact on patients, through changes in the knowledge and behavior of individuals (e.g. patients, consumers, caregivers and healthcare professionals) and in healthcare practice.
An important step in continuous monitoring of medicines safety is assessing the impact of these risk minimization interventions, those intended as well as unintended. Real-world data is frequently used to provide insights into how public health and regulatory policy interventions influence patient care. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety is therefore calling for papers for a special issue that will focus on use of real-world data to measure impact of regulatory decisions.
This special issue welcomes original papers (methods papers, frameworks, tutorials, and commentaries) focused on “how-to” to use real world data for measuring impact of regulatory interventions. This issue calls for original scientific and technical contributions.
Measuring the targeted impact of regulatory interventions
Measuring the unintended impact of regulatory interventions
Methodologies for measuring the impact of regulatory interventions
Tutorials related to measuring the impact of regulatory interventions
Helga Gardarsdottir
Utrecht University
Daniel Morales
European Medicines Agency
During submission, please select “Evaluating the Impact of Regulatory Decisions using Real-World Evidence” at the Special Issue custom question found in the Additional Information section during submission to ensure that your submission is considered for the appropriate special issue.
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Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety