最近看了一部非常喜欢的纪录片,On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace。有多喜欢呢?我甚至做了一张海报邀请我的好朋友们到家里来再看一遍。
这部纪录片里出现了很多知名的瑜伽士,他们在镜头前分享自己的人生和瑜伽哲学,我的好朋友 Tiffany 甚至一直拿着 iPhone 记笔记。看完两遍之后,我印象最深的一句话,是 Gurmukh 分享的:
But be aware, if a teacher wants a lot of money, if a teacher wants to initiate you as his students with no hope of ever becoming a teacher yourself, I would say “run”.
Those were the days, we all have to be teachers now. Yogi Bhajan would say, never die a student, die a teacher. Maybe not of yoga, maybe of photography, maybe of art, maybe of math, but turn around and say, “come on, I might know something, that can help you.”
以前老师就只是老师,但现在我们都必须成为老师。瑜伽士 Bhajan 说过「当一名老师直到死去,而绝不是一个学生」。也许不是瑜伽老师,也许教摄影,也许是教艺术,也许是教数学,但一定要对身边的人说「来问我吧,我也许知道一些可以帮助你的事情」。
Never die a student, die a teacher.