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【国际MVNO快讯】奥地利虚商Hot用户数量增至七十万 新增捆绑服务

众视DVBCN  · 公众号  · 科技媒体  · 2017-05-08 19:03


一、奥地利虚商Hot用户数量增至七十万 新增捆绑服务


Der Standaard报道,奥地利虚拟运营折扣商Hot公司自2015年推出以来,得益于大幅度的降价政策,活跃用户数已累计至70万。Hot公司首席执行官Michael Krammer在新闻发布会上表示,预计新的资费方案出台后客户数量将进一步增长。客户只需花费9.90欧元就能获得4 GBLTE数据(网速高达50 Mbps)和30天的1000分钟通话或短信服务。此资费套餐同时适用于新老客户。此外,Hot公司客户可以申请免费号码。Hot公司运营商的目标是在中期达到一百万客户。


然而,今年六月欧盟漫游法规的实施对Krammer公司产生了些许问题。法规之所以将对小型运营商造成不利影响,是因为他们必须在国外购买昂贵的流量数据包,而对于国际活跃运营商来说,成本将保持在公司内部。因此在国外每买1GB的流量数据,就会花费7.70欧元,而在国内(奥地利),只需花费1.70欧元。虽然国外的流量数据以每年百分之二十的速率降价,这仍对折扣商造成不良影响。Hot公司的首席执行官Michael Krammer预计,此项法规会造成客户每年于此花费7-25欧元。






问及奥地利国内的“十亿宽带”计划实施缓慢时,Michael Krammer回答道第一期的1亿零100万欧元款项(在欧元区仅获得3900万款项)仅用于空管道,这令人非常失望。Krammer表示此支撑项目可惠及前垄断者A1,并重振其摇摇欲坠的固定网络,但这等于是徒劳无益。


Austrian MVNO Hot reaches 700,000 customers. Adds new bundle


Austrian discount MVNO Hot has signed up 700,000 active customers since its launch in 2015, thanks to its sharp prices, Der Standaard reports. Hot CEO Michael Krammer said at a press conference that further growth is expected after the introduction of a new tariff plan. For EUR 9.90 customers get 4 GB of LTE data (up to 50 Mbps) and 1,000 minutes or SMS for 30 days. The tariff applies also for current customers. In addition, clients can port their numbers free to Hot. The operator wants to reach one million clients in the mid term.


However, Krammer’s company expects some problems after the implementation of the EU roaming regulation from June. It will disadvantage small operators, because they have to purchase expensive data packages abroad, while for internationally active operators the costs will remain within the company. One GB data thus costs EUR 7.70 abroad, while in Austria it is around EUR 1.70. Although the prices abroad fall by 20 percent a year, it will negatively affect discounter operators. The CEO of Hot estimates that the regulation will result in costs of EUR 7-25 per year per customer.


It does not plan to increase its prices though. It is not clear yet how the operator will handle the roaming impact. It might be possible that Hot will use the exceptions allowed in the roaming rules and charge additional fees. Krammer said he would prefer that wholesale prices for data abroad would be adjusted to the same level as those in the domestic market.


Krammer has several other plans for this year. In the first half, he will start a mobile operator in Slovenia. In addition, Ventocom, the mother company of Hot, will build a call centre. Krammer said they would create 25-30 new jobs. He is very satisfied with the cooperation with the food discounter Hofer, although the importance of physical sales is decreasing. Currently 60 percent of top-ups are done via the internet.


Asked about the slow implementation of the ‘broadband billion’ in Austria, he said it was disappointing the first tranche of EUR 101 million, of which municipalities obtained only EUR 39 million, went only to empty ducts. Krammer said that the support programme benefits the ex-monopolist A1 to revive its crumbling fixed network, which is the equivalent of providing “a dead horse with a new saddle”.


二、enVie Wireless关停H2O Verizon虚商业务


据报道,美国虚商enVie Wireless公司发送电子邮件通知其各经销商,该公司将全面停止虚商业务 该虚商在通知中向经销商表明其关停原因为持续的潜在载体问题并且在公司官网上发布了正式通知,该通知为因为不乐观的现状已超出我们的基本控制能力,所以我们已暂停所有enVie Mobile服务,但这并不影响H2O, H2O Bolt easyGO的服务。需要重启服务请拨打客服电话1 800-420-6981。如有不便,我司深表歉意


enVie Wireless, a H2O Verizon MVNO is Shutting Down


US MVNO enVie Wireless has reportedly sent an email to its dealers informing them that the MVNO would be shutting down with immediately effect. The MVNO cited “persistent underlying carrier issues” in a note informing dealers of the move, and has now made a formal notice on its homepage: “Due to circumstances beyond our control with our underlying carrier, all enVie Mobile services has been suspended. This does not affect the services on H2O, H2O Bolt and easyGO. Please contact Customer Service at 1 800-420-6981 about re-establishing your service. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.”


三、Coopmobile统一费用 将流量从2 GB升级至 5 GB


瑞士虚商Coopmobile对旗下产品Swiss Abo套餐进行促销活动,旨在向今年425日至529日登记报名的用户提供5 GB流量套餐,代替原2 GB流量套餐。之后Swiss Abo又推出一款价值29.90瑞士法郎/月的套餐,该套餐可在瑞士实现无限通话和短信。此促销活动仅适用于Sim卡用户。活动期间,用户一次性支付40瑞士法郎即可获得一张Sim卡,且Sim卡有60天的通知期限。

Coopmobile offers flatrate with 5 GB instead of 2 GB

Swiss MVNO Coopmobile has launched a promotion for its flatrate tariff Swiss Flat Abo offering 5 GB instead of 2 GB for customer signing up between 25 April and 29 May of this year. The Swiss Flat Abo further offers unlimited calls and SMSs within Switzerland for CHF 29.90 a month. The promotion is only available for Sim-only which has a 60 days' notice period and a onetime fee of CHF 40 for the Sim card.